Chapter 12 - Good Times

Every one was very kind to Ben when his loss was known. The Squirewrote to Mr. Smithers that the boy had found friends and would staywhere he was. Mrs. Moss consoled him in her motherly way, and the littlegirls did their very best to "be good to poor Benny." But Miss Celia washis truest comforter, and completely won his heart, not only by thefriendly words she said and the pleasant things she did, but by theunspoken sympathy which showed itself just at the right minute, in alook, a touch, a smile, more helpful than any amount of condolence. Shecalled him "my man," and Ben tried to be one, bearing his trouble sobravely that she respected him. although he was only a little boy,because it promised well for the future.

Then she was so happy herself, it was impossible for those about her tobe sad, and Ben soon grew cheerful again in spite of the very tendermemory of his father laid quietly away in the safest corner of hisheart. He would have been a very unboyish boy if he had not been happy,for the new place was such a pleasant one, he soon felt as if, for thefirst time, he really had a home. No more grubbing now, but daily taskswhich never grew tiresome, they were so varied and so light. No morecross Pats to try his temper, but the sweetest mistress that ever was,since praise was oftener on her lips than blame, and gratitude madewilling service a delight.

At first, it seemed as if there was going to be trouble between the twoboys; for Thorny was naturally masterful, and illness had left him weakand nervous, so he was often both domineering and petulant. Ben had beentaught instant obedience to those older than him self, and if Thorny hadbeen a man Ben would have made no complaint; but it was hard to be"ordered round" by a boy, and an unreasonable one into the bargain.

A word from Miss Celia blew away the threatening cloud, however; and forher sake her brother promised to try to be patient; for her sake Bendeclared he never would "get mad" if Mr. Thorny did fidget; and bothvery soon forgot all about master and man and lived together like twofriendly lads, taking each other's ups and downs good-naturedly, andfinding mutual pleasure and profit in the new companionship.

The only point on which they never could agree was legs, and many ahearty laugh did they give Miss Celia by their warm and seriousdiscussion of this vexed question. Thorny insisted that Ben wasbowlegged; Ben resented the epithet, and declared that the legs of allgood horsemen must have a slight curve, and any one who knew any thingabout the matter would acknowledge both its necessity and its beauty.Then Thorny Would observe that it might be all very well in the saddle,but it made a man waddle like a duck when afoot; whereat Ben wouldretort that, for his part, he would rather waddle like a duck thantumble about like a horse with the staggers. He had his opponent there,for poor Thorny did look very like a weak-kneed colt when he tried towalk; but he would never own it, and came down upon Ben with crushingallusions to centaurs, or the Greeks and Romans, who were famous bothfor their horsemanship and fine limbs. Ben could not answer that, exceptby proudly referring to the chariot-races copied from the ancients, inwhich he had borne a part, which was more than some folks with long legscould say. Gentlemen never did that sort of thing, nor did they twittheir best friends with their misfortunes, Thorny would remark; castinga pensive glance at his thin hands, longing the while to give Ben a goodshaking. This hint would remind the other of his young master's latesufferings and all he owed his dear mistress; and he usually ended thecontroversy by turning a few lively somersaults as a vent for hisswelling wrath, and come up with his temper all right again. Or, ifThorny happened to be in the wheeled chair, he would trot him round thegarden at a pace which nearly took his breath away, thereby proving thatif "bow-legs" were not beautiful to some benighted beings they were"good to go."

Thorny liked that, and would drop the subject for the time by politelyintroducing some more agreeable topic; so the impending quarrel wouldend in a laugh over some boyish joke, and the word "legs" be avoided bymutual consent till accident brought it up again.

The spirit of rivalry is hidden in the best of us, and is a helpful andinspiring power if we know how to use it. Miss Celia knew this, andtried to make the lads help one another by means of it, - not inboastful or ungenerous comparison of each other's gifts, but byinterchanging them, giving and taking freely, kindly, and being glad tolove what was admirable wherever they found it. Thorny admired Ben'sstrength, activity, and independence; Ben envied Thorny's learning,good manners, and comfortable surroundings; and, when a wise word hadset the matter rightly before them, both enjoyed the feeling that therewas a certain equality between them, since money could not buy health,and practical knowledge was as useful as any that can be found in books.So they interchanged their small experiences, accomplishments, andpleasures, and both were the better, as well as the happier, for it;because in this way only can we truly love our neighbor as ourself, andget the real sweetness out of life.

There was no end to the new and pleasant things Ben had to do, fromkeeping paths and flower-beds neat, feeding the pets, and runningerrands, to waiting on Thorny and being right-hand man to Miss Celia. Hehad a little room in the old house, newly papered with hunting scenes,which he was never tired of admiring. In the closet hung severalout-grown suits of Thorny's, made over for his valet; and, what Benvalued infinitely more, a pair of boots, well blacked and ready forgrand occasions, when he rode abroad, with one old spur, found in theattic, brightened up and merely worn for show, since nothing would haveinduced him to prick beloved Lita with it.

Many pictures, cut from illustrated papers, of races, animals, andbirds, were stuck round the room, giving it rather the air of a circusand menagerie. This, however, made it only the more home-like to itspresent owner, who felt exceedingly rich and respectable as he surveyedhis premises; almost like a retired showman who still fondly rememberspast successes, though now happy in the more private walks of life.

In one drawer of the quaint little bureau which he used, were kept therelics of his father; very few and poor, and of no interest to any onebut himself, - only the letter telling of his death, a worn-outwatch-chain, and a photograph of Senor Jose Montebello, with hisyouthful son standing on his head, both airily attired, and both smilingwith the calmly superior expression which gentlemen of their professionusually wear in public. Ben's other treasures had been stolen with hisbundle; but these he cherished and often looked at when he went to bed,wondering what heaven was like, since it was lovelier than California,and usually fell asleep with a dreamy impression that it must besomething like America when Columbus found it, - "a pleasant land,where were gay flowers and tall trees, with leaves and fruit such asthey had never seen before." And through this happy hunting-ground"father" was for ever riding on a beautiful white horse with wings, likethe one of which Miss Celia had a picture.

Nice times Ben had in his little room poring over his books, for he soonhad several of his own; but his favorites were Hamerton's "Animals" and"Our Dumb Friends," both full of interesting pictures and anecdotes suchas boys love. Still nicer times working about the house, helping getthings in order; and best of all were the daily drives with Miss Celiaand Thorny, when weather permitted, or solitary rides to town throughthe heaviest rain, for certain letters must go and come, no matter howthe elements raged. The neighbors soon got used to the "antics of thatboy," but Ben knew that he was an object of interest as he careered downthe main street in a way that made old ladies cry out and brought peopleflying to the window, sure that some one was being run away with. Litaenjoyed the fun as much as he, and apparently did her best to send himheels over head, having rapidly earned to understand the signs he gaveher by the touch of hand and foot, or the tones of his voice.

These performances caused the boys to regard Ben Brown with intenseadmiration, the girls with timid awe, all but Bab, who burned to imitatehim, and tried her best whenever she got a chance, much to the anguishand dismay of poor Jack, for that long-suffering animal was the onlysteed she was allowed to ride. Fortunately, neither she nor Betty hadmuch time for play just now, as school was about to close for the longvacation, and all the little people were busy finishing up, that theymight go to play with free minds. So the "lilac-parties," as they calledthem, were deferred till later, and the lads amused themselves in theirown way, with Miss Celia to suggest and advise.

It took Thorny a long time to arrange his possessions, for he could onlydirect while Ben unpacked, wondering and admiring as he worked, becausehe had never seen so many boyish treasures before. The littleprinting-press was his especial delight, and leaving every thing else inconfusion, Thorny taught him its and planned a newspaper on the spot,with Ben for printer, himself for editor, and "Sister" for chiefcontributor, while Bab should be carrier and Betty office-boy. Next camea postage-stamp book, and a rainy day was happily spent in pasting a newcollection where each particular one belonged, with copious explanationsfrom Thorny as they went along. Ben did not feel any great interest inthis amusement after one trial of it, but when a book containingpatterns of the flags of all nations turned up, he was seized with adesire to copy them all, so that the house could be fitly decorated ongala occasions. Finding that it amused her brother, Miss Celiagenerously opened her piece-drawer and rag-bag, and as the mania grewtill her resources were exhausted, she bought bits of gay cambric andmany-colored papers, and startled the store-keeper by purchasing severalbottles of mucilage at once. Bab and Betty were invited to sew thebright strips of stars, and pricked their little fingers assiduously,finding this sort of needle-work much more attractive than piecing bed-quilts.

Such a snipping and pasting, planning and stitching as went on in thebig back room, which was given up to them, and such a noble array ofbanners and petitions as soon decorated its walls, would have caused thedullest eye to brighten with amusement, if not with admiration. Ofcourse, the Stars and Stripes hung highest, with the English lionramping on the royal standard close by; then followed a regularpicture-gallery, for there was the white elephant of Siam, the splendidpeacock of Burmah, the double-headed Russian eagle, and black dragon ofChina, the winged lion of Venice, and the prancing pair on the red,white, and blue flag of Holland. The keys and mitre of the Papal Stateswere a hard job, but up they went at last, with the yellow crescent ofTurkey on one side and the red full moon of Japan on the other; thepretty blue and white flag of Greece hung below and the cross of freeSwitzerland above. If materials had held out, the flags of all theUnited States would have followed; but paste and patience wereexhausted, so the busy workers rested awhile before they "flung theirbanner to the breeze," as the newspapers have it.

A spell of ship-building and rigging followed the flag fit; for Thorny,feeling too old now for such toys, made over his whole fleet to "thechildren," condescending, however, to superintend a thorough repairingof the same before he disposed of all but the big man-of-war, whichcontinued to ornament his own room, with all sail set and a little redofficer perpetually waving his sword on the quarter-deck.

These gifts led to out-of-door water-works, for the brook had to bedammed up, that a shallow ocean might be made, where Ben's piratical"Red Rover," with the black flag, might chase and capture Bab's smartfrigate, "Queen," while the "Bounding Betsey," laden with lumber, safelysailed from Kennebunkport to Massachusetts Bay. Thorny, from his chair,was chief-engineer, and directed his gang of one how to dig the basin,throw up the embankment, and finally let in the water till the mimicocean was full; then regulate the little water-gate, lest it shouldoverflow and wreck the pretty squadron or ships, boats, canoes, andrafts, which soon rode at anchor there.

Digging and paddling in mud and water proved such a delightful pastimethat the boys kept it up, till a series of water-wheels, little millsand cataracts made the once quiet brook look as if a manufacturing townwas about to spring up where hitherto minnows had played in peace and the retiring frog had chanted his serenade unmolested.

Miss Celia liked all this, for any thing which would keep Thorny happyout-of-doors in the sweet June weather found favor in her eyes, and whenthe novelty had worn off from home affairs, she planned a series ofexploring expeditions which filled their boyish souls with delight. Asnone of them knew much about the place, it really was quite exciting tostart off on a bright morning with a roll of wraps and cushions, lunch,books, and drawing materials packed into the phaeton, and drive atrandom about the shady roads and lanes, pausing when and where theyliked. Wonderful discoveries were made, pretty places were named, planswere drawn, and all sorts of merry adventures befell the pilgrims.

Each day they camped in a new spot, and while Lita nibbled the freshgrass at her ease, Miss Celia sketched under the big umbrella, Thornyread or lounged or slept on his rubber blanket, and Ben made himselfgenerally useful. Unloading, filling the artist's water-bottle, pilingthe invalid's cushions, setting out the lunch, running to and fro for aBower or a butterfly, climbing a tree to report the view, reading,chatting, or frolicking with Sancho, - any sort of duty was in Ben'sline, and he did them all well, for an out-of-door life was natural tohim and he liked it.

"Ben, I want an amanuensis," said Thorny, dropping book and pencil oneday after a brief interval of silence, broken only by the whisper of theyoung leaves overhead and the soft babble of the brook close by.

"A what?" asked Ben, pushing back his hat with such an air of amazementthat Thorny rather loftily inquired:

"Don't you know what an amanuensis is?"

"Well, no; not unless it's some relation to an anaconda. Shouldn't thinkyou'd want one of them, anyway."

Thorny rolled over with a hoot of derision, and his sister, who satclose by, sketching an old gate, looked up to see what was going on.

"Well, you needn't laugh at a feller. You didn't know what a wombat waswhen I asked you, and I didn't roar," said Ben, giving his hat a slap,as nothing else was handy.

"The idea of wanting an anaconda tickled me so, I couldn't help it. Idare say you'd have got me one if I had asked for it, you are such anobliging chap,"

"Of course I would if I could. Shouldn't be surprised if you did someday, you want such funny things," answered Ben, appeased by thecompliment.

"I'll try the amanuensis first. It's only some one to write for me; Iget so tired doing it without a table. You write well enough, and itwill be good for you to know something about botany. I intend to teachyou, Ben," said Thorny, as if conferring a great favor.

"It looks pretty hard," muttered Ben, with a doleful Glance at the booklaid open upon a strew of torn leaves and flowers.

"No, it isn't; it's regularly jolly; and you'd be no end of a help ifyou only knew a little. Now, suppose I say, 'Bring me a "ranunculusbulbosus,"' how would you know what I wanted?" demanded Thorny, wavinghis microscope with a learned air.


"There are quantities of them all round us; and I want to analyze one. See if you can't guess."

Ben stared vaguely from earth to sky, and was about to give it up, whena buttercup fell at his feet, and he caught sight of Miss Celia smilingat him from behind her brother, who did not see the flower.

"S'pose you mean this? I don't call 'em rhinocerus bulburses, so Iwasn't sure." And, taking the hint as quickly as it was given, Benpresented the buttercup as if he knew all about it.

"You guessed that remarkably well. Now bring me a 'leontodontaraxacum,'" said Thorny, charmed with the quickness of his pupil, andglad to display his learning.

Again Ben gazed, but the field was full of early flowers; and, if a longpencil had not pointed to a dandelion close by, he would have been lost.

"Here you are, sir," he answered with a chuckle and Thorny took his turnat being astonished now.

"How the dickens did you know that?"

"Try it again, and may be you'll find out," laughed Ben.

Diving hap-hazard into his book, Thorny demanded a "trifolium pratense."

The clever pencil pointed, and Ben brought a red clover, mightilyenjoying the joke, and thinking that their kind of botany wasn't badfun.

"Look here, no fooling!" and Thorny sat up to investigate the matter, soquickly that his sister had not time to sober down. "Ah, I've caughtyou! Not fair to tell, Celia. Now, Ben, you've got to learn all aboutthis buttercup, to pay for cheating."

"Werry good, sir; bring on your rhinoceriouses," answered Ben, whocouldn't help imitating his old friend the clown when he feltparticularly jolly.

"Sit there and write what I tell you," ordered Thorny, with all theseverity of a strict schoolmaster. Perching himself on the mossy stump,Ben obediently floundered through the following analysis, with constanthelp in the spelling, and much private wonder what would come of it: -

"Phaenogamous. Exogenous. Angiosperm. Polypetalous. Stamens, morethan ten. Stamens on the receptacle. Pistils, more than one andseparate. Leaves without stipules. Crowfoot family. Genus ranunculus.Botanical name, Ranunculus bulbosus."

"Jerusalem! what a flower! Pistols and crows' feet, and Polly put thekettles on, and Angy sperms and all the rest of 'em! If that's yourbotany, I won't take any more, thank you," said Ben, as he paused as hotand red as if he had been running a race.

"Yes, you Will; you'll learn that all by heart, and then I shall giveyou a dandelion to do. You'll like that, because it means dent de lion,or lion's tooth; and I'll show them to you through my glass. You've noidea how interesting it is, and what heaps of pretty things you'll see,"answered Thorny, who had already discovered how charming the study was,and had found great satisfaction in it, since he had been forbidden moreactive pleasures.

"What's the good of it, anyway?" asked Ben, who would rather have beenset to mowing the big field than to the task before him.

"It tells all about it in my book here, - 'Gray's Botany for YoungPeople.' But I can tell you what use it is to us," continued Thorny,crossing his legs in the air and preparing to argue the matter,comfortably lying flat on his back. "We are a Scientific ExplorationSociety, and we must keep an account of all the plants, animals,minerals, and so on, as we come across them. Then, suppose we get lost,and have to hunt for food, how are we to know what is safe and whatisn't? Come, now, do you know the difference between a toadstool and amushroom?"

"No, I don't."

"Then I'll teach you some day. There is sweet flag and poisonous flag,and all sorts of berries and things; and you'd better look out when youare in the woods, or you'll touch ivy and dogwood, and have a horridtime, if you don't know your botany."

"Thorny learned much of his by sad experience; and you will be wise totake his advice," said Miss Celia, recalling her brother's variousmishaps before the new fancy came on.

"Didn't I have a time of it, though, when I had to go round for a weekwith plantain leaves and cream stuck all over my face! Just picked somepretty red dogwood, Ben; and then I was a regular guy, with a face likea lobster, and my eyes swelled out of sight. Come along, and learn rightaway, and never get into scrapes like most fellows."

Impressed by this warning, and attracted by Thorny's enthusiasm, Bencast himself down upon the blanket, and for an hour the two heads bobbedto and fro, from microscope to book, the teacher airing his smallknowledge, the pupil more and more interested in the new and curiousthings he saw or heard, - though it must be confessed that Beninfinitely preferred to watch ants and bugs, queer little worms andgauzy-winged flies, rather than "putter" over plants with long names. Hedid not dare to say so, however; but, when Thorny asked him if it wasn'tcapital fun, he dodged cleverly by proposing to hunt up the flowers forhis master to study, offering to learn about the dangerous ones, butpleading want of time to investigate this pleasing science very deeply.

As Thorny had talked himself hoarse, he was very ready to dismiss hisclass of one to fish the milk-bottle out of the brook; and recess wasprolonged till next day. But both boys found a new pleasure in thepretty pastime they made of it; for active Ben ranged the woods andfields with a tin box slung over his shoulder, and feeble Thorny had alittle room fitted up for his own use, where he pressed flowers innewspaper books, dried herbs on the walls, had bottles and cups, pansand platters, for his treasures, and made as much litter as he liked.

Presently, Ben brought such lively accounts of the green nooks wherejacks-in-the-pulpit preached their little sermons; brooks, beside whichgrew blue violets and lovely ferns; rocks, round which danced thecolumbines like rosy elves, or the trees where birds built, squirrelschattered, and woodchucks burrowed, that Thorny was seized with a desireto go and see these beauties for himself. So Jack was saddled, and wentplodding, scrambling, and wandering into all manner of pleasant places,always bringing home a stronger, browner rider than he carried away.

This delighted Miss Celia; and she gladly saw them ramble off together,leaving her time to stitch happily at certain dainty bits of sewing,write voluminous letters, or dream over others quite as long, swingingin her hammock under the lilacs.