Chapter 1 - Coming Home

Three young men stood together on a wharf one bright Octoberday awaiting the arrival of an ocean steamer with an impatiencewhich found a vent in lively skirmishes with a small lad, whopervaded the premises like a will-o'-the-wisp and afforded muchamusement to the other groups assembled there.

"They are the Campbells, waiting for their cousin, who has beenabroad several years with her uncle, the doctor," whispered onelady to another as the handsomest of the young men touched hishat to her as he passed, lugging the boy, whom he had just rescuedfrom a little expedition down among the piles.

"Which is that?" asked the stranger.

"Prince Charlie, as he's called a fine fellow, the most promising ofthe seven, but a little fast, people say," answered the first speakerwith a shake of the head.

"Are the others his brothers?"

"No, cousins. The elder is Archie, a most exemplary young man.He has just gone into business with the merchant uncle and bidsfair to be an honor to his family. The other, with the eyeglassesand no gloves, is Mac, the odd one, just out of college."

"And the boy?"

"Oh, he is Jamie, the youngest brother of Archibald, and the pet ofthe whole family. Mercy on us he'll be in if they don't hold on tohim!"

The ladies' chat came to a sudden end just there, for by the timeJamie had been fished out of a hogshead, the steamer hove in sightand everything else was forgotten. As it swung slowly around toenter the dock, a boyish voice shouted, "There she is! I see her andUncle and Phebe! Hooray for Cousin Rose!" And three smallcheers were given with a will by Jamie as he stood on a postwaving his arms like a windmill while his brother held onto thetail of his jacket.

Yes, there they were Uncle Alec swinging his hat like a boy, withPhebe smiling and nodding on one side and Rose kissing bothhands delightedly on the other as she recognized familiar faces andheard familiar voices welcoming her home.

"Bless her dear heart, she's bonnier than ever! Looks like aMadonna doesn't she? with that blue cloak round her, and herbright hair flying in the wind!" said Charlie excitedly as theywatched the group upon the deck with eager eyes.

"Madonnas don't wear hats like that. Rose hasn't changed much,but Phebe has. Why, she's a regular beauty!" answered Archie,staring with all his might at the dark-eyed young woman with thebrilliant color and glossy black braids shining in the sun.

"Dear old Uncle! Doesn't it seem good to have him back?" was allMac said, but he was not looking at "dear old uncle" as he madethe fervent remark, for he saw only the slender blond girl nearbyand stretched out his hands to meet hers, forgetful of the greenwater tumbling between them.

During the confusion that reigned for a moment as the steamersettled to her moorings, Rose looked down into the four facesupturned to hers and seemed to read in them something that bothpleased and pained her. It was only a glance, and her own eyeswere full, but through the mist of happy tears she received theimpression that Archie was about the same, that Mac haddecidedly improved, and that something was amiss with Charlie.There was no time for observation, however, for in a moment theshoreward rush began, and before she could grasp her travelingbag, Jamie was clinging to her like an ecstatic young bear. She waswith difficulty released from his embrace to fall into the gentlerones of the elder cousins, who took advantage of the generalexcitement to welcome both blooming girls with affectionateimpartiality. Then the wanderers were borne ashore in a triumphalprocession, while Jamie danced rapturous jigs before them even onthe gangway.

Archie remained to help his uncle get the luggage through theCustom House, and the others escorted the damsels home. Nosooner were they shut up in a carriage, however, than a new andcurious constraint seemed to fall upon the young people, for theyrealized, all at once, that their former playmates were men andwomen now. Fortunately, Jamie was quite free from this feeling ofrestraint and, sitting bodkinwise between the ladies, took all sortsof liberties with them and their belongings.

"Well, my mannikin, what do you think of us?" asked Rose, tobreak an awkward pause.

"You've both grown so pretty, I can't decide which I like best.Phebe is the biggest and brightest-looking, and I was always fondof Phebe, but somehow you are so kind of sweet and precious, Ireally think I must hug you again," and the small youth did ittempestuously.

"If you love me best, I shall not mind a bit about your thinkingPhebe the handsomest, because she is. Isn't she, boys?" askedRose, with a mischievous look at the gentlemen opposite, whosefaces expressed a respectful admiration which much amused her.

"I'm so dazzled by the brilliancy and beauty that has suddenly burstupon me, I have no words to express my emotions," answeredCharlie, gallantly dodging the dangerous question.

"I can't say yet, for I have not had time to look at anyone. I willnow, if you don't mind." And, to the great amusement of the rest,Mac gravely adjusted his eyeglasses and took an observation.

"Well?" said Phebe, smiling and blushing under his honest stare,yet seeming not to resent it as she did the lordly sort of approvalwhich made her answer the glance of Charlie's audacious blue eyeswith a flash of her black ones.

"I think if you were my sister, I should be very proud of you,because your face shows what I admire more than its beauty truthand courage, Phebe," answered Mac with a little bow full of suchgenuine respect that surprise and pleasure brought a sudden dew toquench the fire of the girl's eyes and soothe the sensitive pride ofthe girl's heart.

Rose clapped her hands just as she used to do when anythingdelighted her, and beamed at Mac approvingly as she said: "Nowthat's a criticism worth having, and we are much obliged. I wassure you'd admire my Phebe when you knew her, but I didn'tbelieve you would be wise enough to see it at once, and you havegone up many pegs in my estimation, I assure you."

"I was always fond of mineralogy you remember, and I've beentapping round a good deal lately, so I've learned to know preciousmetals when I see them," Mac said with his shrewd smile.

"That is the latest hobby, then? Your letters have amused usimmensely, for each one had a new theory or experiment, and thelatest was always the best. I thought Uncle would have died oflaughter over the vegetarian mania it was so funny to imagine youliving on bread and milk, baked apples, and potatoes roasted inyour own fire," continued Rose, changing the subject again.

"This old chap was the laughingstock of his class. They called himDon Quixote, and the way he went at windmills of all sorts was asight to see," put in Charlie, evidently feeling that Mac had beenpatted on the head quite as much as was good for him.

"But in spite of that the Don got through college with all thehonors. Oh, wasn't I proud when Aunt Jane wrote to us about it anddidn't she rejoice that her boy kept at the head of his class and wonthe medal!" cried Rose, shaking Mac by both hands in a way thatcaused Charlie to wish "the old chap" had been left behind withDr. Alec.

"Oh, come, that's all Mother's nonsense. I began earlier than theother fellows and liked it better, so I don't deserve any praise.Prince is right, though. I did make a regular jack of myself, but onthe whole I'm not sure that my wild oats weren't better than someI've seen sowed. Anyway, they didn't cost much, and I'm none theworse for them," said Mac placidly.

"I know what 'wild oats' means. I heard Uncle Mac say Charlie wassowing 'em too fast, and I asked Mama, so she told me. And Iknow that he was suspelled or expended, I don't remember which,but it was something bad, and Aunt Clara cried," added Jamie allin one breath, for he possessed a fatal gift of making malaproposremarks, which caused him to be a terror to his family.

"Do you want to go on the box again?" demanded Prince with awarning frown.

"No, I don't."

"Then hold your tongue."

"Well, Mac needn't kick me, for I was only..." began the culprit,innocently trying to make a bad matter worse.

"That will do," interrupted Charlie sternly, and James subsided, acrushed boy, consoling himself with Rose's new watch for theindignities he suffered at the hands of the "old fellows" as hevengefully called his elders.

Mac and Charlie immediately began to talk as hard as theirtongues could wag, bringing up all sorts of pleasant subjects sosuccessfully that peals of laughter made passersby look after themerry load with sympathetic smiles.

An avalanche of aunts fell upon Rose as soon as she reachedhome, and for the rest of the day the old house buzzed like abeehive. Evening found the whole tribe collected in the drawingrooms, with the exception of Aunt Peace, whose place was emptynow.

Naturally enough, the elders settled into one group after a while,and the young fellows clustered about the girls like butterfliesaround two attractive flowers. Dr. Alec was the central figure inone room and Rose in the other, for the little girl, whom they hadall loved and petted, had bloomed into a woman, and two years ofabsence had wrought a curious change in the relative positions ofthe cousins, especially the three elder ones, who eyed her with amixture of boyish affection and manly admiration that was bothnew and pleasant.

Something sweet yet spirited about her charmed them and piquedtheir curiosity, for she was not quite like other girls, and ratherstartled them now and then by some independent little speech oract which made them look at one another with a sly smile, as ifreminded that Rose was "Uncle's girl."

Let us listen, as in duty bound, to what the elders are saying first,for they are already building castles in air for the boys and girls toinhabit.

"Dear child how nice it is to see her safely back, so well and happyand like her sweet little self!" said Aunt Plenty, folding her handsas if giving thanks for a great happiness.

"I shouldn't wonder if you found that you'd brought a firebrand intothe family, Alec. Two, in fact, for Phebe is a fine girl, and the ladshave found it out already if I'm not mistaken," added Uncle Mac,with a nod toward the other room.

All eyes followed his, and a highly suggestive tableau presenteditself to the paternal and maternal audience in the back parlor.

Rose and Phebe, sitting side by side on the sofa, had evidentlyassumed at once the places which they were destined to fill byright of youth, sex, and beauty, for Phebe had long since ceased tobe the maid and become the friend, and Rose meant to have thatfact established at once.

Jamie occupied the rug, on which Will and Geordie stood at ease,showing their uniforms to the best advantage, for they were now ina great school, where military drill was the delight of their souls.Steve posed gracefully in an armchair, with Mac lounging over theback of it, while Archie leaned on one corner of the lowchimneypiece, looking down at Phebe as she listened to his chatwith smiling lips and cheeks almost as rich in color as thecarnations in her belt.

But Charlie was particularly effective, although he sat upon amusic stool, that most trying position for any man not gifted withgrace in the management of his legs. Fortunately Prince was, andhad fallen into an easy attitude, with one arm over the back of thesofa, his handsome head bent a little, as he monopolized Rose,with a devoted air and a very becoming expression of contentmenton his face.

Aunt Clara smiled as if well pleased; Aunt Jessie lookedthoughtful; Aunt Jane's keen eyes went from dapper Steve tobroad-shouldered Mac with an anxious glance; Mrs. Myramurmured something about her "blessed Caroline"; and AuntPlenty said warmly, "Bless the dears! Anyone might be proud ofsuch a bonny flock of bairns as that."

"I am all ready to play chaperon as soon as you please, Alec, for Isuppose the dear girl will come out at once, as she did not beforeyou went away. My services won't be wanted long, I fancy, forwith her many advantages she will be carried off in her first seasonor I'm much mistaken," said Mrs. Clara, with significant nods andsmiles.

"You must settle all those matters with Rose. I am no longercaptain, only first mate now, you know," answered Dr. Alec,adding soberly, half to himself, half to his brother, "I wonderpeople are in such haste to 'bring out' their daughters, as it's called.To me there is something almost pathetic in the sight of a younggirl standing on the threshold of the world, so innocent andhopeful, so ignorant of all that lies before her, and usually so illprepared to meet the ups and downs of life. We do our duty betterby the boys, but the poor little women are seldom provided withany armor worth having, and sooner or later they are sure to needit, for every one must fight her own battle, and only the brave andstrong can win."

"You can't reproach yourself with neglect of that sort, Alec, foryou have done your duty faithfully by George's girl, and I envy youthe pride and happiness of having such a daughter, for she is thatto you," answered old Mac, unexpectedly betraying the paternalsort of tenderness men seldom feel for their sons.

"I've tried, Mac, and I am both proud and happy, but with everyyear my anxiety seems to increase. I've done my best to fit Rosefor what may come, as far as I can foresee it, but now she muststand alone, and all my care is powerless to keep her heart fromaching, her life from being saddened by mistakes, or thwarted bythe acts of others. I can only stand ready to share her joy andsorrow and watch her shape her life."

"Why, Alec, what is the child going to do that you need look sosolemn?" exclaimed Mrs. Clara, who seemed to have assumed asort of right to Rose already.

"Hark! And let her tell you herself," answered Dr. Alec, as Rose'svoice was heard saying very earnestly, "Now, you have all toldyour plans for the future, why don't you ask us ours?"

"Because we know that there is only one thing for a pretty girl todo break a dozen or so hearts before she finds one to suit, thenmarry and settle," answered Charlie, as if no other reply waspossible.

"That may be the case with many, but not with us, for Phebe and Ibelieve that it is as much a right and a duty for women to dosomething with their lives as for men, and we are not going to besatisfied with such frivolous parts as you give us," cried Rose withkindling eyes. "I mean what I say, and you cannot laugh me down.Would you be contented to be told to enjoy yourself for a littlewhile, then marry and do nothing more till you die?" she added,turning to Archie.

"Of course not that is only a part of a man's life," he answereddecidedly.

"A very precious and lovely part, but not all," continued Rose."Neither should it be for a woman, for we've got minds and soulsas well as hearts; ambition and talents as well as beauty andaccomplishments; and we want to live and learn as well as loveand be loved. I'm sick of being told that is all a woman is fit for! Iwon't have anything to do with love till I prove that I amsomething besides a housekeeper and baby-tender!"

"Heaven preserve us! Here's woman's rights with a vengeance!"cried Charlie, starting up with mock horror, while the othersregarded Rose with mingled surprise and amusement, evidentlyfancying it all a girlish outbreak.

"Ah, you needn't pretend to be shocked you will be in earnestpresently, for this is only the beginning of my strong-mindedness,"continued Rose, nothing daunted by the smiles of good-naturedincredulity or derision on the faces of her cousins. "I have made upmy mind not to be cheated out of the real things that make onegood and happy and, just because I'm a rich girl, fold my handsand drift as so many do. I haven't lived with Phebe all these yearsin vain. I know what courage and self-reliance can do for one, andI sometimes wish I hadn't a penny in the world so that I could goand earn my bread with her, and be as brave and independent asshe will be pretty soon."

It was evident that Rose was in earnest now, for as she spoke sheturned to her friend with such respect as well as love in her facethat the look told better than any words how heartily the rich girlappreciated the virtues hard experience had given the poor girl,and how eagerly she desired to earn what all her fortune could notbuy for her.

Something in the glance exchanged between the friends impressedthe young men in spite of their prejudices, and it was in a perfectlyserious tone that Archie said, "I fancy you'll find your hands full,Cousin, if you want work, for I've heard people say that wealth hasits troubles and trials as well as poverty."

"I know it, and I'm going to try and fill my place well. I've gotsome capital little plans all made, and have begun to study myprofession already," answered Rose with an energetic nod.

"Could I ask what it is to be?" inquired Charlie in a tone of awe.

"Guess!" and Rose looked up at him with an expressionhalf-earnest, half-merry.

"Well, I should say that you were fitted for a beauty and a belle,but as that is evidently not to your taste, I am afraid you are goingto study medicine and be a doctor. Won't your patients have aheavenly time though? It will be easy dying with an angel topoison them."

"Now, Charlie, that's base of you, when you know how wellwomen have succeeded in this profession and what a comfort Dr.Mary Kirk was to dear Aunt Peace. I did want to study medicine,but Uncle thought it wouldn't do to have so many M.D.'s in onefamily, since Mac thinks of trying it. Besides, I seem to have otherwork put into my hands that I am better fitted for."

"You are fitted for anything that is generous and good, and I'llstand by you, no matter what you've chosen," cried Mac heartily,for this was a new style of talk from a girl's lips, and he liked itimmensely.

"Philanthropy is a generous, good, and beautiful profession, andI've chosen it for mine because I have much to give. I'm only thesteward of the fortune Papa left me, and I think, if I use it wiselyfor the happiness of others, it will be more blest than if I keep it allfor myself."

Very sweetly and simply was this said, but it was curious to seehow differently the various hearers received it.

Charlie shot a quick look at his mother, who exclaimed, as if inspite of herself, "Now, Alec, are you going to let that girl squandera fine fortune on all sorts of charitable nonsense and wild schemesfor the prevention of pauperism and crime?"

"'They who give to the poor lend to the Lord,' and practicalChristianity is the kind He loves the best," was all Dr. Alecanswered, but it silenced the aunts and caused even prudent UncleMac to think with sudden satisfaction of certain secret investmentshe had made which paid him no interest but the thanks of the poor.

Archie and Mac looked well pleased and promised their adviceand assistance with the enthusiasm of generous young hearts.Steve shook his head, but said nothing, and the lads on the rug atonce proposed founding a hospital for invalid dogs and horses,white mice, and wounded heroes.

"Don't you think that will be a better way for a woman to spend herlife than in dancing, dressing, and husband-hunting, Charlie?"asked Rose, observing his silence and anxious for his approval.

"Very pretty for a little while, and very effective too, for I don'tknow anything more captivating than a sweet girl in a meek littlebonnet going on charitable errands and glorifying poor people'shouses with a delightful mixture of beauty and benevolence.Fortunately, the dear souls soon tire of it, but it's heavenly while itlasts."

Charlie spoke in a tone of mingled admiration and contempt, andsmiled a superior sort of smile, as if he understood all the innocentdelusions as well as the artful devices of the sex and expectednothing more from them. It both surprised and grieved Rose, for itdid not sound like the Charlie she had left two years ago. But sheonly said, with a reproachful look and a proud little gesture ofhead and hand, as if she put the subject aside since it was nottreated with respect: "I am sorry you have so low an opinion ofwomen. There was a time when you believed in them sincerely."

"I do still, upon my word I do! They haven't a more devotedadmirer and slave in the world than I am. Just try me and see,"cried Charlie, gallantly kissing his hand to the sex in general.

But Rose was not appeased, and gave a disdainful shrug as sheanswered with a look in her eyes that his lordship did not like,"Thank you. I don't want admirers or slaves, but friends andhelpers. I've lived so long with a wise, good man that I am ratherhard to suit, perhaps, but I don't intend to lower my standard, andanyone who cares for my regard must at least try to live up to it."

"Whew! Here's a wrathful dove! Come and smooth her ruffledplumage, Mac. I'll dodge before I do further mischief," and Charliestrolled away into the other room, privately lamenting that UncleAlec had spoiled a fine girl by making her strong-minded.

He wished himself back again in five minutes, for Mac saidsomething that produced a gale of laughter, and when he took alook over his shoulder the "wrathful dove" was cooing sopeacefully and pleasantly he was sorely tempted to return andshare the fun. But Charlie had been spoiled by too muchindulgence, and it was hard for him to own himself in the wrongeven when he knew it. He always got what he wanted sooner orlater, and having long ago made up his mind that Rose and herfortune were to be his, he was secretly displeased at the new plansand beliefs of the young lady, but flattered himself that they wouldsoon be changed when she saw how unfashionable andinconvenient they were.

Musing over the delightful future he had laid out, he made himselfcomfortable in the sofa corner near his mother till the appearanceof a slight refection caused both groups to melt into one. AuntPlenty believed in eating and drinking, so the slightest excuse forfestivity delighted her hospitable soul, and on this joyful occasionshe surpassed herself.

It was during this informal banquet that Rose, roaming about fromone admiring relative to another, came upon the three youngerlads, who were having a quiet little scuffle in a secluded corner.

"Come out here and let me have a look at you," she said enticingly,for she predicted an explosion and public disgrace if peace was notspeedily restored.

Hastily smoothing themselves down, the young gentlemenpresented three flushed and merry countenances for inspection,feeling highly honored by the command.

"Dear me, how you two have grown! You big things how dare youget head of me in this way!" she said, standing on tiptoe to pat thecurly pates before her, for Will and Geordie had shot up likeweeds, and now grinned cheerfully down upon her as she surveyedthem in comic amazement.

"The Campbells are all fine, tall fellows, and we mean to be thebest of the lot. Shouldn't wonder if we were six-footers likeGrandpa," observed Will proudly, looking so like a youngShanghai rooster, all legs and an insignificant head, that Rose kepther countenance with difficulty.

"We shall broaden out when we get our growth. We are taller thanSteve now, a half a head, both of us," added Geordie, with his nosein the air.

Rose turned to look at Steve and, with a sudden smile, beckoned tohim. He dropped his napkin and flew to obey the summons, for shewas queen of the hour, and he had openly announced his deathlessloyalty.

"Tell the other boys to come here. I've a fancy to stand you all in arow and look you over, as you did me that dreadful day when younearly frightened me out of my wits," she said, laughing at thememory of it as she spoke.

They came in a body and, standing shoulder to shoulder, madesuch an imposing array that the young commander was ratherdaunted for a moment. But she had seen too much of the worldlately to be abashed by a trifle, and the desire to see a girlish testgave her courage to face the line of smiling cousins with dignityand spirit.

"Now, I'm going to stare at you as you stared at me. It is myrevenge on you seven bad boys for entrapping one poor little girland enjoying her alarm. I'm not a bit afraid of you now, so trembleand beware!"

As she spoke, Rose looked up into Archie's face and noddedapprovingly, for the steady gray eyes met hers fairly and softenedas they did so a becoming change, for naturally they were ratherkeen than kind.

"A true Campbell, bless you!" she said, and shook his hand heartilyas she passed on.

Charlie came next, and here she felt less satisfied, though scarcelyconscious why, for, as she looked, there came a defiant sort offlash, changing suddenly to something warmer than anger, strongerthan pride, making her shrink a little and say, hastily, "I don't findthe Charlie I left, but the Prince is there still, I see."

Turning to Mac with a sense of relief, she gently took off his"winkers," as Jamie called them, and looked straight into thehonest blue eyes that looked straight back at her, full of a frankand friendly affection that warmed her heart and made her owneyes brighten as she gave back the glasses, saying, with a look andtone of cordial satisfaction, "You are not changed, my dear oldMac, and I'm so glad of that!"

"Now say something extra sweet to me, because I'm the flower ofthe family," said Steve, twirling the blond moustache, which wasevidently the pride of his life.

Rose saw at a glance that Dandy deserved his name more thanever, and promptly quenched his vanities by answering, with aprovoking laugh, "Then the name of the flower of the family isCockscomb."

"Ah, ha! who's got it now?" jeered Will.

"Let us off easy, please," whispered Geordie, mindful that theirturn came next.

"You blessed beanstalks! I'm proud of you only don't grow quiteout of sight, or even be ashamed to look a woman in the face,"answered Rose, with a gentle pat on the cheek of either bashfulyoung giant, for both were red as peonies, though their boyish eyeswere as clear and calm as summer lakes.

"Now me!" and Jamie assumed his manliest air, feeling that he didnot appear to advantage among his tall kinsmen. But he went tothe head of the class in everyone's opinion when Rose put her armsaround him, saying, with a kiss, "You must be my boy now, for allthe others are too old, and I want a faithful little page to do myerrands for me."

"I will, I will I'll marry you too, if you'll just hold on till I growup!" cried Jamie, rather losing his head at this sudden promotion.

"Bless the baby, what is he talking about?" laughed Rose, lookingdown at her little knight as he clung about her with grateful ardor.

"Oh, I heard the aunts say that you'd better marry one of us, andkeep the property in the family, so I speak first, because you arevery fond of me, and I do love curls."

Alas for Jamie! This awful speech had hardly left his innocent lipswhen Will and Geordie swept him out of the room like awhirlwind, and the howls of that hapless boy were heard from thetorture hall, where being shut into the skeleton case was one of themildest punishments inflicted upon him.

Dismay fell upon the unfortunates who remained, but theirconfusion was soon ended, for Rose, with a look which they hadnever seen upon her face before, dismissed them with the briefcommand, "Break ranks the review is over," and walked away toPhebe.

"Confound that boy! You ought to shut him up or gag him!" fumedCharlie irritably.

"He shall be attended to," answered poor Archie, who was trying tobring up the little marplot with the success of most parents andguardians.

"The whole thing was deuced disagreeable," growled Steve, whofelt that he had not distinguished himself in the late engagement.

"Truth generally is," observed Mac dryly as he strolled away withhis odd smile.

As if he suspected discord somewhere, Dr. Alec proposed music atthis crisis, and the young people felt that it was a happy thought.

"I want you to hear both my birds, for they have improvedimmensely, and I am very proud of them," said the doctor, twirlingup the stool and pulling out the old music books.

"I had better come first, for after you have heard the nightingaleyou won't care for the canary," added Rose, wishing to put Phebeat her ease, for she sat among them looking like a picture, butrather shy and silent, remembering the days when her place was inthe kitchen.

"I'll give you some of the dear old songs you used to like so much.This was a favorite, I think," and sitting down she sang the firstfamiliar air that came, and sang it well in a pleasant, but by nomeans finished, manner.

It chanced to be "The Birks of Aberfeldie," and vividly recalled thetime when Mac was ill and she took care of him. The memory wassweet to her, and involuntarily her eye wandered in search of him.He was not far away, sitting just as he used to sit when she soothedhis most despondent moods astride of a chair with his head downon his arms, as if the song suggested the attitude. Her heart quitesoftened to him as she looked, and she decided to forgive him if noone else, for she was sure that he had no mercenary plans abouther tiresome money.

Charlie had assumed a pensive air and fixed his fine eyes upon herwith an expression of tender admiration, which made her laugh inspite of all her efforts to seem unconscious of it. She was bothamused and annoyed at his very evident desire to remind her ofcertain sentimental passages in the last year of their girl- andboy-hood, and to change what she had considered a childish jokeinto romantic earnest. Rose had very serious ideas of love and hadno intention of being beguiled into even a flirtation with herhandsome cousin.

So Charlie attitudinized unnoticed and was getting rather out oftemper when Phebe began to sing, and he forgot all about himselfin admiration of her. It took everyone by surprise, for two years offoreign training added to several at home had worked wonders,and the beautiful voice that used to warble cheerily over pots andkettles now rang out melodiously or melted to a mellow music thatwoke a sympathetic thrill in those who listened. Rose glowed withpride as she accompanied her friend, for Phebe was in her ownworld now a lovely world where no depressing memory ofpoorhouse or kitchen, ignorance or loneliness, came to trouble her,a happy world where she could be herself and rule others by themagic of her sweet gift.

Yes, Phebe was herself now, and showed it in the change thatcame over her at the first note of music. No longer shy and silent,no longer the image of a handsome girl but a blooming woman,alive and full of the eloquence her art gave her, as she laid herhands softly together, fixed her eye on the light, and just pouredout her song as simply and joyfully as the lark does soaring towardthe sun.

"My faith, Alec that's the sort of voice that wins a man's heart outof his breast!" exclaimed Uncle Mac, wiping his eyes after one ofthe plaintive ballads that never grow old.

"So it would!" answered Dr. Alec delightedly.

"So it has," added Archie to himself; and he was right, for just atthat moment he fell in love with Phebe. He actually did, and couldfix the time almost to a second, for at a quarter past nine, hemerely thought her a very charming young person; at twentyminutes past, he considered her the loveliest woman he everbeheld; at five and twenty minutes past, she was an angel singinghis soul away; and at half after nine he was a lost man, floatingover a delicious sea to that temporary heaven on earth wherelovers usually land after the first rapturous plunge.

If anyone had mentioned this astonishing fact, nobody would havebelieved it; nevertheless, it was quite true, and sober, businesslikeArchie suddenly discovered a fund of romance at the bottom of hishitherto well-conducted heart that amazed him. He was not quiteclear what had happened to him at first, and sat about in a dazedsort of way, seeing, hearing, knowing nothing but Phebe, while theunconscious idol found something wanting in the cordial praise somodestly received because Mr. Archie never said a word.

This was one of the remarkable things which occurred thatevening. Another was that Mac paid Rose a compliment, whichwas such an unprecedented fact, it produced a great sensation,though only one person heard it.

Everybody had gone but Mac and his father, who was busy withthe doctor. Aunt Plenty was counting the teaspoons in the diningroom, and Phebe was helping her as of old. Mac and Rose werealone he apparently in a brown study, leaning his elbows on thechimneypiece, and she lying back in a low chair lookingthoughtfully at the fire. She was tired, and the quiet was grateful toher, so she kept silence and Mac respectfully held his tongue.Presently, however, she became conscious that he was looking ather as intently as eyes and glasses could do it, and without stirringfrom her comfortable attitude, she said, smiling up at him, "Helooks as wise as an owl I wonder what he's thinking about?"

"You, Cousin."

"Something good, I hope?"

"I was thinking Leigh Hunt was about right when he said, 'A girl isthe sweetest thing God ever made.'"

"Why, Mac!" and Rose sat bolt upright with an astonished face thiswas such an entirely unexpected sort of remark for the philosopherto make.

Evidently interested in the new discovery, Mac placidly continued,"Do you know, it seems as if I never really saw a girl before, orhad any idea what agreeable creatures they could be. I fancy youare a remarkably good specimen, Rose."

"No, indeed! I'm only hearty and happy, and being safe at homeagain may make me look better than usual perhaps, but I'm nobeauty except to Uncle."

"'Hearty and happy' that must be it," echoed Mac, soberlyinvestigating the problem. "Most girls are sickly or silly, I think Ihave observed, and that is probably why I am so struck with you."

"Of all the queer boys you are the queerest! Do you really meanthat you don't like or notice girls?" asked Rose, much amused atthis new peculiarity of her studious cousin.

"Well, no, I am only conscious of two sorts noisy and quiet ones. Iprefer the latter, but, as a general thing, I don't notice any of themmuch more than I do flies, unless they bother me, then I'd like toflap them away, but as that won't do, I hide."

Rose leaned back and laughed until her eyes were full. It was socomical to hear Mac sink his voice to a confidential whisper at thelast words and see him smile with sinful satisfaction at thememory of the tormentors he had eluded.

"You needn't laugh it's a fact, I assure you. Charlie likes thecreatures, and they spoil him. Steve follows suit, of course. Archieis a respectful slave when he can't help himself. As for me, I don'toften give them a chance, and when I get caught I talk science anddead languages till they run for their lives. Now and then I find asensible one, and then we get on excellently."

"A sad prospect for Phebe and me," sighed Rose, trying to keepsober.

"Phebe is evidently a quiet one. I know she is sensible, or youwouldn't care for her. I can see that she is pleasant to look at, so Ifancy I shall like her. As for you, I helped bring you up, therefore Iam a little anxious to see how you turn out. I was afraid yourforeign polish might spoil you, but I think it has not. In fact, I findyou quite satisfactory so far, if you don't mind my saying it. I don'tquite know what the charm is, though. Must be the power ofinward graces, since you insist that you have no outer ones."

Mac was peering at her with a shrewd smile on his lips, but such akindly look behind the glasses that she found both words andglance very pleasant and answered merrily, "I am glad you approveof me, and much obliged for your care of my early youth. I hope tobe a credit to you and depend on your keeping me straight, for I'mafraid I shall be spoilt among you all."

"I'll keep my eye on you upon one condition," replied the youthfulmentor.

"Name it."

"If you are going to have a lot of lovers around, I wash my handsof you. If not, I'm your man."

"You must be sheep dog and help keep them away, for I don't wantany yet awhile and, between ourselves, I don't believe I shall haveany if it is known that I am strong-minded. That fact will scaremost men away like a yellow flag," said Rose, for, thanks to Dr.Alec's guardianship, she had wasted neither heart nor time in thefoolish flirtations so many girls fritter away their youth upon.

"Hum! I rather doubt that," muttered Mac as he surveyed thedamsel before him.

She certainly did not look unpleasantly strong-minded, and shewas beautiful in spite of her modest denials. Beautiful with thetruest sort of beauty, for nobility of character lent its subtle charmto the bloom of youth, the freshness of health, the innocence of anature whose sweet maidenliness Mac felt but could not describe.Gentle yet full of spirit, and all aglow with the earnestness thatsuggests lovely possibilities and makes one hope that such humanflowers may have heaven's purest air and warmest sunshine toblossom in.

"Wait and see," answered Rose; then, as her uncle's voice washeard in the hall, she held out her hand, adding pleasantly, "Theold times are to begin again, so come soon and tell me all yourdoings and help me with mine just as you used to do."

"You really mean it?" And Mac looked much pleased.

"I really do. You are so little altered, except to grow big, that Idon't feel at all strange with you and want to begin where we leftoff."

"That will be capital. Good night, Cousin," and to her greatamazement, he gave her a hearty kiss.

"Oh, but that is not the old way at all!" cried Rose, stepping backin merry confusion while the audacious youth assumed an air ofmild surprise as he innocently asked: "Didn't we always say goodnight in that way? I had an impression that we did and were tobegin just as we left off."

"Of course not. No power on earth would have bribed you to do it,as you know well enough. I don't mind the first night, but we aretoo old for that sort of thing now."

"I'll remember. It was the force of habit, I suppose, for I'm sure Imust have done it in former times, it seemed so natural. Coming,Father!" and Mac retired, evidently convinced he was right.

"Dear old thing! He is as much a boy as ever, and that is such acomfort, for some of the others have grown up very fast," saidRose to herself, recalling Charlie's sentimental airs and Archie'sbeatified expression while Phebe sang.