Chapter 12 - At Kitty's Ball

Rose had no new gown to wear on this festive occasion, and gaveone little sigh of regret as she put on the pale blue silk refreshedwith clouds of gaze de Chambéry. But a smile followed, verybright and sweet, as she added the clusters of forget-me-not whichCharlie had conjured up through the agency of an old Germanflorist, for one part of her plan had been carried out, and Princewas invited to be her escort, much to his delight, though he wiselymade no protestations of any sort and showed his gratitude bybeing a model gentleman. This pleased Rose, for the latehumiliation and a very sincere desire to atone for it gave him an airof pensive dignity which was very effective.

Aunt Clara could not go, for a certain new cosmetic, privately usedto improve the once fine complexion, which had been her pride tilllate hours impaired it, had brought out an unsightly eruption,reducing her to the depths of woe and leaving her no solace for herdisappointment but the sight of the elegant velvet dress spreadforth upon her bed in melancholy state.

So Aunt Jessie was chaperon, to Rose's great satisfaction, andlooked as "pretty as a pink," Archie thought, in her matronlypearl-colored gown with a dainty trifle of rich lace on her stillabundant hair. He was very proud of his little mama, and asdevoted as a lover, "to keep his hand in against Phebe's return," shesaid laughingly when he brought her a nosegay of blush roses tolight up her quiet costume.

A happier mother did not live than Mrs. Jessie as she satcontentedly beside Sister Jane (who graced the frivolous scene in aserious black gown with a diadem of purple asters nodding aboveher severe brow), both watching their boys with the maternalconviction that no other parent could show such remarkablespecimens as these. Each had done her best according to her light,and years of faithful care were now beginning to bear fruit in thepromise of goodly men, so dear to the hearts of true mothers.

Mrs. Jessie watched her three tall sons with something likewonder, for Archie was a fine fellow, grave and rather stately, butfull of the cordial courtesy and respect we see so little of nowadaysand which is the sure sign of good home training. "The cadets," asWill and Geordie called themselves, were there as gorgeous as youplease, and the agonies they suffered that night with tight bootsand stiff collars no pen can fitly tell. But only to one another didthey confide these sufferings and the rare moments of repose whenthey could stand on one aching foot with heads comfortablysunken inside the excruciating collars, which rasped their ears andmade the lobes thereof a pleasing scarlet. Brief were thesemoments, however, and the Spartan boys danced on with smilingfaces, undaunted by the hidden anguish which preyed upon them"fore and aft," as Will expressed it.

Mrs. Jane's pair were an odd contrast, and even the sterndisciplinarian herself could not help smiling as she watched them.Steve was superb, and might have been married on the spot, sosuperfine was his broad-cloth, glossy his linen, and perfect the fitof his gloves. While pride and happiness so fermented in hisyouthful bosom, there would have been danger of spontaneouscombustion if dancing had not proved a safety valve, for his strongsense of the proprieties would not permit him to vent his emotionsin any other way.

Kitty felt no such restraint, and looked like a blissful little gypsy,with her brunet prettiness set off by a dashing costume of cardinaland cream color and every hair on her head curled in a MerryPecksniffian crop, for youth was her strong point, and she muchenjoyed the fact that she had been engaged three times before shewas nineteen.

To see her and Steve spin around the room was a sight to bring asmile to the lips of the crustiest bachelor or saddest spinster, forhappy lovers are always a pleasing spectacle, and two such merrylittle grigs as these are seldom seen.

Mac, meantime, with glasses astride his nose, surveyed hisbrother's performances "on the light fantastic" very much as abenevolent Newfoundland would the gambols of a toy terrier,receiving with thanks the hasty hints for his guidance which Stevebreathed into his ear as he passed and forgetting all about them thenext minute. When not thus engaged Mac stood about with histhumbs in his vest pockets, regarding the lively crowd like ameditative philosopher of a cheerful aspect, often smiling tohimself at some whimsical fancy of his own, knitting his brows assome bit of ill-natured gossip met his ear, or staring withundisguised admiration as a beautiful face or figure caught his eye.

"I hope that girl knows what a treasure she has got. But I doubt ifshe ever fully appreciates it," said Mrs. Jane, bringing herspectacles to bear upon Kitty as she whisked by, causing quite agale with her flying skirts.

"I think she will, for Steve has been so well brought up, she cannotbut see and feel the worth of what she has never had, and being soyoung she will profit by it," answered Mrs. Jessie softly, thinkingof the days when she and her Jem danced together, just betrothed.

"I've done my duty by both the boys, and done it thoroughly, ortheir father would have spoilt them, for he's no more idea ofdiscipline than a child." And Aunt Jane gave her own palm a smartrap with her closed fan, emphasizing the word "thoroughly" in amost suggestive manner.

"I've often wished I had your firmness, Jane but after all, I'm notsure that I don't like my own way best, at least with my boys, forplenty of love, and plenty of patience, seem to have succeededpretty well." And Aunt Jessie lifted the nosegay from her lap,feeling as if that unfailing love and patience were alreadyblooming into her life as beautifully as the sweet-breathed rosesgiven by her boy refreshed and brightened these long hours ofpatient waiting in a corner.

"I don't deny that you've done well, Jessie, but you've been letalone and had no one to hold your hand or interfere. If my Mac hadgone to sea as your Jem did, I never should have been as severe asI am. Men are so perverse and shortsighted, they don't troubleabout the future as long as things are quiet and comfortable in thepresent," continued Mrs. Jane, quite forgetting that theshortsighted partner of the firm, physically speaking at least, washerself.

"Ah, yes! We mothers love to foresee and foretell our children'slives even before they are born, and are very apt to be disappointedif they do not turn out as we planned. I know I am yet I really haveno cause to complain and am learning to see that all we can do isto give the dear boys good principles and the best training we may,then leave them to finish what we have begun." And Mrs. Jessie'seye wandered away to Archie, dancing with Rose, quiteunconscious what a pretty little castle in the air tumbled downwhen he fell in love with Phebe.

"Right, quite right on that point we agree exactly. I have sparednothing to give my boys good principles and good habits, and I amwilling to trust them anywhere. Nine times did I whip my Steve tocure him of fibbing, and over and over again did Mac go withouthis dinner rather than wash his hands. But I whipped and starvedthem both into obedience, and now I have my reward," concludedthe "stern parent" with a proud wave of the fan, which looked verylike a ferule, being as big, hard, and uncompromising as such anarticle could be.

Mrs. Jessie gave a mild murmur of assent, but could not helpthinking, with a smile, that in spite of their early tribulations thesins for which the boys suffered had gotten a little mixed in theirresult, for fibbing Steve was now the tidy one, and careless Macthe truth teller. But such small contradictions will happen in thebest-regulated families, and all perplexed parents can do is to keepup a steadfast preaching and practicing in the hope that it will bearfruit sometime, for according to an old proverb,Children pick up words as pigeons pease,To utter them again as God shall please.

"I hope they won't dance the child to death among them, for eachone seems bound to have his turn, even your sober Mac," said Mrs.Jessie a few minutes later as she saw Archie hand Rose over to hiscousin, who carried her off with an air of triumph from severalother claimants.

"She's very good to him, and her influence is excellent, for he is ofan age now when a young woman's opinion has more weight thanan old one's. Though he is always good to his mother, and I feel asif I should take great comfort in him. He's one of the sort who willnot marry till late, if ever, being fond of books and a quiet life,"responded Mrs. Jane, remembering how often her son hadexpressed his belief that philosophers should not marry andbrought up Plato as an example of the serene wisdom to beattained only by a single man while her husband sided withSocrates, for whom he felt a profound sympathy, though he didn'tdare to own it.

"Well, I don't know about that. Since my Archie surprised me bylosing his heart as he did, I'm prepared for anything, and adviseyou to do likewise. I really shouldn't wonder if Mac did somethingremarkable in that line, though he shows no sign of it yet, Iconfess," answered Mrs. Jessie, laughing.

"It won't be in that direction, you may be sure, for her fate issealed. Dear me, how sad it is to see a superior girl like that aboutto throw herself away on a handsome scapegrace. I won't mentionnames, but you understand me." And Mrs. Jane shook her head, asif she could mention the name of one superior girl who had thrownherself away and now saw the folly of it.

"I'm very anxious, of course, and so is Alec, but it may be thesaving of one party and the happiness of the other, for somewomen love to give more than they receive," said Mrs. Jessie,privately wondering, for the thousandth time, why brother Macever married the learned Miss Humphries.

"You'll see that it won't prosper, and I shall always maintain that awife cannot entirely undo a mother's work. Rose will have herhands full if she tries to set all Clara's mistakes right," answeredAunt Jane grimly, then began to fan violently as their hostessapproached to have a dish of chat about "our dear young people."

Rose was in a merry mood that night, and found Mac quite readyfor fun, which was fortunate, since her first remark set them off ona droll subject.

"Oh, Mac! Annabel has just confided to me that she is engaged toFun See! Think of her going to housekeeping in Canton somedayand having to order rats, puppies, and bird's-nest soup for dinner,"whispered Rose, too much amused to keep the news to herself.

"By Confucius! Isn't that a sweet prospect?" And Mac burst outlaughing, to the great surprise of his neighbors, who wonderedwhat there was amusing about the Chinese sage. "It is ratheralarming, though, to have these infants going on at this rate. Seemsto be catching, a new sort of scarlet fever, to judge by Annabel'scheeks and Kitty's gown," he added, regarding the aforesaid ladieswith eyes still twinkling with merriment.

"Don't be ungallant, but go and do likewise, for it is all the fashion.I heard Mrs. Van tell old Mrs. Joy that it was going to be amarrying year, so you'll be sure to catch it," answered Rose,reefing her skirts, for, with all his training, Mac still found itdifficult to keep his long legs out of the man-traps.

"It doesn't look like a painful disease, but I must be careful, for I'veno time to be ill now. What are the symptoms?" asked Mac, tryingto combine business with pleasure and improve his mind whiledoing his duty.

"If you ever come back I'll tell you," laughed Rose as he dancedaway into the wrong corner, bumped smartly against anothergentleman, and returned as soberly as if that was the proper figure.

"Well, tell me 'how not to do it,'" he said, subsiding for amoment's talk when Rose had floated to and fro in her turn.

"Oh! You see some young girl who strikes you as particularlycharming whether she really is or not doesn't matter a bit and youbegin to think about her a great deal, to want to see her, and to getgenerally sentimental and absurd," began Rose, finding it difficultto give a diagnosis of the most mysterious disease under the sun.

"Don't think it sounds enticing. Can't I find an antidote somewhere,for if it is in the air this year I'm sure to get it, and it may be fatal,"said Mac, who felt pretty lively and liked to make Rose merry, forhe suspected that she had a little trouble from a hint Dr. Alec hadgiven him.

"I hope you will catch it, because you'll be so funny."

"Will you take care of me as you did before, or have you got yourhands full?"

"I'll help, but really with Archie and Steve and Charlie, I shall haveenough to do. You'd better take it lightly the first time, and sowon't need much care."

"Very well, how shall I begin? Enlighten my ignorance and startme right, I beg."

"Go about and see people, make yourself agreeable, and not sit incorners observing other people as if they were puppets dancing foryour amusement. I heard Mrs. Van once say that propinquityworks wonders, and she ought to know, having married off twodaughters, and just engaged a third to 'a most charming youngman.'?

"Good lack! The cure sounds worse than the disease. Propinquity,hey? Why, I may be in danger this identical moment and can't fleefor my life," said Mac, gently catching her round the waist for ageneral waltz.

"Don't be alarmed, but mind your steps, for Charlie is looking atus, and I want you to do your best. That's perfect take me quiteround, for I love to waltz and seldom get a good turn except withyou boys," said Rose, smiling up at him approvingly as his strongarm guided her among the revolving couples and his feet kept timewithout a fault.

"This certainly is a great improvement on the chair business, towhich I have devoted myself with such energy that I've broken thebacks of two partners and dislocated the arm of the old rocker. Itook an occasional turn with that heavy party, thinking it goodpractice in case I ever happen to dance with stout ladies." AndMac nodded toward Annabel, pounding gaily with Mr. Tokio,whose yellow countenance beamed as his beady eyes rested on hisplump fiancée.

Pausing in the midst of her merriment at the image of Mac and theold rocking chair, Rose said reprovingly, "Though a heathenChinee, Fun puts you to shame, for he did not ask foolish questionsbut went a-wooing like a sensible little man, and I've no doubtAnnabel will be very happy."

"Choose me a suitable divinity and I will try to adore. Can I domore than that to retrieve my character?" answered Mac, safelylanding his partner and plying the fan according to instructions.

"How would Emma do?" inquired Rose, whose sense of theludicrous was strong and who could not resist the temptation ofhorrifying Mac by the suggestion.

"Never! It sets my teeth on edge to look at her tonight. I supposethat dress is 'a sweet thing just out,' but upon my word she remindsme of nothing but a Harlequin ice," and Mac turned his back onher with a shudder, for he was sensitive to discords of all kinds.

"She certainly does, and that mixture of chocolate, pea green, andpink is simply detestable, though many people would consider itdecidedly 'chic,' to use her favorite word. I suppose you will dressyour wife like a Spartan matron of the time of Lycurgus," addedRose, much tickled by his new conceit.

"I'll wait till I get her before I decide. But one thing I'm sure of sheshall not dress like a Greek dancer of the time of Pericles,"answered Mac, regarding with great disfavor a young lady who,having a statuesque figure, affected drapery of the scanty andclinging description.

"Then it is of no use to suggest that classic creature, so as youreject my first attempts, I won't go on but look about me quietly,and you had better do the same. Seriously, Mac, more gaiety andless study would do you good, for you will grow old before yourtime if you shut yourself up and pore over books so much."

"I don't believe there is a younger or a jollier-feeling fellow in theroom than I am, though I may not conduct myself like a dancingdervish. But I own you may be right about the books, for there aremany sorts of intemperance, and a library is as irresistible to me asa barroom to a toper. I shall have to sign a pledge and cork up theonly bottle that tempts me my ink-stand."

"I'll tell you how to make it easier to abstain. Stop studying andwrite a novel into which you can put all your wise things, and soclear your brains for a new start by and by. Do I should so like toread it," cried Rose, delighted with the project, for she was sureMac could do anything he liked in that line.

"First live, then write. How can I go to romancing till I know whatromance means?" he asked soberly, feeling that so far he had hadvery little in his life.

"Then you must find out, and nothing will help you more than tolove someone very much. Do as I've advised and be a modernDiogenes going about with spectacles instead of a lantern insearch, not of an honest man, but a perfect woman. I do hope youwill be successful." And Rose made her curtsey as the danceended.

"I don't expect perfection, but I should like one as good as theyever make them nowadays. If you are looking for the honest man, Iwish you success in return," said Mac, relinquishing her fan with aglance of such sympathetic significance that a quick flush offeeling rose to the girl's face as she answered very low, "If honestywas all I wanted, I certainly have found it in you."

Then she went away with Charlie, who was waiting for his turn,and Mac roamed about, wondering if anywhere in all that crowdhis future wife was hidden, saying to himself, as he glanced fromface to face, quite unresponsive to the various allurementsdisplayed,

Just before supper several young ladies met in the dressing room torepair damages and, being friends, they fell into discourse as theysmoothed their locks and had their tattered furbelows sewed orpinned up by the neat-handed Phillis-in-waiting.

When each had asked the other, "How do I look tonight, dear?"and been answered with reciprocal enthusiasm, "Perfectly lovely,darling!" Kitty said to Rose, who was helping her to restore orderout of the chaos to which much exercise had reduced her curls:"By the way, young Randal is dying to be presented to you. May Iafter supper?"

"No, thank you," answered Rose very decidedly.

"Well, I'm sure I don't see why not," began Kitty, lookingdispleased but not surprised.

"I think you do, else why didn't you present him when he asked?You seldom stop to think of etiquette why did you now?"

"I didn't like to do it till I had you are so particular I thought you'dsay 'no,' but I couldn't tell him so," stammered Kitty, feeling thatshe had better have settled the matter herself, for Rose was veryparticular and had especial reason to dislike this person because hewas not only a dissipated young reprobate himself but seemedpossessed of Satan to lead others astray likewise.

"I don't wish to be rude, dear, but I really must decline, for I cannotknow such people, even though I meet them here," said Rose,remembering Charlie's revelations on New Year's night andhardening her heart against the man who had been his undoing onthat as well as on other occasions, she had reason to believe.

"I couldn't help it! Old Mr. Randal and Papa are friends, andthough I spoke of it, brother Alf wouldn't hear of passing that badboy over," explained Kitty eagerly.

"Yet Alf forbade you driving or skating with him, for he knowsbetter than we how unfit he is to come among us."

"I'd drop him tomorrow if I could, but I must be civil in my ownhouse. His mother brought him, and he won't dare to behave hereas he does at their bachelor parties."

"She ought not to have brought him till he had shown some desireto mend his ways. It is none of my business, I know, but I do wishpeople wouldn't be so inconsistent, letting boys go to destructionand then expecting us girls to receive them like decent people."Rose spoke in an energetic whisper, but Annabel heard her andexclaimed, as she turned round with a powder puff in her hand:"My goodness, Rose! What is all that about going to destruction?"

"She is being strong-minded, and I don't very much blame her inthis case. But it leaves me in a dreadful scrape," said Kitty,supporting her spirits with a sniff of aromatic vinegar.

"I appeal to you, since you heard me, and there's no one here butourselves do you consider young Randal a nice person to know?"And Rose turned to Annabel and Emma with an anxious eye, forshe did not find it easy to abide by her principles when so doingannoyed friends.

"No, indeed, he's perfectly horrid! Papa says he and Gorham arethe wildest young men he knows, and enough to spoil the wholeset. I'm so glad I've got no brothers," responded Annabel, placidlypowdering her pink arms, quite undeterred by the memory ofsundry white streaks left on sundry coat sleeves.

"I think that sort of scrupulousness is very ill-bred, if you'll excusemy saying so, Rose. We are not supposed to know anything aboutfastness, and wildness, and so on, but to treat every man alike andnot be fussy and prudish," said Emma, settling her many-coloredstreamers with the superior air of a woman of the world, agedtwenty.

"Ah! But we do know, and if our silence and civility have noeffect, we ought to try something else and not encouragewickedness of any kind. We needn't scold and preach, but we canrefuse to know such people and that will do some good, for theydon't like to be shunned and shut out from respectable society.Uncle Alec told me not to know that man, and I won't." Rosespoke with unusual warmth, forgetting that she could not tell thereal reason for her strong prejudice against "that man."

"Well, I know him. I think him very jolly, and I'm engaged todance the German with him after supper. He leads quite as well asyour cousin Charlie and is quite as fascinating, some peoplethink," returned Emma, tossing her head disdainfully, for PrinceCharming did not worship at her shrine and it piqued her vanity.

In spite of her quandary, Rose could not help smiling as sherecalled Mac's comparison, for Emma turned so red with spitefulchagrin, she seemed to have added strawberry ice to the othervarieties composing the Harlequin.

"Each must judge for herself. I shall follow Aunt Jessie's adviceand try to keep my atmosphere as pure as I can, for she says everywoman has her own little circle and in it can use her influence forgood, if she will. I do will heartily, and I'll prove that I'm neitherproud nor fussy by receiving, here or at home, any respectable manyou like to present to me, no matter how poor or plain orinsignificant he may be."

With which declaration Rose ended her protest, and the fourdamsels streamed downstairs together like a wandering rainbow.But Kitty laid to heart what she had said; Annabel took creditherself for siding with her; and Emma owned that she was nottrying to keep her atmosphere pure when she came to dance withthe objectionable Randal. So Rose's "little circle" was the betterfor the influence she tried to exert, although she never knew it.

At suppertime Charlie kept near her, and she was quite contentwith him, for he drank only coffee, and she saw him shake hishead with a frown when young Van beckoned him toward ananteroom, from whence the sound of popping corks had issuedwith increasing frequency as the evening wore on.

"Dear fellow, he does try," thought Rose, longing to show how sheadmired his self-denial, but she could only say, as they left thesupper room with the aunts, who were going early: "If I had notpromised Uncle to get home as soon after midnight as possible, I'dstay and dance the German with you, for you deserve a rewardtonight."

"A thousand thanks, but I am going when you do," answeredCharlie, understanding both her look and words and very gratefulfor them.

"Really?" cried Rose, delighted.

"Really. I'll be in the hall when you come down." And Charliethought the Fra Angelico angel was not half so bright and beautifulas the one who looked back at him out of a pale blue cloud as Rosewent upstairs as if on wings.

When she came down again Charlie was not in the hall, however,and, after waiting a few minutes, Mac offered to go and find him,for Aunt Jane was still hunting a lost rubber above.

"Please say I'm ready, but he needn't come if he doesn't want to,"said Rose, not wishing to demand too much of her promisingpenitent.

"If he has gone into that barroom, I'll have him out, no matter whois there!" growled Mac to himself as he made his way to the smallapartment whither the gentlemen retired for a little privaterefreshment when the spirit moved, as it often did.

The door was ajar, and Charlie seemed to have just entered, forMac heard a familiar voice call out in a jovial tone: "Come,Prince! You're just in time to help us drink Steve's health with allthe honors."

"Can't stop, only ran in to say good night, Van. Had a capital time,but I'm on duty and must go."

"That's a new dodge. Take a stirrup cup anyway, and come back intime for a merry-go-rounder when you've disposed of the ladies,"answered the young host, diving into the wine cooler for anotherbottle.

"Charlie's going in for sanctity, and it doesn't seem to agree withhim," laughed one of the two other young men who occupiedseveral chairs apiece, resting their soles in every sense of the word.

"Apron strings are coming into fashion the bluer the better hey,Prince?" added the other, trying to be witty, with the usual success.

"You'd better go home early yourself, Barrow, or that tongue ofyours will get you into trouble," retorted Charlie, conscious that heought to take his own advice, yet lingering, nervously putting onhis gloves while the glasses were being filled.

"Now, brother-in-law, fire away! Here you are, Prince." And Stevehanded a glass across the table to his cousin, feeling too muchelated with various pleasurable emotions to think what he wasdoing, for the boys all knew Charlie's weakness and usually triedto defend him from it.

Before the glass could be taken, however, Mac entered in a greathurry, delivering his message in an abbreviated and ratherperemptory form: "Rose is waiting for you. Hurry up!"

"All right. Good night, old fellows!" And Charlie was off, as if thename had power to stop him in the very act of breaking thepromise made to himself.

"Come, Solon, take a social drop, and give us an epithalamium inyour best Greek. Here's to you!" And Steve was lifting the wine tohis own lips when Mac knocked the glass out of his hand with aflash of the eye that caused his brother to stare at him with hismouth open in an imbecile sort of way, which seemed to exciteMac still more, for, turning to his young host, he said, in a lowvoice, and with a look that made the gentlemen on the chairs sit upsuddenly: "I beg pardon, Van, for making a mess, but I can't standby and see my own brother tempt another man beyond his strengthor make a brute of himself. That's plain English, but I can't helpspeaking out, for I know not one of you would willingly hurtCharlie, and you will if you don't let him alone."

"What do you pitch into me for? I've done nothing. A fellow mustbe civil in his own house, mustn't he?" asked Van good-humoredlyas he faced about, corkscrew in hand.

"Yes, but it is not civil to urge or joke a guest into doing what youknow and he knows is bad for him. That's only a glass of wine toyou, but it is perdition to Charlie, and if Steve knew what he wasabout, he'd cut his right hand off before he'd offer it."

"Do you mean to say I'm tipsy?" demanded Steve, ruffling up like alittle gamecock, for though he saw now what he had done and wasashamed of it, he hated to have Mac air his peculiar notions beforeother people.

"With excitement, not champagne, I hope, for I wouldn't own youif you were," answered Mac, in whom indignation waseffervescing like the wine in the forgotten bottle, for the men wereall young, friends of Steve's and admirers of Charlie's. "Look here,boys," he went on more quietly, "I know I ought not to explode inthis violent sort of way, but upon my life I couldn't help it when Iheard what you were saying and saw what Steve was doing. Since Ihave begun, I may as well finish and tell you straight out thatPrince can't stand this sort of thing. He is trying to flee temptation,and whoever leads him into it does a cowardly and sinful act, forthe loss of one's own self-respect is bad enough, without losing themore precious things that make life worth having. Don't tell himI've said this, but lend a hand if you can, and never have toreproach yourselves with the knowledge that you helped to ruin afellow creature, soul and body."

It was well for the success of Mac's first crusade that his hearerswere gentlemen and sober, so his outburst was not received withjeers or laughter but listened to in silence, while the expression ofthe faces changed from one of surprise to regret and respect, forearnestness is always effective and championship of this sortseldom fails to touch hearts as yet unspoiled. As he paused with aneloquent little quiver in his eager voice, Van corked the bottle at ablow, threw down the corkscrew, and offered Mac his hand, sayingheartily, in spite of his slang: "You are a first-class old brick! I'lllend a hand for one, and do my best to back up Charlie, for he's thefinest fellow I know, and shan't go to the devil like poor Randal if Ican help it."

Murmurs of applause from the others seemed to express a generalassent to this vigorous statement, and, giving the hand a gratefulshake, Mac retreated to the door, anxious to be off now that he hadfreed his mind with such unusual impetuosity.

"Count on me for anything I can do in return for this, Van. I'msorry to be such a marplot, but you can take it out in quizzing meafter I'm gone. I'm fair game, and Steve can set you going."

With that, Mac departed as abruptly as he had come, feeling thathe had "made a mess" of it, but comforting himself with thethought that perhaps he had secured help for Charlie at his ownexpense and thinking with a droll smile as he went back to hismother: "My romance begins by looking after other girls' loversinstead of finding a sweetheart for myself, but I can't tell Rose, soshe won't laugh at me."