Chapter 22 - Short And Sweet

In the hall she found Steve and Kitty, for he had hidden his littlesweetheart behind the big couch, feeling that she had a right there,having supported his spirits during the late anxiety with greatconstancy and courage. They seemed so cozy, billing and cooing inthe shadow of the gay vase, that Rose would have slipped silentlyaway if they had not seen and called to her. "He's not gone I guess you'll find him in the parlor," said Steve,divining with a lover's instinct the meaning of the quick look shehad cast at the hat rack as she shut the study door behind her.

"Mercy, no! Archie and Phebe are there, so he'd have the sense topop into the sanctum and wait, unless you'd like me to go andbring him out?" added Kitty, smoothing Rose's ruffled hair andsettling the flowers on the bosom where Uncle Alec's head had lainuntil he fell asleep.

"No, thank you, I'll go to him when I've seen my Phebe. She won'tmind me," answered Rose, moving on to the parlor.

"Look here," called Steve, "do advise them to hurry up and all bemarried at once. We were just ready when Uncle fell ill, and nowwe cannot wait a day later than the first of May."

"Rather short notice," laughed Rose, looking back with thedoorknob in her hand.

"We'll give up all our splendor, and do it as simply as you like, ifyou will only come too. Think how lovely! Three weddings atonce! Do fly round and settle things there's a dear," implored Kitty,whose imagination was fired with this romantic idea.

"How can I, when I have no bridegroom yet?" began Rose, withconscious color in her telltale face.

"Sly creature! You know you've only got to say a word and have afamous one. Una and her lion will be nothing to it," cried Steve,bent on hastening his brother's affair, which was much too dilatoryand peculiar for his taste.

"He has been in no haste to come home, and I am in no haste toleave it. Don't wait for me, 'Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walmers, Jr.,' Ishall be a year at least making up my mind, so you may lead off assplendidly as you like and I'll profit by your experience." And Rosevanished into the parlor, leaving Steve to groan over the perversityof superior women and Kitty to comfort him by promising tomarry him on May Day "all alone."

A very different couple occupied the drawing room, but a happierone, for they had known the pain of separation and were nowenjoying the bliss of a reunion which was to last unbroken for theirlives. Phebe sat in an easy chair, resting from her labors, pale andthin and worn, but lovelier in Archie's eyes than ever before. It wasvery evident that he was adoring his divinity, for, after placing afootstool at her feet, he had forgotten to get up and knelt there withhis elbow on the arm of her chair, looking like a thirsty mandrinking long drafts of the purest water.

"Shall I disturb you if I pass through?" asked Rose, loath to spoilthe pretty tableau.

"Not if you stop a minute on the way and congratulate me, Cousin,for she says 'yes' at last!" cried Archie, springing up to go and bringher to the arms Phebe opened as she appeared.

"I knew she would reward your patience and put away her pridewhen both had been duly tried," said Rose, laying the tired head onher bosom with such tender admiration in her eyes that Phebe hadto shake some bright drops from her own before she could reply ina tone of grateful humility that showed how much her heart wastouched: "How can I help it, when they are all so kind to me? Anypride would melt away under such praise and thanks and lovingwishes as I've had today, for every member of the family has takenpains to welcome me, to express far too much gratitude, and to begme to be one of you. I needed very little urging, but when Archie'sfather and mother came and called me 'daughter,' I would havepromised anything to show my love for them."

"And him," added Rose, but Archie seemed quite satisfied andkissed the hand he held as if it had been that of a beloved princesswhile he said with all the pride Phebe seemed to have lost: "Thinkwhat she gives up for me fame and fortune and the admiration ofmany a better man. You don't know what a splendid prospect shehas of becoming one of the sweet singers who are loved andhonored everywhere, and all this she puts away for my sake,content to sing for me alone, with no reward but love."

"I am so glad to make a little sacrifice for a great happiness I nevershall regret it or think my music lost if it makes home cheerful formy mate. Birds sing sweetest in their own nests, you know." AndPhebe bent toward him with a look and gesture which plainlyshowed how willingly she offered up all ambitious hopes upon thealtar of a woman's happy love.

Both seemed to forget that they were not alone, and in a momentthey were, for a sudden impulse carried Rose to the door of hersanctum, as if the south wind which seemed to have set in waswafting this little ship also toward the Islands of the Blessed,where the others were safely anchored now.

The room was a blaze of sunshine and a bower of spring freshnessand fragrance, for here Rose had let her fancy have free play, andeach garland, fern, and flower had its meaning. Mac seemed tohave been reading this sweet language of symbols, to have guessedwhy Charlie's little picture was framed in white roses, why pansieshung about his own, why Psyche was half hidden among featherysprays of maidenhair, and a purple passion flower lay at Cupid'sfeet. The last fancy evidently pleased him, for he was smiling overit, and humming to himself as if to beguile his patient waiting, theburden of the air Rose had so often sung to him:

"Bonny lassie, will ye gang, will ye gangTo the birks of Aberfeldie?"

"Yes, Mac, anywhere!"

He had not heard her enter, and wheeling around, looked at herwith a radiant face as he said, drawing a long breath, "At last! Youwere so busy over the dear man, I got no word. But I can wait I'mused to it."

Rose stood quite still, surveying him with a new sort of reverencein her eyes, as she answered with a sweet solemnity that made himlaugh and redden with the sensitive joy of one to whom praisefrom her lips was very precious: "You forget that you are not theMac who went away. I should have run to meet my cousin, but Idid not dare to be familiar with the poet whom all begin to honor."

"You like the mixture, then? You know I said I'd try to give youlove and poetry together."

"Like it! I'm so glad, so proud, I haven't any words strong andbeautiful enough to half express my wonder and my admiration.How could you do it, Mac?" And a whole face full of smiles brokeloose as Rose clapped her hands, looking as if she could dancewith sheer delight.

"It did itself, up there among the hills, and here with you, or outalone upon the sea. I could write a heavenly poem this veryminute, and put you in as Spring you look like her in that greengown with snowdrops in your bonny hair. Rose, am I getting on alittle? Does a hint of fame help me nearer to the prize I'm workingfor? Is your heart more willing to be won?"

He did not stir a step, but looked at her with such intense longingthat his glance seemed to draw her nearer like an irresistibleappeal, for she went and stood before him, holding out both hands,as if she offered all her little store, as she said with simplestsincerity: "It is not worth so much beautiful endeavor, but if youstill want so poor a thing, it is yours."

He caught her hands in his and seemed about to take the rest ofher, but hesitated for an instant, unable to believe that so muchhappiness was true.

"Are you sure, Rose very sure? Don't let a momentary admirationblind you I'm not a poet yet, and the best are but mortal men, youknow."

"It is not admiration, Mac."

"Nor gratitude for the small share I've taken in saving Uncle? I hadmy debt to pay, as well as Phebe, and was as glad to risk my life."

"No it is not gratitude."

"Nor pity for my patience? I've only done a little yet, and I am asfar as ever from being like your hero. I can work and wait stilllonger if you are not sure, for I must have all or nothing."

"Oh, Mac! Why will you be so doubtful? You said you'd make melove you, and you've done it. Will you believe me now?" And, witha sort of desperation, she threw herself into his arms, clingingthere in eloquent silence while he held her close; feeling, with athrill of tender triumph, that this was no longer little Rose, but aloving woman, ready to live and die for him.

"Now I'm satisfied!" he said presently, when she lifted up her face,full of maidenly shame at the sudden passion which had carriedher out of herself for a moment. "No don't slip away so soon. Letme keep you for one blessed minute and feel that I have reallyfound my Psyche."

"And I my Cupid," answered Rose, laughing, in spite of heremotion, at the idea of Mac in that sentimental character.

He laughed, too, as only a happy lover could, then said, withsudden seriousness: "Sweet soul! Lift up your lamp and look wellbefore it is too late, for I'm no god, only a very faulty man."

"Dear love! I will. But I have no fear, except that you will fly toohigh for me to follow, because I have no wings."

"You shall live the poetry, and I will write it, so my little gift willcelebrate your greater one."

"No you shall have all the fame, and I'll be content to be knownonly as the poet's wife."

"And I'll be proud to own that my best inspiration comes from thebeneficent life of a sweet and noble woman."

"Oh, Mac! We'll work together and try to make the world better bythe music and the love we leave behind us when we go."

"Please God, we will!" he answered fervently and, looking at heras she stood there in the spring sunshine, glowing with the tenderhappiness, high hopes, and earnest purposes that make lifebeautiful and sacred, he felt that now the last leaf had folded back,the golden heart lay open to the light, and his Rose had bloomed.