Chapter 12 - Huckleberries

There was a great clashing of tin pails, much running to and fro,and frequent demands for something to eat, one August afternoon,for the boys were going huckleberrying, and made as much stirabout it as if they were setting out to find the North West Passage.

"Now, my lads, get off as quietly as you can, for Rob is safely outof the way, and won't see you," said Mrs. Bhaer, as she tied Daisy'sbroad-brimmed hat, and settled the great blue pinafore in whichshe had enveloped Nan.

But the plan did not succeed, for Rob had heard the bustle, decidedto go, and prepared himself, without a thought of disappointment.The troop was just getting under way when the little man camemarching downstairs with his best hat on, a bright tin pail in hishand, and a face beaming with satisfaction.

"Oh, dear! now we shall have a scene," sighed Mrs. Bhaer, whofound her eldest son very hard to manage at times.

"I'm all ready," said Rob, and took his place in the ranks with suchperfect unconsciousness of his mistake, that it really was very hardto undeceive him.

"It's too far for you, my love; stay and take care of me, for I shallbe all alone," began his mother.

"You've got Teddy. I'm a big boy, so I can go; you said I mightwhen I was bigger, and I am now," persisted Rob, with a cloudbeginning to dim the brightness of his happy face.

"We are going up to the great pasture, and it's ever so far; we don'twant you tagging on," cried Jack, who did not admire the littleboys.

"I won't tag, I'll run and keep up. O Mamma! let me go! I want tofill my new pail, and I'll bring 'em all to you. Please, please, I willbe good!" prayed Robby, looking up at his mother, so grieved anddisappointed that her heart began to fail her.

"But, my deary, you'll get so tired and hot you won't have a goodtime. Wait till I go, and then we will stay all day, and pick as manyberries as you want."

"You never do go, you are so busy, and I'm tired of waiting. I'drather go and get the berries for you all myself. I love to pick 'em,and I want to fill my new pail dreffly," sobbed Rob.

The pathetic sight of great tears tinkling into the dear new pail,and threatening to fill it with salt water instead of huckleberries,touched all the ladies present. His mother patted the weeper on hisback; Daisy offered to stay home with him; and Nan said, in herdecided way,

"Let him come; I'll take care of him."

"If Franz was going I wouldn't mind, for he is very careful; but heis haying with the father, and I'm not sure about the rest of you,"began Mrs. Bhaer.

"It's so far," put in Jack.

"I'd carry him if I was going wish I was," said Dan, with a sigh.

"Thank you, dear, but you must take care of your foot. I wish Icould go. Stop a minute, I think I can manage it after all;" and Mrs.Bhaer ran out to the steps, waving her apron wildly.

Silas was just driving away in the hay-cart, but turned back, andagreed at once, when Mrs. Jo proposed that he should take thewhole party to the pasture, and go for them at five o'clock.

"It will delay your work a little, but never mind; we will pay you inhuckleberry pies," said Mrs. Jo, knowing Silas's weak point.

His rough, brown face brightened up, and he said, with a cheery"Haw! haw!" "Wal now, Mis' Bhaer, if you go to bribin' of me, Ishall give in right away."

"Now, boys, I have arranged it so that you can all go," said Mrs.Bhaer, running back again, much relieved, for she loved to makethem happy, and always felt miserable when she had disturbed theserenity of her little sons; for she believed that the small hopes andplans and pleasures of children should be tenderly respected bygrown-up people, and never rudely thwarted or ridiculed.

"Can I go?" said Dan, delighted.

"I thought especially of you. Be careful, and never mind theberries, but sit about and enjoy the lovely things which you knowhow to find all about you," answered Mrs. Bhaer, whoremembered his kind offer to her boy.

"Me too! me too!" sung Rob, dancing with joy, and clapping hisprecious pail and cover like castanets.

"Yes, and Daisy and Nan must take good care of you. Be at thebars at five o'clock, and Silas will come for you all."

Robby cast himself upon his mother in a burst of gratitude,promising to bring her every berry he picked, and not eat one.Then they were all packed into the hay-cart, and went rattlingaway, the brightest face among the dozen being that of Rob, as hesat between his two temporary little mothers, beaming upon thewhole world, and waving his best hat; for his indulgent mammahad not the heart to bereave him of it, since this was a gala-day tohim.

Such a happy afternoon as they had, in spite of the mishaps whichusually occur on such expeditions! Of course Tommy came togrief, tumbled upon a hornet's nest and got stung; but being used towoe, he bore the smart manfully, till Dan suggested the applicationof damp earth, which much assuaged the pain. Daisy saw a snake,and flying from it lost half her berries; but Demi helped her to fillup again, and discussed reptiles most learnedly the while. Ned fellout of a tree, and split his jacket down the back, but suffered noother fracture. Emil and Jack established rival claims to a certainthick patch, and while they were squabbling about it, Stuffyquickly and quietly stripped the bushes and fled to the protectionof Dan, who was enjoying himself immensely. The crutch was nolonger necessary, and he was delighted to see how strong his footfelt as he roamed about the great pasture, full of interesting rocksand stumps, with familiar little creatures in the grass, andwell-known insects dancing in the air.

But of all the adventures that happened on this afternoon thatwhich befell Nan and Rob was the most exciting, and it longremained one of the favorite histories of the household. Havingexplored the country pretty generally, torn three rents in her frock,and scratched her face in a barberry-bush, Nan began to pick theberries that shone like big, black beads on the low, green bushes.Her nimble fingers flew, but still her basket did not fill up asrapidly as she desired, so she kept wandering here and there tosearch for better places, instead of picking contentedly and steadilyas Daisy did. Rob followed Nan, for her energy suited him betterthan his cousin's patience, and he too was anxious to have thebiggest and best berries for Marmar.

"I keep putting 'em in, but it don't fill up, and I'm so tired," saidRob, pausing a moment to rest his short legs, and beginning tothink huckleberrying was not all his fancy painted it; for the sunblazed, Nan skipped hither and thither like a grasshopper, and theberries fell out of his pail almost as fast as he put them in, because,in his struggles with the bushes, it was often upside-down.

"Last time we came they were ever so much thicker over that wallgreat bouncers; and there is a cave there where the boys made afire. Let's go and fill our things quick, and then hide in the caveand let the others find us," proposed Nan, thirsting for adventures.

Rob consented, and away they went, scrambling over the wall andrunning down the sloping fields on the other side, till they werehidden among the rocks and underbrush. The berries were thick,and at last the pails were actually full. It was shady and cool downthere, and a little spring gave the thirsty children a refreshing drinkout of its mossy cup.

"Now we will go and rest in the cave, and eat our lunch," said Nan,well satisfied with her success so far.

"Do you know the way?" asked Rob.

"'Course I do; I've been once, and I always remember. Didn't I goand get my box all right?"

That convinced Rob, and he followed blindly as Nan led him overstock and stone, and brought him, after much meandering, to asmall recess in the rock, where the blackened stones showed thatfires had been made.

"Now, isn't it nice?" asked Nan, as she took out a bit ofbread-and-butter, rather damaged by being mixed up with nails,fishhooks, stones and other foreign substances, in the young lady'spocket.

"Yes; do you think they will find us soon?" asked Rob, who foundthe shadowy glen rather dull, and began to long for more society.

"No, I don't; because if I hear them, I shall hide, and have funmaking them find me."

"P'raps they won't come."

"Don't care; I can get home myself."

"Is it a great way?" asked Rob, looking at his little stubby boots,scratched and wet with his long wandering.

"It's six miles, I guess." Nan's ideas of distance were vague, and herfaith in her own powers great.

"I think we better go now," suggested Rob, presently.

"I shan't till I have picked over my berries;" and Nan began whatseemed to Rob an endless task.

"Oh, dear! you said you'd take good care of me," he sighed, as thesun seemed to drop behind the hill all of a sudden.

"Well I am taking good care of you as hard as I can. Don't be cross,child; I'll go in a minute," said Nan, who considered five-year-oldRobby a mere infant compared to herself.

So little Rob sat looking anxiously about him, and waitingpatiently, for, spite of some misgivings, he felt great confidence inNan.

"I guess it's going to be night pretty soon," he observed, as if tohimself, as a mosquito bit him, and the frogs in a neighboringmarsh began to pipe up for the evening concert.

"My goodness me! so it is. Come right away this minute, or theywill be gone," cried Nan, looking up from her work, and suddenlyperceiving that the sun was down.

"I heard a horn about an hour ago; may be they were blowing forus," said Rob, trudging after his guide as she scrambled up thesteep hill.

"Where was it?" asked Nan, stopping short.

"Over that way;" he pointed with a dirty little finger in an entirelywrong direction.

"Let's go that way and meet them;" and Nan wheeled about, andbegan to trot through the bushes, feeling a trifle anxious, for therewere so many cow-paths all about she could not remember whichway they came.

On they went over stock and stone again, pausing now and then tolisten for the horn, which did not blow any more, for it was onlythe moo of a cow on her way home.

"I don't remember seeing that pile of stones do you?" asked Nan, asshe sat on a wall to rest a moment and take an observation.

"I don't remember any thing, but I want to go home," and Rob'svoice had a little tremble in it that made Nan put her arms roundhim and lift him gently down, saying, in her most capable way,

"I'm going just as fast as I can, dear. Don't cry, and when we cometo the road, I'll carry you."

"Where is the road?" and Robby wiped his eyes to look for it.

"Over by that big tree. Don't you know that's the one Ned tumbledout of?"

"So it is. May be they waited for us; I'd like to ride home wouldn'tyou?" and Robby brightened up as he plodded along toward theend of the great pasture.

"No, I'd rather walk," answered Nan, feeling quite sure that shewould be obliged to do so, and preparing her mind for it.

Another long trudge through the fast-deepening twilight andanother disappointment, for when they reached the tree, they foundto their dismay that it was not the one Ned climbed, and no roadanywhere appeared.

"Are we lost?" quavered Rob, clasping his pail in despair.

"Not much. I don't just see which way to go, and I guess we'dbetter call."

So they both shouted till they were hoarse, yet nothing answeredbut the frogs in full chorus.

"There is another tall tree over there, perhaps that's the one," saidNan, whose heart sunk within her, though she still spoke bravely.

"I don't think I can go any more; my boots are so heavy I can't pull'em;" and Robby sat down on a stone quite worn out.

"Then we must stay here all night. I don't care much, if snakesdon't come."

"I'm frightened of snakes. I can't stay all night. Oh, dear! I don'tlike to be lost," and Rob puckered up his face to cry, whensuddenly a thought occurred to him, and he said, in a tone ofperfect confidence,

"Marmar will come and find me she always does; I ain't afraidnow."

"She won't know where we are."

"She didn't know I was shut up in the ice-house, but she found me.I know she'll come," returned Robby, so trustfully, that Nan feltrelieved, and sat down by him, saying, with a remorseful sigh,

"I wish we hadn't run away."

"You made me; but I don't mind much Marmar will love me justthe same," answered Rob, clinging to his sheet-anchor when allother hope was gone.

"I'm so hungry. Let's eat our berries," proposed Nan, after a pause,during which Rob began to nod.

"So am I, but I can't eat mine, 'cause I told Marmar I'd keep themall for her."

"You'll have to eat them if no one comes for us," said Nan, whofelt like contradicting every thing just then. "If we stay here a greatmany days, we shall eat up all the berries in the field, and then weshall starve," she added grimly.

"I shall eat sassafras. I know a big tree of it, and Dan told me howsquirrels dig up the roots and eat them, and I love to dig," returnedRob, undaunted by the prospect of starvation.

"Yes; and we can catch frogs, and cook them. My father ate someonce, and he said they were nice," put in Nan, beginning to find aspice of romance even in being lost in a huckleberry pasture.

"How could we cook frogs? we haven't got any fire."

"I don't know; next time I'll have matches in my pocket," said Nan,rather depressed by this obstacle to the experiment infrog-cookery.

"Couldn't we light a fire with a fire-fly?" asked Rob, hopefully, ashe watched them flitting to and fro like winged sparks.

"Let's try;" and several minutes were pleasantly spent in catchingthe flies, and trying to make them kindle a green twig or two. "It'sa lie to call them fire -flies when there isn't a fire in them," Nansaid, throwing one unhappy insect away with scorn, though itshone its best, and obligingly walked up and down the twigs toplease the innocent little experimenters.

"Marmar's a good while coming," said Rob, after another pause,during which they watched the stars overhead, smelt the sweet ferncrushed under foot, and listened to the crickets' serenade.

"I don't see why God made any night; day is so much pleasanter,"said Nan, thoughtfully.

"It's to sleep in," answered Rob, with a yawn.

"Then do go to sleep," said Nan, pettishly.

"I want my own bed. Oh, I wish I could see Teddy!" cried Rob,painfully reminded of home by the soft chirp of birds safe in theirlittle nests.

"I don't believe your mother will ever find us," said Nan, who wasbecoming desperate, for she hated patient waiting of any sort. "It'sso dark she won't see us."

"It was all black in the ice-house, and I was so scared I didn't callher, but she saw me; and she will see me now, no matter how darkit is," returned confiding Rob, standing up to peer into the gloomfor the help which never failed him.

"I see her! I see her!" he cried, and ran as fast as his tired legswould take him toward a dark figure slowly approaching.Suddenly he stopped, then turned about, and came stumbling back,screaming in a great panic,

"No, it's a bear, a big black one!" and hid his face in Nan's skirts.

For a moment Nan quailed; ever her courage gave out at thethought of a real bear, and she was about to turn and flee in greatdisorder, when a mild "Moo!" changed her fear to merriment, asshe said, laughing,

"It's a cow, Robby! the nice, black cow we saw this afternoon."

The cow seemed to feel that it was not just the thing to meet twolittle people in her pasture after dark, and the amiable beast pausedto inquire into the case. She let them stroke her, and stoodregarding them with her soft eyes so mildly, that Nan, who fearedno animal but a bear, was fired with a desire to milk her.

"Silas taught me how; and berries and milk would be so nice," shesaid, emptying the contents of her pail into her hat, and boldlybeginning her new task, while Rob stood by and repeated, at hercommand, the poem from Mother Goose:

"Cushy cow, bonny, let down your milk,

Let down your milk to me,

And I will give you a gown of silk,

A gown of silk and a silver tee."

But the immortal rhyme had little effect, for the benevolent cowhad already been milked, and had only half a gill to give the thirstychildren.

"Shoo! get away! you are an old cross patch," cried Nan,ungratefully, as she gave up the attempt in despair; and poor Mollywalked on with a gentle gurgle of surprise and reproof.

"Each can have a sip, and then we must take a walk. We shall goto sleep if we don't; and lost people mustn't sleep. Don't you knowhow Hannah Lee in the pretty story slept under the snow anddied?"

"But there isn't any snow now, and it's nice and warm," said Rob,who was not blessed with as lively a fancy as Nan.

"No matter, we will poke about a little, and call some more; andthen, if nobody comes, we will hide under the bushes, likeHop-'o-my-thumb and his brothers."

It was a very short walk, however, for Rob was so sleepy he couldnot get on, and tumbled down so often that Nan entirely lostpatience, being half distracted by the responsibility she had takenupon herself.

"If you tumble down again, I'll shake you," she said, lifting thepoor little man up very kindly as she spoke, for Nan's bark wasmuch worse than her bite.

"Please don't. It's my boots they keep slipping so;" and Robmanfully checked the sob just ready to break out, adding, with aplaintive patience that touched Nan's heart, "If the skeeters didn'tbite me so, I could go to sleep till Marmar comes."

"Put your head on my lap, and I'll cover you up with my apron; I'mnot afraid of the night," said Nan, sitting down and trying topersuade herself that she did not mind the shadow nor themysterious rustlings all about her.

"Wake me up when she comes," said rob, and was fast asleep infive minutes with his head in Nan's lap under the pinafore.

The little girl sat for some fifteen minutes, staring about her withanxious eyes, and feeling as if each second was an hour. Then apale light began to glimmer over the hill-top and she said to herself

"I guess the night is over and morning is coming. I'd like to see thesun rise, so I'll watch, and when it comes up we can find our wayright home."

But before the moon's round face peeped above the hill to destroyher hope, Nan had fallen asleep, leaning back in a little bower oftall ferns, and was deep in a mid-summer night's dream of fire-fliesand blue aprons, mountains of huckleberries, and Robby wipingaway the tears of a black cow, who sobbed, "I want to go home! Iwant to go home!"

While the children were sleeping, peacefully lulled by the drowsyhum of many neighborly mosquitoes, the family at home were in agreat state of agitation. The hay-cart came at five, and all but Jack,Emil, Nan, and Rob were at the bars ready for it. Franz droveinstead of Silas, and when the boys told him that the others weregoing home through the wood, he said, looking ill-pleased, "Theyought to have left Rob to ride, he will be tired out by the longwalk."

"It's shorter that way, and they will carry him," said Stuffy, whowas in a hurry for his supper.

"You are sure Nan and Rob went with them?"

"Of course they did; I saw them getting over the wall, and sung outthat it was most five, and Jack called back that they were going theother way," explained Tommy.

"Very well, pile in then," and away rattled the hay-cart with thetired children and the full pails.

Mrs. Jo looked sober when she heard of the division of the party,and sent Franz back with Toby to find and bring the little oneshome. Supper was over, and the family sitting about in the coolhall as usual, when Franz came trotting back, hot, dusty, andanxious.

"Have they come?" he called out when half-way up the avenue.

"No!" and Mrs. Jo flew out of her chair looking so alarmed thatevery one jumped up and gathered round Franz.

"I can't find them anywhere," he began; but the words were hardlyspoken when a loud "Hullo!" startled them all, and the next minuteJack and Emil came round the house.

"Where are Nan and Rob?" cried Mrs. Jo, clutching Emil in a waythat caused him to think his aunt had suddenly lost her wits.

"I don't know. They came home with the others, didn't they?" heanswered, quickly.

"No; George and Tommy said they went with you."

"Well, they didn't. Haven't seen them. We took a swim in the pond,and came by the wood," said Jack, looking alarmed, as well hemight.

"Call Mr. Bhaer, get the lanterns, and tell Silas I want him."

That was all Mrs. Jo said, but they knew what she meant, and flewto obey her orders. In ten minutes, Mr. Bhaer and Silas were off tothe wood, and Franz tearing down the road on old Andy to searchthe great pasture. Mrs. Jo caught up some food from the table, alittle bottle of brandy from the medicine-closet, took a lantern, andbidding Jack and Emil come with her, and the rest not stir, shetrotted away on Toby, never stopping for hat or shawl. She heardsome one running after her, but said not a word till, as she pausedto call and listen, the light of her lantern shone on Dan's face.

"You here! I told Jack to come," she said, half-inclined to send himback, much as she needed help.

"I wouldn't let him; he and Emil hadn't had any supper, and Iwanted to come more than they did," he said, taking the lanternfrom her and smiling up in her face with the steady look in his eyesthat made her feel as if, boy though he was, she had some one todepend on.

Off she jumped, and ordered him on to Toby, in spite of hispleading to walk; then they went on again along the dusty, solitaryroad, stopping every now and then to call and hearken breathlesslyfor little voices to reply.

When they came to the great pasture, other lights were alreadyflitting to and fro like will-o'-the-wisps, and Mr. Bhaer's voice washeard shouting, "Nan! Rob! Rob! Nan!" in every part of the field.Silas whistled and roared, Dan plunged here and there on Toby,who seemed to understand the case, and went over the roughestplaces with unusual docility. Often Mrs. Jo hushed them all,saying, with a sob in her throat, "The noise may frighten them, letme call; Robby will know my voice;" and then she would cry outthe beloved little name in every tone of tenderness, till the veryechoes whispered it softly, and the winds seemed to waft itwillingly; but still no answer came.

The sky was overcast now, and only brief glimpses of the moonwere seen, heat-lightening darted out of the dark clouds now andthen, and a faint far-off rumble as of thunder told that asummer-storm was brewing.

"O my Robby! my Robby!" mourned poor Mrs. Jo, wandering upand down like a pale ghost, while Dan kept beside her like afaithful fire-fly. "What shall I say to Nan's father if she comes toharm? Why did I ever trust my darling so far away? Fritz, do youhear any thing?" and when a mournful, "No" came back, she wrungher hands so despairingly that Dan sprung down from Toby's back,tied the bridle to the bars, and said, in his decided way,

"They may have gone down the spring I'm going to look."

He was over the wall and away so fast that she could hardly followhim; but when she reached the spot, he lowered the lantern andshowed her with joy the marks of little feet in the soft groundabout the spring. She fell down on her knees to examine the tracks,and then sprung up, saying eagerly,

"Yes; that is the mark of my Robby's little boots! Come this way,they must have gone on."

Such a weary search! But now some inexplicable instinct seemedto lead the anxious mother, for presently Dan uttered a cry, andcaught up a little shining object lying in the path. It was the coverof the new tin pail, dropped in the first alarm of being lost. Mrs. Johugged and kissed it as if it were a living thing; and when Dan wasabout to utter a glad shout to bring the others to the spot, shestopped him, saying, as she hurried on, "No, let me find them; I letRob go, and I want to give him back to his father all myself."

A little farther on Nan's hat appeared, and after passing the placemore than once, they came at last upon the babes in the wood, bothsound asleep. Dan never forgot the little picture on which the lightof his lantern shone that night. He thought Mrs. Jo would cry out,but she only whispered, "Hush!" as she softly lifted away theapron, and saw the little ruddy face below. The berry-stained lipswere half-open as the breath came and went, the yellow hair laydamp on the hot forehead, and both the chubby hands held fast thelittle pail still full.

The sight of the childish harvest, treasured through all the troublesof that night for her, seemed to touch Mrs. Jo to the heart, forsuddenly she gathered up her boy, and began to cry over him, sotenderly, yet so heartily, that he woke up, and at first seemedbewildered. Then he remembered, and hugged her close, sayingwith a laugh of triumph,

"I knew you'd come! O Marmar! I did want you so!" For a momentthey kissed and clung to one another, quite forgetting all the world;for no matter how lost and soiled and worn-out wandering sonsmay be, mothers can forgive and forget every thing as they foldthem in their fostering arms. Happy the son whose faith in hismother remains unchanged, and who, through all his wanderings,has kept some filial token to repay her brave and tender love.

Dan meantime picked Nan out of her bush, and, with a gentlenessnone but Teddy ever saw in him before, he soothed her first alarmat the sudden waking, and wiped away her tears; for Nan alsobegan to cry for joy, it was so good to see a kind face and feel astrong arm round her after what seemed to her ages of lonelinessand fear.

"My poor little girl, don't cry! You are all safe now, and no oneshall say a word of blame to-night," said Mrs. Jo, taking Nan intoher capacious embrace, and cuddling both children as a hen mightgather her lost chickens under her motherly wings.

"It was my fault; but I am sorry. I tried to take care of him, and Icovered him up and let him sleep, and didn't touch his berries,though I was so hungry; and I never will do it again truly, never,never," sobbed Nan, quite lost in a sea of penitence andthankfulness.

"Call them now, and let us get home," said Mrs. Jo; and Dan,getting upon the wall, sent a joyful word "Found!" ringing over thefield.

How the wandering lights came dancing from all sides, andgathered round the little group among the sweet fern bushes! Sucha hugging, and kissing, and talking, and crying, as went on musthave amazed the glowworms, and evidently delighted themosquitoes, for they hummed frantically, while the little mothscame in flocks to the party, and the frogs croaked as if they couldnot express their satisfaction loudly enough.

Then they set out for home, a queer party, for Franz rode on to tellthe news; Dan and Toby led the way; then came Nan in the strongarms of Silas, who considered her "the smartest little baggage heever saw," and teased her all the way home about her pranks. Mrs.Bhaer would let no one carry Rob but himself, and the little fellow,refreshed by sleep, sat up, and chattered gayly, feeling himself ahero, while his mother went beside him holding on to any pat ofhis precious little body that came handy, and never tired of hearinghim say, "I knew Marmar would come," or seeing him lean downto kiss her, and put a plump berry into her mouth, "'Cause hepicked 'em all for her."

The moon shone out just as they reached the avenue, and all theboys came shouting to meet them, so the lost lambs were borne intriumph and safety, and landed in the dining-room, where theunromantic little things demanded supper instead of preferringkisses and caresses. They were set down to bread and milk, whilethe entire household stood round to gaze upon them. Nan soonrecovered her spirits, and recounted her perils with a relish nowthat they were all over. Rob seemed absorbed in his food, but putdown his spoon all of a sudden, and set up a doleful roar.

"My precious, why do you cry?" asked his mother, who still hungover him.

"I'm crying 'cause I was lost," bawled Rob, trying to squeeze out atear, and failing entirely.

"But you are found now. Nan says you didn't cry out in the field,and I was glad you were such a brave boy."

"I was so busy being frightened I didn't have any time then. But Iwant to cry now, 'cause I don't like to be lost," explained Rob,struggling with sleep, emotion, and a mouthful of bread and milk.

The boys set up such a laugh at this funny way of making up forlost time, that Rob stopped to look at them, and the merriment wasso infectious, that after a surprised stare he burst out into a merry,"Ha, ha!" and beat his spoon upon the table as if he enjoyed thejoke immensely.

"It is ten o'clock; into bed, every man of you," said Mr. Bhaer,looking at his watch.

"And, thank Heaven! there will be no empty ones to-night," addedMrs. Bhaer, watching, with full eyes, Robby going up in hisfather's arms, and Nan escorted by Daisy and Demi, whoconsidered her the most interesting heroine of their collection.

"Poor Aunt Jo is so tired she ought to be carried up herself," saidgentle Franz, putting his arm round her as she paused at thestair-foot, looking quite exhausted by her fright and long walk.

"Let's make an arm-chair," proposed Tommy.

"No, thank you, my lads; but somebody may lend me a shoulder tolean on," answered Mrs. Jo.

"Me! me!" and half-a-dozen jostled one another, all eager to bechosen, for there was something in the pale motherly face thattouched the warm hearts under the round jackets.

Seeing that they considered it an honor, Mrs. Jo gave it to the onewho had earned it, and nobody grumbled when she put her arm onDan's broad shoulder, saying, with a look that made him color upwith pride and pleasure,

"He found the children; so I think he must help me up."

Dan felt richly rewarded for his evening's work, not only that hewas chosen from all the rest to go proudly up bearing the lamp, butbecause Mrs. Jo said heartily, "Good-night, my boy! God blessyou!" as he left her at her door.

"I wish I was your boy," said Dan, who felt as if danger and troublehad somehow brought him nearer than ever to her.

"You shall be my oldest son," and she sealed her promise with akiss that made Dan hers entirely.

Little Rob was all right next day, but Nan had a headache, and layon Mother Bhaer's sofa with cold-cream upon her scratched face.Her remorse was quite gone, and she evidently thought being lostrather a fine amusement. Mrs. Jo was not pleased with this state ofthings, and had no desire to have her children led from the paths ofvirtue, or her pupils lying round loose in huckleberry fields. So shetalked soberly to Nan, and tried to impress upon her mind thedifference between liberty and license, telling several tales toenforce her lecture. She had not decided how to punish Nan, butone of these stories suggested a way, and as Mrs. Jo liked oddpenalties, she tried it.

"All children run away," pleaded Nan, as if it was as natural andnecessary a thing as measles or hooping cough.

"Not all, and some who do run away don't get found again,"answered Mrs. Jo.

"Didn't you do it yourself?" asked Nan, whose keen little eyes sawsome traces of a kindred spirit in the serious lady who was sewingso morally before her.

Mrs. Jo laughed, and owned that she did.

"Tell about it," demanded Nan, feeling that she was getting theupper hand in the discussion.

Mrs. Jo saw that, and sobered down at once, saying, with aremorseful shake of the head,

"I did it a good many times, and led my poor mother rather a hardlife with my pranks, till she cured me."

"How?" and Nan sat up with a face full of interest.

"I had a new pair of shoes once, and wanted to show them; so,though I was told not to leave the garden, I ran away and waswandering about all day. It was in the city, and why I wasn't killedI don't know. Such a time as I had. I frolicked in the park withdogs, sailed boats in the Back Bay with strange boys, dined with alittle Irish beggar-girl on salt fish and potatoes, and was found atlast fast asleep on a door-step with my arms round a great dog. Itwas late in the evening, and I was a dirty as a little pig, and thenew shoes were worn out I had travelled so far."

"How nice!" cried Nan, looking all ready to go and do it herself.

"It was not nice next day;" and Mrs. Jo tried to keep her eyes frombetraying how much she enjoyed the memory of her early capers.

"Did your mother whip you?" asked Nan, curiously.

"She never whipped me but once, and then she begged my pardon,or I don't think I ever should have forgiven her, it hurt my feelingsso much."

"Why did she beg your pardon? my father don't."

"Because, when she had done it, I turned round and said, 'Well,you are mad yourself, and ought to be whipped as much as me.'She looked at me a minute, then her anger all died out, and shesaid, as if ashamed, 'You are right, Jo, I am angry; and why shouldI punish you for being in a passion when I set you such a badexample? Forgive me, dear, and let us try to help one another in abetter way.' I never forgot it, and it did me more good than a dozenrods."

Nan sat thoughtfully turning the little cold-cream jar for a minute,and Mrs. Jo said nothing, but let that idea get well into the busylittle mind that was so quick to see and feel what went on abouther.

"I like that," said Nan, presently, and her face looked less elfish,with its sharp eyes, inquisitive nose, and mischievous mouth."What did your mother do to you when you ran away that time?"

"She tied me to the bed-post with a long string, so that I could notgo out of the room, and there I stayed all day with the littleworn-out shoes hanging up before me to remind me of my fault."

"I should think that would cure anybody," cried Nan, who lovedher liberty above all things.

"It did cure me, and I think it will you, so I am going to try it," saidMrs. Jo, suddenly taking a ball of strong twine out of a drawer inher work-table.

Nan looked as if she was decidedly getting the worst of theargument now, and sat feeling much crestfallen while Mrs. Jo tiedone end round her waist and the other to the arm of the sofa,saying, as she finished,

"I don't like to tie you up like a naughty little dog, but if you don'tremember any better than a dog, I must treat you like one."

"I'd just as lief be tied up as not I like to play dog;" and Nan put ona don't-care face, and began to growl and grovel on the floor.

Mrs. Jo took no notice, but leaving a book or two and ahandkerchief to hem, she went away, and left Miss Nan to her owndevices. This was not agreeable, and after sitting a moment shetried to untie the cord. But it was fastened in the belt of her apronbehind, so she began on the knot at the other end. It soon cameloose, and, gathering it up, Nan was about to get out of thewindow, when she heard Mrs. Jo say to somebody as she passedthrough the hall,

"No, I don't think she will run away now; she is an honorable littlegirl, and knows that I do it to help her."

In a minute, Nan whisked back, tied herself up, and began to sewviolently. Rob came in a moment after, and was so charmed withthe new punishment, that he got a jump-rope and tethered himselfto the other arm of the sofa in the most social manner.

"I got lost too, so I ought to be tied up as much as Nan," heexplained to his mother when she saw the new captive.

"I'm not sure that you don't deserve a little punishment, for youknew it was wrong to go far away from the rest."

"Nan took me," began Rob, willing to enjoy the novel penalty, butnot willing to take the blame.

"You needn't have gone. You have got a conscience, though youare a little boy, and you must learn to mind it."

"Well, my conscience didn't prick me a bit when she said 'Let's getover the wall,' " answered Rob, quoting one of Demi's expressions.

"Did you stop to see if it did?"


"Then you cannot tell."

"I guess it's such a little conscience that it don't prick hard enoughfor me to feel it," added Rob, after thinking the matter over for aminute.

"We must sharpen it up. It's bad to have a dull conscience; so youmay stay here till dinner-time, and talk about it with Nan. I trustyou both not to untie yourselves till I say the word."

"No, we won't," said both, feeling a certain sense of virtue inhelping to punish themselves.

For an hour they were very good, then they grew tired of one room,and longed to get out. Never had the hall seemed so inviting; eventhe little bedroom acquired a sudden interest, and they wouldgladly have gone in and played tent with the curtains of the bestbed. The open windows drove them wild because they could notreach them; and the outer world seemed so beautiful, theywondered how they ever found the heart to say it was dull. Nanpined for a race round the lawn, and Rob remembered with dismaythat he had not fed his dog that morning, and wondered what poorPollux would do. They watched the clock, and Nan did some nicecalculations in minutes and seconds, while Rob learned to tell allthe hours between eight and one so well that he never forgot them.It was maddening to smell the dinner, to know that there was to besuccotash and huckleberry pudding, and to feel that they would notbe on the spot to secure good helps of both. When Mary Annbegan to set the table, they nearly cut themselves in two trying tosee what meat there was to be; and Nan offered to help her makethe beds, if she would only see that she had "lots of sauce on herpudding."

When the boys came bursting out of school, they found thechildren tugging at their halters like a pair of restive little colts,and were much edified, as well as amused, by the sequel to theexciting adventures of the night.

"Untie me now, Marmar; my conscience will prick like a pin nexttime, I know it will," said Rob, as the bell rang, and Teddy came tolook at him with sorrowful surprise.

"We shall see," answered his mother, setting him free. He took agood run down the hall, back through the dining-room, andbrought up beside Nan, quite beaming with virtuous satisfaction.

"I'll bring her dinner to her, may I?" he asked, pitying hisfellow-captive.

"That's my kind little son! Yes, pull out the table, and get a chair;"and Mrs. Jo hurried away to quell the ardor of the others, whowere always in a raging state of hunger at noon.

Nan ate alone, and spent a long afternoon attached to the sofa.Mrs. Bhaer lengthened her bonds so that she could look out of thewindow; and there she stood watching the boys play, and all thelittle summer creatures enjoying their liberty. Daisy had a picnicfor the dolls on the lawn, so that Nan might see the fun if she couldnot join in it. Tommy turned his best somersaults to console her;Demi sat on the steps reading aloud to himself, which amused Nana good deal; and Dan brought a little tree-toad to show her as themost delicate attention in his power.

But nothing atoned for the loss of freedom; and a few hours ofconfinement taught Nan how precious it was. A good manythoughts went through the little head that lay on the window-sillduring the last quiet hour when all the children went to the brookto see Emil's new ship launched. She was to have christened it, andhad depended on smashing a tiny bottle of currant-wine over theprow as it was named Josephine in honor of Mrs. Bhaer. Now shehad lost her chance, and Daisy wouldn't do it half so well. Tearsrose to her eyes as she remembered that it was all her own fault;and she said aloud, addressing a fat bee who was rolling about inthe yellow heart of a rose just under the window,

"If you have run away, you'd better go right home, and tell yourmother you are sorry, and never do so any more."

"I am glad to hear you give him such good advice, and I think hehas taken it," said Mrs. Jo, smiling, as the bee spread his dustywings and flew away.

Nan brushed off a bright drop or two that shone on thewindow-sill, and nestled against her friend as she took her on herknee, adding kindly for she had seen the little drops, and knewwhat they meant

"Do you think my mother's cure for running away a good one?"

"Yes, ma'am," answered Nan, quite subdued by her quiet day.

"I hope I shall not have to try it again."

"I guess not;" and Nan looked up with such an earnest little facethat Mrs. Jo felt satisfied, and said no more, for she liked to haveher penalties do their own work, and did not spoil the effect by toomuch moralizing.

Here Rob appeared, bearing with infinite care what Asia called a"sarcer pie," meaning one baked in a saucer.

"It's made out of some of my berries, and I'm going to give you halfat supper-time," he announced with a flourish.

"What makes you, when I'm so naughty?" asked Nan, meekly.

"Because we got lost together. You ain't going to be naughty again,are you?"

"Never," said Nan, with great decision.

"Oh, goody! now let's go and get Mary Ann to cut this for us allready to eat; it's 'most tea time;" and Rob beckoned with thedelicious little pie.

Nan started to follow, then stopped, and said,

"I forgot, I can't go."

"Try and see," said Mrs. Bhaer, who had quietly untied the cordsash while she had been talking.

Nan saw that she was free, and with one tempestuous kiss to Mrs.Jo, she was off like a humming-bird, followed by Robby, dribblinghuckleberry juice as he ran.