Chapter 6

Prince Inga was up with the sun and, accompanied byBilbil, began walking along the shore in search of theboat which the White Pearl had promised him. Never foran instant did he doubt that he would find it andbefore he had walked any great distance a dark objectat the water's edge caught his eye.

"It is the boat, Bilbil!" he cried joyfully, andrunning down to it he found it was, indeed, a large androomy boat. Although stranded upon the beach, it was inperfect order and had suffered in no way from thestorm.

Inga stood for some moments gazing upon the handsomecraft and wondering where it could have come from.Certainly it was unlike any boat he had ever seen. Onthe outside it was painted a lustrous black, withoutany other color to relieve it; but all the inside ofthe boat was lined with pure silver, polished so highlythat the surface resembled a mirror and glintedbrilliantly in the rays of the sun. The seats had whitevelvet cushions upon them and the cushions weresplendidly embroidered with threads of gold. At oneend, beneath the broad seat, was a small barrel withsilver hoops, which the boy found was filled withfresh, sweet water. A great chest of sandalwood, boundand ornamented with silver, stood in the other end ofthe boat. Inga raised the lid and discovered the chestfilled with sea-biscuits, cakes, tinned meats and ripe,juicy melons; enough good and wholesome food to lastthe party a long time.

Lying upon the bottom of the boat were two shiningoars, and overhead, but rolled back now, was a canopyof silver cloth to ward off the heat of the sun.

It is no wonder the boy was delighted with theappearance of this beautiful boat; but on reflection hefeared it was too large for him to row any greatdistance. Unless, indeed, the Blue Pearl gave himunusual strength.

While he was considering this matter, King Rinkitinkcame waddling up to him and said:

"Well, well, well, my Prince, your words have cometrue! Here is the boat, for a certainty, yet how itcame here -- and how you knew it would come to us --are puzzles that mystify me. I do not question our goodfortune, however, and my heart is bubbling with joy,for in this boat I will return at once to my City ofGilgad, from which I have remained absent altogethertoo long a time."

"I do not wish to go to Gilgad," said Inga.

"That is too bad, my friend, for you would be verywelcome. But you may remain upon this island, if youwish," continued Rinkitink, "and when I get home I willsend some of my people to rescue you."

"It is my boat, Your Majesty," said Inga quietly.

"May be, may be," was the careless answer, "but I amKing of a great country, while you are a boy Princewithout any kingdom to speak of. Therefore, being ofgreater importance than you, it is just and right thatI take, your boat and return to my own country in it."

"I am sorry to differ from Your Majesty's views,"said Inga, "but instead of going to Gilgad I considerit of greater importance that we go to the islands ofRegos and Coregos."

"Hey? What!" cried the astounded King. "To Regos andCoregos! To become slaves of the barbarians, like theKing, your father? No, no, my boy! Your Uncle Rinki mayhave an empty noddle, as Bilbil claims, but he is fartoo wise to put his head in the lion's mouth. It's nofun to be a slave."

"The people of Regos and Coregos will not enslaveus," declared Inga. "On the contrary, it is myintention to set free my dear parents, as well as allmy people, and to bring them back again to Pingaree."

"Cheek-eek-eek-eek-eek! How funny!" chuckledRinkitink, winking at the goat, which scowled inreturn. "Your audacity takes my breath away, Inga, butthe adventure has its charm, I must, confess. Were Inot so fat, I'd agree to your plan at once, and couldprobably conquer that horde of fierce warriors withoutany assistance at all -- any at all -- eh, Bilbil? ButI grieve to say that I am fat, and not in good fightingtrim. As for your determination to do what I admit Ican't do, Inga, I fear you forget that you are only aboy, and rather small at that."

"No, I do not forget that," was Inga's reply.

"Then please consider that you and I and Bilbil arenot strong enough, as an army, to conquer a powerfulnation of skilled warriors. We could attempt it, ofcourse, but you are too young to die, while I am tooold. Come with me to my City of Gilgad, where you willbe greatly honored. I'll have my professors teach youhow to be good. Eh? What do you say?"

Inga was a little embarrassed how to reply to thesearguments, which he knew King Rinkitink considered werewise; so, after a period of thought, he said:

"I will make a bargain with Your Majesty, for I donot wish to fail in respect to so worthy a man and sogreat a King as yourself. This boat is mine, as I havesaid, and in my father's absence you have become myguest; therefore I claim that I am entitled to someconsideration, as well as you."

"No doubt of it," agreed Rinkitink. "What is thebargain you propose, Inga?"

"Let us both get into the boat, and you shall firsttry to row us to Gilgad. If you succeed, I willaccompany you right willingly; but should you fail, Iwill then row the boat to Regos, and you must come withme without further protest."

"A fair and just bargain!" cried the King, highlypleased. "Yet, although I am a man of mighty deeds, Ido not relish the prospect of rowing so big a boat allthe way to Gilgad. But I will do my best and abide bythe result."

The matter being thus peaceably settled, theyprepared to embark. A further supply of fruits wasplaced in the boat and Inga also raked up a quantity ofthe delicious oysters that abounded on the coast ofPingaree but which he had before been unable to reachfor lack of a boat. This was done at the suggestion ofthe ever-hungry Rinkitink, and when the oysters hadbeen stowed in their shells behind the water barrel anda plentiful supply of grass brought aboard for Bilbil,they decided they were ready to start on their voyage.

It proved no easy task to get Bilbil into the boat,for he was a remarkably clumsy goat and once, whenRinkitink gave him a push, he tumbled into the waterand nearly drowned before they could get him out again.But there was no thought of leaving the quaint animalbehind. His power of speech made him seem almost humanin the eyes of the boy, and the fat King was soaccustomed to his surly companion that nothing couldhave induced him to part with him. Finally Bilbil fellsprawling into the bottom of the boat, and Inga helpedhim to get to the front end, where there was enoughspace for him to lie down.

Rinkitink now took his seat in the silver-lined craftand the boy came last, pushing off the boat as hesprang aboard, so that it floated freely upon thewater.

"Well, here we go for Gilgad!" exclaimed the King,picking up the oars and placing them in the row-locks.Then he began to row as hard as he could, singing atthe same time an odd sort of a song that ran like this

"The way to Gilgad isn't badFor a stout old King and a brave young lad,For a cross old goat with a dripping coat,And a silver boat in which to float.So our hearts are merry, light and gladAs we speed away to fair Gilgad!"

"Don't, Rinkitink; please don't! It makes meseasick," growled Bilbil.

Rinkitink stopped rowing, for by this time he was allout of breath and his round face was covered with bigdrops of perspiration. And when he looked over hisshoulder he found to his dismay that the boat hadscarcely moved a foot from its former position.

Inga said nothing and appeared not to notice theKing's failure. So now Rinkitink, with a serious lookon his fat, red face, took off his purple robe androlled up the sleeves of his tunic and tried again.

However, he succeeded no better than before and whenhe heard Bilbil give a gruff laugh and saw a smile uponthe boy Prince's face, Rinkitink suddenly dropped theoars and began shouting with laughter at his owndefeat. As he wiped his brow with a yellow silkhandkerchief he sang in a merry voice:

"A sailor bold am I, I hold,But boldness will not row a boat.So I confess I'm in distressAnd just as useless as the goat."

"Please leave me out of your verses," said Bilbilwith a snort of anger.

"When I make a fool of myself, Bilbil, I'm a goat,"replied Rinkitink.

"Not so," insisted Bilbil. "Nothing could make you amember of my superior race."

"Superior? Why, Bilbil, a goat is but a beast, whileI am a King!"

"I claim that superiority lies in intelligence," saidthe goat.

Rinkitink paid no attention to this remark, butturning to Inga he said:

"We may as well get back to the shore, for the boatis too heavy to row to Gilgad or anywhere else. Indeed,it will be hard for us to reach land again."

"Let me take the oars," suggested Inga. "You must notforget our bargain."

"No, indeed," answered Rinkitink. "If you can row usto Regos, or to any other place, I will go with youwithout protest."

So the King took Inga's place at the stern of theboat and the boy grasped the oars and commenced to row.And now, to the great wonder of Rinkitink -- and evento Inga's surprise -- the oars became light as feathersas soon as the Prince took hold of them. In an instantthe boat began to glide rapidly through the water and,seeing this, the boy turned its prow toward the north.He did not know exactly where Regos and Coregos werelocated, but he did know that the islands lay to thenorth of Pingaree, so he decided to trust to luck andthe guidance of the pearls to carry him to them.

Gradually the Island of Pingaree became smaller totheir view as the boat sped onward, until at the end ofan hour they had lost sight of it altogether and werewholly surrounded by the purple waters of the NonesticOcean.

Prince Inga did not tire from the labor of rowing;indeed, it seemed to him no labor at all. Once hestopped long enough to place the poles of the canopy inthe holes that had been made for them, in the edges ofthe boat, and to spread the canopy of silver over thepoles, for Rinkitink had complained of the sun's heat.But the canopy shut out the hot rays and rendered theinterior of the boat cool and pleasant.

"This is a glorious ride!" cried Rinkitink, as he layback in the shade. "I find it a decided relief to beaway from that dismal island of Pingaree.

"It may be a relief for a short time," said Bilbil,"but you are going to the land of your enemies, whowill probably stick your fat body full of spears andarrows."

"Oh, I hope not!" exclaimed Inga, distressed at thethought.

"Never mind," said the King calmly, "a man can diebut once, you know, and when the enemy kills me I shallbeg him to kill Bilbil, also, that we may remaintogether in death as in life."

"They may be cannibals, in which case they will roastand eat us," suggested Bilbil, who wished to terrifyhis master.

"Who knows?" answered Rinkitink, with a shudder. "Butcheer up, Bilbil; they may not kill us after all, oreven capture us; so let us not borrow trouble. Do notlook so cross, my sprightly quadruped, and I will singto amuse you."

"Your song would make me more cross than ever,"grumbled the goat.

"Quite impossible, dear Bilbil. You couldn't be moresurly if you tried. So here is a famous song for you."

While the boy rowed steadily on and the boat rushedfast over the water, the jolly King, who never could besad or serious for many minutes at a time, lay back onhis embroidered cushions and sang as follows:

"A merry maiden went to sea --

Sing too-ral-oo-ral-i-do!She sat upon the Captain's kneeAnd looked around the sea to seeWhat she could see, but she couldn't see me --

Sing too-ral-oo-ral-i-do!

"How do you like that, Bilbil?"

"I don't like it," complained the goat. "It remindsme of the alligator that tried to whistle."

"Did he succeed, Bilbil?" asked the King.

"He whistled as well as you sing."

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, heek, keek, eek!" chuckled the King."He must have whistled most exquisitely, eh, myfriend?"

"I am not your friend," returned the goat, wagginghis ears in a surly manner.

"I am yours, however," was the King's cheery reply;"and to prove it I'll sing you another verse."

"Don't, I beg of you!"

But the King sang as follows:

"The wind blew off the maiden's shoe --Sing too-ral-oo-ral-i-do!And the shoe flew high to the sky so blueAnd the maiden knew 'twas a new shoe, too;But she couldn't pursue the shoe, 'tis true-Sing too-ral-oo-ral-i-do!

"Isn't that sweet, my pretty goat?"

"Sweet, do you ask?" retorted Bilbil. "I consider itas sweet as candy made from mustard and vinegar."

"But not as sweet as your disposition, I admit. Ah,Bilbil, your temper would put honey itself to shame."

"Do not quarrel, I beg of you," pleaded Inga. "Are wenot sad enough already?"

"But this is a jolly quarrel," said the King, "and itis the way Bilbil and I often amuse ourselves. Listen,now, to the last verse of all:

"The maid who shied her shoe now cried --

Sing too-ral-oo-ral-i-do!Her tears were fried for the Captain's brideWho ate with pride her sobs, beside,And gently sighed 'I'm satisfied' --

Sing to-ral-oo-ral-i-do!"

"Worse and worse!" grumbled Bilbil, with much scorn."I am glad that is the last verse, for another of thesame kind might cause me to faint."

"I fear you have no ear for music," said the King.

"I have heard no music, as yet," declared the goat."You must have a strong imagination, King Rinkitink, ifyou consider your songs music. Do you remember thestory of the bear that hired out for a nursemaid?"

"I do not recall it just now," said Rinkitink, with awink at Inga.

"Well, the bear tried to sing a lullaby to put thebaby to sleep."

"And then?" said the King.

"The bear was highly pleased with its own voice, butthe baby was nearly frightened to death."

"Heh, heb, heh, heh, whoo, hoo, hoo! You are a merryrogue, Bilbil," laughed the King; "a merry rogue inspite of your gloomy features. However, if I have notamused you, I have at least pleased myself, for I amexceedingly fond of a good song. So let us say no moreabout it."

All this time the boy Prince was rowing. the boat. Hewas not in the least tired, for the oars he held seemedto move of their own accord. He paid little heed to theconversation of Rinkitink and the goat, but busied histhoughts with plans of what he should do when hereached the islands of Regos and Coregos and confrontedhis enemies. When the others finally became silent,Inga inquired.

"Can you fight, King Rinkitink?"

"I have never tried," was the answer. "In time ofdanger I have found it much easier to run away than toface the foe."

"But could you fight?" asked the boy.

"I might try, if there was no chance to escape byrunning. Have you a proper weapon for me to fightwith?"

"I have no weapon at all," confessed Inga.

"Then let us use argument and persuasion instead offighting. For instance, if we could persuade thewarriors of Regos to lie down, and let me step on them,they would be crushed with ease.

Prince Inga had expected little support from theKing, so he was not discouraged by this answer. Afterall, he reflected, a conquest by battle would be out ofthe question, yet the White Pearl would not haveadvised him to go to Regos and Coregos had the missionbeen a hopeless one. It seemed to him, on furtherreflection, that he must rely upon circumstances todetermine his actions when he reached the islands ofthe barbarians.

By this time Inga felt perfect confidence in theMagic Pearls. It was the White Pearl that had given himthe boat, and the Blue Pearl that had given himstrength to row it. He believed that the Pink Pearlwould protect him from any danger that might arise; sohis anxiety was not for himself, but for hiscompanions. King Rinkitink and the goat had no magic toprotect them, so Inga resolved to do all in his powerto keep them from harm.

For three days and three nights the boat with thesilver lining sped swiftly over the ocean. On themorning of the fourth day, so quickly had theytraveled, Inga saw before him the shores of the twogreat islands of Regos and Coregos.

"The pearls have guided me aright!" he whispered tohimself. "Now, if I am wise, and cautious, and brave, Ibelieve I shall be able to rescue my father and motherand my people."