Chapter 12

Our story must now return to one of our characterswhom we have been forced to neglect. The temper ofBilbil the goat was not sweet under any circumstances,and whenever he had a grievance he was inclined to bequite grumpy. So, when his master settled down in thepalace of King Gos for a quiet life with the boyPrince, and passed his time in playing checkers andeating and otherwise enjoying himself, he had no usewhatever for Bilbil, and shut the goat in an upstairsroom to prevent his wandering through the city andquarreling with the citizens. But this Bilbil did notlike at all. He became very cross and disagreeable atbeing left alone and he did not speak nicely to theservants who came to bring him food; therefore thosepeople decided not to wait upon him any more, resentinghis conversation and not liking to be scolded by alean, scraggly goat, even though it belonged to aconqueror. The servants kept away from the room andBilbil grew more hungry and more angry every hour. Hetried to eat the rugs and ornaments, but found them notat all nourishing. There was no grass to be had unlesshe escaped from the palace.

When Queen Cor came to capture Inga and Rinkitink,both the prisoners were so filled with despair at theirown misfortune that they gave no thought whatever tothe goat, who was left in his room. Nor did Bilbil knowanything of the changed fortunes of his comrades untilhe heard shouts and boisterous laughter in thecourtyard below. Looking out of a window, with theintention of rebuking those who dared thus to disturbhim, Bilbil saw the courtyard quite filled withwarriors and knew from this that the palace had in someway again fallen into the hands of the enemy.

Now, although Bilbil was often exceedinglydisagreeable to King Rinkitink, as well as to thePrince, and sometimes used harsh words in addressingthem, he was intelligent enough to know them to be hisfriends, and to know that King Gos and his people werehis foes. In sudden anger, provoked by the sight of thewarriors and the knowledge that he was in the power ofthe dangerous men of Regos, Bilbil butted his headagainst the door of his room and burst it open. Then heran to the head of the staircase and saw King Goscoming up the stairs followed by a long line of hischief captains and warriors.

The goat lowered his head, trembling with rage andexcitement, and just as the King reached the top stairthe animal dashed forward and butted His Majesty sofiercely that the big and powerful King, who did notexpect an attack, doubled up and tumbled backward. Hisgreat weight knocked over the man just behind him andhe in turn struck the next warrior and upset him, sothat in an instant the whole line of Bilbil's foes wastumbling heels over head to the bottom of the stairs,where they piled up in a heap, struggling and shoutingand in the mixup hitting one another with their fists,until every man of them was bruised and sore.

Finally King Gos scrambled out of the heap and rushedup the stairs again, very angry indeed. Bilbil wasready for him and a second time butted the King downthe stairs; but now the goat also lost his balance andfollowed the King, landing full upon the confused heapof soldiers. Then he kicked out so viciously with hisheels that he soon freed himself and dashed out of thedoorway of the palace.

"Stop him!" cried King Gos, running after.

But the goat was now so wild and excited that it wasnot safe for anyone to stand in his way. None of themen were armed and when one or two tried to head offthe goat, Bilbil sent them sprawling upon the ground.Most of the warriors, however, were wise enough not toattempt to interfere with his flight.

Coursing down the street, Bilbil found himselfapproaching the bridge of boats and without pausing tothink where it might lead him he crossed over andproceeded on his way. A few moments later a great stonebuilding blocked his path. It was the palace of QueenCor, and seeing the gates of the courtyard standingwide open, Bilbil rushed through them withoutslackening his speed.