Chapter 21

After Kaliko had failed in his attempts to destroy hisguests, as has been related, the Nome King did nothingmore to injure them but treated them in a friendlymanner. He refused, however, to permit Inga to see orto speak with his father and mother, or even to know inwhat part of the underground caverns they wereconfined.

"You are able to protect your lives and persons, Ifreely admit," said Kaliko; "but I firmly believe youhave no power, either of magic or otherwise, to takefrom me the captives I have agreed to keep for KingGos."

Inga would not agree to this. He determined not toleave the caverns until he had liberated his father andmother, although he did not then know how that could beaccomplished. As for Rinkitink, the jolly King was wellfed and had a good bed to sleep upon, so he was notworrying about anything and seemed in no hurry to goaway.

Kaliko and Rinkitink were engaged in pitching a gamewith solid gold quoits, on the floor of the royalchamber, and Inga and Bilbil were watching them, whenKlik came running in, his hair standing on end withexcitement, and cried out that the Wizard of Oz andDorothy were approaching.

Kaliko turned pale on hearing this unwelcome newsand, abandoning his game, went to sit in his ivorythrone and try to think what had brought these fearfulvisitors to his domain.

"Who is Dorothy?" asked Inga.

"She is a little girl who once lived in Kansas,"replied Klik, with a shudder, "but she now lives inOzma's palace at the Emerald City and is a Princess ofOz -- which means that she is a terrible foe to dealwith."

"Doesn't she like the nomes?" inquired the boy.

"It isn't that," said King Kaliko, with a groan, "butshe insists on the nomes being goody-goody, which iscontrary to their natures. Dorothy gets angry if I dothe least thing that is wicked, and tries to make mestop it, and that naturally makes me downhearted. Ican't imagine why she has come here just now, for I'vebeen behaving very well lately. As for that Wizard ofOz, he's chock-full of magic that I can't overcome, forhe learned it from Glinda, who is the most powerfulsorceress in the world. Woe is me! Why didn't Dorothyand the Wizard stay in Oz, where they belong?"

Inga and Rinkitink listened to this with much joy,for at once the idea came to them both to plead withDorothy to help them. Even Bilbil pricked up his earswhen he heard the Wizard of Oz mentioned, and the goatseemed much less surly, and more thoughtful than usual.

A few minutes later a nome came to say that Dorothyand the Wizard had arrived and demanded admittance, soKlik was sent to usher them into the royal presence ofthe Nome King.

As soon as she came in the little girl ran up to theboy Prince and seized both his hands.

"Oh, Inga!" she exclaimed, "I'm so glad to find youalive and well."

Inga was astonished at so warm a greeting. Making alow bow he said:

"I don't think we have met before, Princess."

"No, indeed," replied Dorothy, "but I know all aboutyou and I've come to help you and King Rinkitink out ofyour troubles." Then she turned to the Nome King andcontinued: "You ought to be ashamed of yourself, KingKaliko, to treat an honest Prince and an honest King sobadly."

"I haven't done anything to them," whined Kaliko,trembling as her eyes flashed upon him.

"No; but you tried to, an' that's just as bad, if notworse," said Dorothy, who was very indignant. "And nowI want you to send for the King and Queen of Pingareeand have them brought here immejitly!"

"I won't," said Kaliko.

"Yes, you will!" cried Dorothy, stamping her foot athim. "I won't have those poor people made unhappy anylonger, or separated from their little boy. Why, it'sdreadful, Kaliko, an' I'm su'prised at you. You must bemore wicked than I thought you were."

"I can't do it, Dorothy," said the Nome King, almostweeping with despair. "I promised King Gos I'd keepthem captives. You wouldn't ask me to break my promise,would you?"

"King Gos was a robber and an outlaw," she said, "andp'r'aps you don't know that a storm at sea wrecked hisboat, while he was going back to Regos, and that he andQueen Cor were both drowned."

"Dear me!" exclaimed Kaliko. "Is that so?"

"I saw it in Glinda's Record Book," said Dorothy. "Sonow you trot out the King and Queen of Pingaree asquick as you can."

"No," persisted the contrary Nome King, shaking hishead. "I won't do it. Ask me anything else and I'll tryto please you, but I can't allow these friendly enemiesto triumph over me.

"In that case," said Dorothy, beginning to remove thecover from her basket, "I'll show you some eggs."

"Eggs!" screamed the Nome King in horror. "Have youeggs in that basket?"

"A dozen of 'em," replied Dorothy.

"Then keep them there -- I beg -- I implore you! --and I'll do anything you say," pleaded Kaliko, histeeth chattering so that he could hardly speak.

"Send for the King and Queen of Pingaree," saidDorothy.

"Go, Klik," commanded the Nome King, and Klik ranaway in great haste, for he was almost as muchfrightened as his master.

It was an affecting scene when the unfortunate Kingand Queen of Pingaree entered the chamber and with sobsand tears of joy embraced their brave and adventurousson. All the others stood silent until greetings andkisses had been exchanged and Inga had told his parentsin a few words of his vain struggles to rescue them andhow Princess Dorothy had finally come to hisassistance.

Then King Kitticut shook the hands of his friend KingRinkitink and thanked him for so loyally supporting hisson Inga, and Queen Garee kissed little Dorothy'sforehead and blessed her for restoring her husband andherself to freedom.

The Wizard had been standing near Bilbil the goat andnow he was surprised to hear the animal say:

"Joyful reunion, isn't it? But it makes me tired tosee grown people cry like children."

"Oho!" exclaimed the Wizard. "How does it happen, Mr.Goat, that you, who have never been to the Land of Oz,are able to talk?"

"That's my business," returned Bilbil in a surlytone.

The Wizard stooped down and gazed fixedly into theanimal's eyes. Then he said, with a pitying sigh: "Isee; you are under an enchantment. Indeed, I believeyou to be Prince Bobo of Boboland."

Bilbil made no reply but dropped his head as ifashamed.

"This is a great discovery," said the Wizard,addressing Dorothy and the others of the party. "A goodmany years ago a cruel magician transformed the gallantPrince of Boboland into a talking goat, and this goat,being ashamed of his condition, ran away and was neverafter seen in Boboland, which is a country far to thesouth of here but bordering on the Deadly Desert,opposite the Land of Oz. I heard of this story long agoand know that a diligent search has been made for theenchanted Prince, without result. But I am well assuredthat, in the animal you call Bilbil, I have discoveredthe unhappy Prince of Boboland."

"Dear me, Bilbil," said Rinkitink, "why have younever told me this?"

"What would be the use?" asked Bilbil in a low voiceand still refusing to look up.

"The use?" repeated Rinkitink, puzzled.

"Yes, that's the trouble," said the Wizard. "It isone of the most powerful enchantments everaccomplished, and the magician is now dead and thesecret of the anti-charm lost. Even I, with all myskill, cannot restore Prince Bobo to his proper form.But I think Glinda might be able to do so and if youwill all return with Dorothy and me to the Land of Oz,where Ozma will make you welcome, I will ask Glinda totry to break this enchantment."

This was willingly agreed to, for they all welcomedthe chance to visit the famous Land of Oz. So they badegood-bye to King Kaliko, whom Dorothy warned not to bewicked any more if he could help it, and the entireparty returned over the Magic Carpet to the Land of Oz.They filled the Red Wagon, which was still waiting forthem, pretty full; but the Sawhorse didn't mind thatand with wonderful speed carried them safely to theEmerald City.