Chapter 4

Cap'n Bill rubbed his eyes, lit a match and consultedhis watch.

"Nine o'clock. Yes, I guess it's another day, sureenough. Shall we go on?" he asked.

"Of course," replied the Ork. "Unless this tunnelis different from everything else in the world, andhas no end, we'll find a way out of it sooner or later."

The sailor gently wakened Trot. She felt much restedby her long sleep and sprang to her feet eagerly.

"Let's start, Cap'n," was all she said.

They resumed the journey and had only taken afew steps when the Ork cried "Wow!" and made agreat fluttering of its wings and whirling of its tail.The others, who were following a short distancebehind, stopped abruptly.

"What's the matter?" asked Cap'n Bill.

"Give us a light," was the reply. "I think we've cometo the end of the tunnel." Then, while Cap'n Billlighted a candle, the creature added: "If that is true,we needn't have wakened so soon, for we were almost atthe end of this place when we went to sleep."

The sailor-man and Trot came forward with a light. Awall of rock really faced the tunnel, but now they sawthat the opening made a sharp turn to the left. So theyfollowed on, by a narrower passage, and then madeanother sharp turn this time to the right.

"Blow out the light, Cap'n," said the Ork, in apleased voice. "We've struck daylight."

Daylight at last! A shaft of mellow light fell almostat their feet as Trot and the sailor turned the cornerof the passage, but it came from above, and raisingtheir eyes they found they were at the bottom of adeep, rocky well, with the top far, far above theirheads. And here the passage ended.

For a while they gazed in silence, at least two ofthem being filled with dismay at the sight. But the Orkmerely whistled softly and said cheerfully:

"That was the toughest journey I ever had themisfortune to undertake, and I'm glad it's over. Yet,unless I can manage to fly to the top of this pit, weare entombed here forever."

"Do you think there is room enough for you to flyin?" asked the little girl anxiously; and Cap'n Billadded:

"It's a straight-up shaft, so I don't see how you'llever manage it."

"Were I an ordinary bird -- one of those horridfeathered things -- I wouldn't even make the attempt tofly out," said the Ork. "But my mechanical propellertail can accomplish wonders, and whenever you're readyI'll show you a trick that is worth while."

"Oh!" exclaimed Trot; "do you intend to take us up,too?"

"Why not?"

"I thought," said Cap'n Bill, "as you'd go first, an'then send somebody to help us by lettin' down a rope."

"Ropes are dangerous," replied the Ork, "and I mightnot be able to find one to reach all this distance.Besides, it stands to reason that if I can get outmyself I can also carry you two with me."

"Well, I'm not afraid," said Trot, who longed to beon the earth's surface again.

"S'pose we fall?" suggested Cap'n Bill, doubtfully.

"Why, in that case we would all fall together,"returned the Ork. "Get aboard, little girl; sit acrossmy shoulders and put both your arms around my neck."

Trot obeyed and when she was seated on the Ork,Cap'n Bill inquired:

"How 'bout me, Mr. Ork?"

"Why, I think you'd best grab hold of my rearlegs and let me carry you up in that manner," wasthe reply.

Cap'n Bill looked way up at the top of the well, andthen he looked at the Ork's slender, skinny legs andheaved a deep sigh.

"It's goin' to be some dangle, I guess; but if youdon't waste too much time on the way up, I may be ableto hang on," said he.

"All ready, then!" cried the Ork, and at once hiswhirling tail began to revolve. Trot felt herselfrising into the air; when the creature's legs left theground Cap'n Bill grasped two of them firmly and heldon for dear life. The Ork's body was tipped straightupward, and Trot had to embrace the neck very tightlyto keep from sliding off. Even in this position the Orkhad trouble in escaping the rough sides of the well.Several times it exclaimed "Wow!" as it bumped itsback, or a wing hit against some jagged projection; butthe tail kept whirling with remarkable swiftness andthe daylight grew brighter and brighter. It was,indeed, a long journey from the bottom to the top, yetalmost before Trot realized they had come so far, theypopped out of the hole into the clear air and sunshineand a moment later the Ork alighted gently upon theground.

The release was so sudden that even with thecreature's care for its passengers Cap'n Bill struckthe earth with a shock that sent him rolling heel overhead; but by the time Trot had slid down from her seatthe old sailor-man was sitting up and looking aroundhim with much satisfaction.

"It's sort o' pretty here," said he.

"Earth is a beautiful place!" cried Trot.

"I wonder where on earth we are?" pondered the Ork,turning first one bright eye and then the other to thisside and that. Trees there were, in plenty, and shrubsand flowers and green turf. But there were no houses;there were no paths; there was no sign of civilizationwhatever.

"Just before I settled down on the ground I thought Icaught a view of the ocean," said the Ork. "Let's seeif I was right." Then he flew to a little hill, nearby, and Trot and Cap'n Bill followed him more slowly.When they stood on the top of the hill they could seethe blue waves of the ocean in front of them, to theright of them, and at the left of them. Behind thehill was a forest that shut out the view.

"I hope it ain't an island, Trot," said Cap'n Billgravely.

"If it is, I s'pose we're prisoners," she replied.

"Ezzackly so, Trot."

"But, 'even so, it's better than those terr'bleunderground tunnels and caverns," declared the girl.

"You are right, little one," agreed the Ork."Anything above ground is better than the best thatlies under ground. So let's not quarrel with our fatebut be thankful we've escaped."

"We are, indeed!" she replied. "But I wonder ifwe can find something to eat in this place?"

"Let's explore an' find out," proposed Cap'n Bill."Those trees over at the left look like cherry-trees."

On the way to them the explorers had to walkthrough a tangle of vines and Cap'n Bill, who wentfirst, stumbled and pitched forward on his face.

"Why, it's a melon!" cried Trot delightedly, asshe saw what had caused the sailor to fall.

Cap'n Bill rose to his foot, for he was not at allhurt, and examined the melon. Then he took his bigjackknife from his pocket and cut the melon open. Itwas quite ripe and looked delicious; but the old mantasted it before he permitted Trot to eat any. Decidingit was good he gave her a big slice and then offeredthe Ork some. The creature looked at the fruit somewhatdisdainfully, at first, but once he had tasted itsflavor he ate of it as heartily as did the others.Among the vines they discovered many other melons, andTrot said gratefully: "Well, there's no danger of ourstarving, even if this is an island."

"Melons," remarked Cap'n Bill, "are both food an'water. We couldn't have struck anything better."

Farther on they came to the cherry trees, where theyobtained some of the fruit, and at the edge of thelittle forest were wild plums. The forest itselfconsisted entirely of nut trees -- walnuts, filberts,almonds and chestnuts -- so there would be plenty ofwholesome food for them while they remained there.

Cap'n Bill and Trot decided to walk through theforest, to discover what was on the other side of it,but the Ork's feet were still so sore and "lumpy" fromwalking on the rocks that the creature said hepreferred to fly over the tree-tops and meet them onthe other side. The forest was not large, so by walkingbriskly for fifteen minutes they reached its farthestedge and saw before them the shore of the ocean.

"It's an island, all right," said Trot, with a sigh.

"Yes, and a pretty island, too," said Cap'n Bill,trying to conceal his disappointment on Trot's account."I guess, partner, if the wuss comes to the wuss, Icould build a raft -- or even a boat -- from thosetrees, so's we could sail away in it."

The little girl brightened at this suggestion."I don't see the Ork anywhere," she remarked, lookingaround. Then her eyes lighted upon something and sheexclaimed: "Oh, Cap'n Bill! Isn't that a house, overthere to the left?"

Cap'n Bill, looking closely, saw a shed-like structurebuilt at one edge of the forest.

"Seems like it, Trot. Not that I'd call it much of ahouse, but it's a buildin', all right. Let's go overan' see if it's occypied."