
To My Readers

The very marked success of my last year's fairybook, "The Patchwork Girl of Oz," convinces methat my readers like the Oz stories "best of all," asone little girl wrote me. So here, my dears, is anew Oz story in which is introduced Ann Soforth,the Queen of Oogahoo, whom Tik-Tok assistedin conquering our old acquaintance, the Nome Kin.It also tells of Betsy Bobin and how, after manyadventures, she finally reached the marvelousLand of Oz.

There is a play called "The Tik-Tok Man of Oz,"hut it is not like this story of "Tik-Tok of Oz,"although some of the adventures recorded in thisbook, as well as those in several other Oz hooks,are included in the play. Those who have seen theplay and those who have read the other Oz hookswill find in this story a lot of strangecharacters and adventures that they have neverheard of before.

In the letters I receive from children there hasbeen an urgent appeal for me to write a story thatwill take Trot and Cap'n Bill to the Land of Oz,where they will meet Dorothy and Ozma. Alsothey think Button-Bright ought to get acquaintedwith Ojo the Lucky. As you know, I am obligedto talk these matters over with Dorothy by meansof the "wireless," for that is the only way I cancommunicate with the Land of Oz. When I askedher about this idea, she replied: "Why, haven't youheard?" I said "No." "Well," came the message overthe wireless, "I'll tell you all about it, by andby, and then you can make a hook of that story forthe children to read."

So, if Dorothy keeps her word and I am permittedto write another Oz hook, you will probablydiscover how all these characters came together inthe famous Emerald City. Meantime, I want to tellall my little friends--whose numbers are increasingby many thousands every year--that I am verygrateful for the favor they have shown my hooks andfor the delightful little letters I am constantlyreceiving. I am almost sure that I have as many friendsamong the children of America as any story writeralive; and this, of course, makes me very proud andhappy.

L. Frank Baum.