Chapter 21

Dorothy passed several very happy weeks in the Land of Oz as the guestof the royal Ozma, who delighted to please and interest the littleKansas girl. Many new acquaintances were formed and many old onesrenewed, and wherever she went Dorothy found herself among friends.

One day, however, as she sat in Ozma's private room, she noticedhanging upon the wall a picture which constantly changed inappearance, at one time showing a meadow and at another time a forest,a lake or a village.

"How curious!" she exclaimed, after watching the shifting scenes for afew moments.

"Yes," said Ozma, "that is really a wonderful invention in magic. IfI wish to see any part of the world or any person living, I need onlyexpress the wish and it is shown in the picture."

"May I use it?" asked Dorothy, eagerly.

"Of course, my dear."

"Then I'd like to see the old Kansas farm, and Aunt Em," said the girl.

Instantly the well remembered farmhouse appeared in the picture, andAunt Em could be seen quite plainly. She was engaged in washingdishes by the kitchen window and seemed quite well and contented. Thehired men and the teams were in the harvest fields behind the house,and the corn and wheat seemed to the child to be in prime condition.On the side porch Dorothy's pet dog, Toto, was lying fast asleep inthe sun, and to her surprise old Speckles was running around with abrood of twelve new chickens trailing after her.

"Everything seems all right at home," said Dorothy, with a sigh ofrelief. "Now I wonder what Uncle Henry is doing."

The scene in the picture at once shifted to Australia, where, in apleasant room in Sydney, Uncle Henry was seated in an easy chair,solemnly smoking his briar pipe. He looked sad and lonely, and hishair was now quite white and his hands and face thin and wasted.

"Oh!" cried Dorothy, in an anxious voice, "I'm sure Uncle Henry isn'tgetting any better, and it's because he is worried about me. Ozma,dear, I must go to him at once!"

"How can you?" asked Ozma.

"I don't know," replied Dorothy; "but let us go to Glinda the Good.I'm sure she will help me, and advise me how to get to Uncle Henry."

Ozma readily agreed to this plan and caused the Sawhorse to beharnessed to a pretty green and pink phaeton, and the two girls rodeaway to visit the famous sorceress.

Glinda received them graciously, and listened to Dorothy's storywith attention.

"I have the magic belt, you know," said the little girl. "If Ibuckled it around my waist and commanded it to take me to Uncle Henry,wouldn't it do it?"

"I think so," replied Glinda, with a smile.

"And then," continued Dorothy, "if I ever wanted to come back hereagain, the belt would bring me."

"In that you are wrong," said the sorceress. "The belt has magicalpowers only while it is in some fairy country, such as the Land of Oz,or the Land of Ev. Indeed, my little friend, were you to wear it andwish yourself in Australia, with your uncle, the wish would doubtlessbe fulfilled, because it was made in fairyland. But you would notfind the magic belt around you when you arrived at your destination."

"What would become of it?" asked the girl.

"It would be lost, as were your silver shoes when you visited Ozbefore, and no one would ever see it again. It seems too bad todestroy the use of the magic belt in that way, doesn't it?"

"Then," said Dorothy, after a moment's thought, "I will give the magicbelt to Ozma, for she can use it in her own country. And she can wishme transported to Uncle Henry without losing the belt."

"That is a wise plan," replied Glinda.

So they rode back to the Emerald City, and on the way it was arrangedthat every Saturday morning Ozma would look at Dorothy in her magicpicture, wherever the little girl might chance to be. And, if she sawDorothy make a certain signal, then Ozma would know that the littleKansas girl wanted to revisit the Land of Oz, and by means of the NomeKing's magic belt would wish that she might instantly return.

This having been agreed upon, Dorothy bade good-bye to all herfriends. Tiktok wanted to go to Australia; too, but Dorothy knew thatthe machine man would never do for a servant in a civilized country,and the chances were that his machinery wouldn't work at all. So sheleft him in Ozma's care.

Billina, on the contrary, preferred the Land of Oz to any othercountry, and refused to accompany Dorothy.

"The bugs and ants that I find here are the finest flavored in theworld," declared the yellow hen, "and there are plenty of them. Sohere I shall end my days; and I must say, Dorothy, my dear, that youare very foolish to go back into that stupid, humdrum world again."

"Uncle Henry needs me," said Dorothy, simply; and every one exceptBillina thought it was right that she should go.

All Dorothy's friends of the Land of Oz--both old and new--gatheredin a group in front of the palace to bid her a sorrowful good-byeand to wish her long life and happiness. After much hand shaking,Dorothy kissed Ozma once more, and then handed her the Nome King'smagic belt, saying:

"Now, dear Princess, when I wave my handkerchief, please wish me withUncle Henry. I'm aw'fly sorry to leave you--and the Scarecrow--andthe Tin Woodman--and the Cowardly Lion--and Tiktok--and--andeverybody--but I do want my Uncle Henry! So good-bye, all of you."

Then the little girl stood on one of the big emeralds which decoratedthe courtyard, and after looking once again at each of her friends,waved her handkerchief.

"No," said Dorothy, "I wasn't drowned at all. And I've come to nurseyou and take care of you, Uncle Henry, and you must promise to getwell as soon as poss'ble."

Uncle Henry smiled and cuddled his little niece close in his lap.

"I'm better already, my darling," said he.

This is the end of the Project Gutenberg Edition of Ozma of Oz