Chapter 11

Tip awoke soon after dawn, but the Scarecrow had already risen and plucked,with his clumsy fingers, a double-handful of ripe berries from some bushesnear by. These the boy ate greedily, finding them an ample breakfast, andafterward the little party resumed its Journey.

After an hour's ride they reached the summit of a hill from whence theyespied the City of the Winkies and noted the tall domes of the Emperor'spalace rising from the clusters of more modest dwellings.

The Scarecrow became greatly animated at this sight, and exclaimed:

"How delighted I shall be to see my old friend the Tin Woodman again! I hopethat he rules his people more successfully than I have ruled mine!"

Is the Tin Woodman the Emperor of the Winkies?" asked the horse.

"Yes, indeed. They invited him to rule overthem soon after the Wicked Witch was destroyed; and as Nick Chopper has thebest heart in all the world I am sure he has proved an excellent and ableemperor."

"I thought that 'Emperor' was the title of a person who rules an empire,"said Tip, "and the Country of the Winkies is only a Kingdom."

"Don't mention that to the Tin Woodman!" exclaimed the Scarecrow, earnestly."You would hurt his feelings terribly. He is a proud man, as he has everyreason to be, and it pleases him to be termed Emperor rather than King."

"I'm sure it makes no difference to me," replied the boy.

The Saw-Horse now ambled forward at a pace so fast that its riders had hardwork to stick upon its back; so there was little further conversation untilthey drew up beside the palace steps.

An aged Winkie, dressed in a uniform of silver cloth, came forward to assistthem to alight. Said the Scarecrow to his personage:

"Show us at once to your master, the Emperor."

The man looked from one to another of the party in an embarrassed way, andfinally answered:

"I fear I must ask you to wait for a time. The Emperor is not receiving thismorning."

"How is that?" enquired the Scarecrow, anxiously." I hope nothing hashappened to him."

"Oh, no; nothing serious," returned the man. "But this is his Majesty's dayfor being polished; and just now his august presence is thickly smeared withputz-pomade."

"Oh, I see!" cried the Scarecrow, greatly reassured. "My friend was everinclined to be a dandy, and I suppose he is now more proud than ever of hispersonal appearance."

"He is, indeed," said the man, with a polite bow. "Our mighty Emperor haslately caused himself to be nickel-plated."

"Good Gracious!" the Scarecrow exclaimed at hearing this. "If his wit bearsthe same polish, how sparkling it must be! But show us in -- I'm sure theEmperor will receive us, even in his present state"

"The Emperor's state is always magnificent," said the man. "But I willventure to tell him of your arrival, and will receive his commandsconcerning you."

So the party followed the servant into a splendid ante-room, and the Saw-Horse ambled awkwardly after them, having no knowledge that a horse might beexpected to remain outside.

The travelers were at first somewhat awed by their surroundings, and eventhe Scarecrow seemed impressed as he examined the rich hangings of silvercloth caught up into knots and fastened with tiny silver axes. Upon ahandsome center-table stood a large silver oil-can, richly engraved withscenes from the past adventures of the Tin Woodman, Dorothy, the CowardlyLion and the Scarecrow: the lines of the engraving being traced upon thesilver in yellow gold. On the walls hung several portraits, that of theScarecrow seeming to be the most prominent and carefully executed, while athe large painting of the famous Wizard of Oz, in act of presenting the TinWoodman with a heart, covered almost one entire end of the room.

While the visitors gazed at these things in silent admiration they suddenlyheard a loud voice in the next room exclaim:

"Well! well! well! What a great surprise!"

And then the door burst open and Nick Chopper rushed into their midst andcaught the Scarecrow in a close and loving embrace that creased him intomany folds and wrinkles.

"My dear old friend! My noble comrade!" cried the Tin Woodman, joyfully."how delighted!," I am to meet you once again.

And then he released the Scarecrow and held him at arms' length while hesurveyed the beloved, painted features.

But, alas! the face of the Scarecrow and many portions of his body boregreat blotches of putz-pomade; for the Tin Woodman, in his eagerness towelcome his friend, had quite forgotten the condition of his toilet and hadrubbed the thick coating of paste from his own body to that of his comrade.

"Dear me!" said the Scarecrow dolefully. "What a mess I'm in!"

"Never mind, my friend," returned the Tin Woodman," I'll send you to myImperial Laundry, and you'll come out as good as new."

"Won't I be mangled?" asked the Scarecrow.

"No, indeed!" was the reply. "But tell me, how came your Majesty here? andwho are your companions?"

The Scarecrow, with great politeness, introduced Tip and Jack Pumpkinhead,and the latter personage seemed to interest the Tin Woodman greatly.

"You are not very substantial, I must admit," said the Emperor. "but you arecertainly unusual, and therefore worthy to become a member of our selectsociety."

"I thank your Majesty, said Jack, humbly.

"I hope you are enjoying good health?" continued the Woodman.

"At present, yes;" replied the Pumpkinhead, with a sigh; "but I am inconstant terror of the day when I shall spoil."

"Nonsense!" said the Emperor -- but in a kindly, sympathetic tone. "Do not,I beg of you, dampen today's sun with the showers of tomorrow. For beforeyour head has time to spoil you can have it canned, and in that way it maybe preserved indefinitely."

Tip, during this conversation, was looking at the Woodman with undisguisedamazement, and noticed that the celebrated Emperor of the Winkies wascomposed entirely of pieces of tin, neatly solderedand riveted together into the form of a man. He rattled and clanked alittle, as he moved, but in the main he seemed to be most cleverlyconstructed, and his appearance was only marred by the thick coating ofpolishing-paste that covered him from head to foot.

The boy's intent gaze caused the Tin Woodman to remember that he was not inthe most presentable condition, so he begged his friends to excuse him whilehe retired to his private apartment and allowed his servants to polish him.This was accomplished in a short time, and when the emperor returned hisnickel-plated body shone so magnificently that the Scarecrow heartilycongratulated him on his improved appearance.

"That nickel-plate was, I confess, a happy thought," said Nick; "and it wasthe more necessary because I had become somewhat scratched during myadventurous experiences. You will observe this engraved star upon my leftbreast. It not only indicates where my excellent heart lies, but covers veryneatly the patch made by the Wonderful Wizard when he placed that valuedorgan in my breast with his own skillful hands."

"Is your heart, then, a hand-organ?" asked the Pumpkinhead, curiously.

"By no means," responded the emperor, with dignity. "It is, I am convinced,a strictly orthodox heart, although somewhat larger and warmer than mostpeople possess."

Then he turned to the Scarecrow and asked:

"Are your subjects happy and contented, my dear friend?"

"I cannot, say" was the reply. "for the girls of Oz have risen in revolt anddriven me out of the emerald City."

"Great Goodness!" cried the Tin Woodman, "What a calamity! They surely donot complain of your wise and gracious rule?"

"No; but they say it is a poor rule that don't work both ways," answered theScarecrow; "and these females are also of the opinion that men have ruledthe land long enough. So they have captured my city, robbed the treasury ofall its jewels, and are running things to suit themselves."

"Dear me! What an extraordinary idea!" cried the Emperor, who was bothshocked and surprised.

"And I heard some of them say," said Tip, "that they intend to march hereand capture the castle and city of the Tin Woodman."

"Ah! we must not give them time to do that," said the Emperor, quickly; "wewill go at once andrecapture the Emerald City and place the Scarecrow again upon his throne."

"I was sure you would help me," remarked the Scarecrow in a pleased voice."How large an army can you assemble?"

"We do not need an army," replied the Woodman. "We four, with the aid of mygleaming axe, are enough to strike terror into the hearts of the rebels."

"We five," corrected the Pumpkinhead.

"Five?" repeated the Tin Woodman.

"Yes; the Saw-Horse is brave and fearless," answered Jack, forgetting hisrecent quarrel with the quadruped.

The Tin Woodman looked around him in a puzzled way, for the Saw-Horse haduntil now remained quietly standing in a corner, where the Emperor had notnoticed him. Tip immediately called the odd-looking creature to them, and itapproached so awkwardly that it nearly upset the beautiful center-table andthe engraved oil-can.

"I begin to think," remarked the Tin Woodman as he looked earnestly at theSaw-Horse, "that wonders will never cease! How came this creature alive?"

"I did it with a magic powder," modestly asserted the boy. "and the Saw-Horse has been very useful to us."

"He enabled us to escape the rebels," added the Scarecrow.

"Then we must surely accept him as a comrade," declared the emperor. "A liveSaw-Horse is a distinct novelty, and should prove an interesting study. Doeshe know anything?"

"Well, I cannot claim any great experience in life," the Saw-Horse answeredfor himself. "but I seem to learn very quickly, and often it occurs to methat I know more than any of those around me."

"Perhaps you do," said the emperor; "for experience does not always meanwisdom. But time is precious Just now, so let us quickly make preparationsto start upon our Journey.

The emperor called his Lord High Chancellor and instructed him how to runthe kingdom during his absence. Meanwhile the Scarecrow was taken apart andthe painted sack that served him for a head was carefully laundered andrestuffed with the brains originally given him by the great Wizard. Hisclothes were also cleaned and pressed by the Imperial tailors, and his crownpolished and again sewed upon his head, for the Tin Woodman insisted heshould not renounce this badge of royalty. The Scarecrow now presented avery respectable appearance, and although in no way addicted to vanity hewas quite pleased with himself and strutted a trifle as he walked. Whilethis was being done Tip mended the wooden limbs of Jack Pumpkinhead and madethem stronger than before, and the Saw-Horse was also inspected to see if hewas in good working order.

Then bright and early the next morning they set out upon the return Journeyto the emerald City, the Tin Woodman bearing upon his shoulder a gleamingaxe and leading the way, while the Pumpkinhead rode upon the Saw-Horse andTip and the Scarecrow walked upon either side to make sure that he didn'tfall off or become damaged.