Chapter 20

"Hooray!" shouted the Scarecrow, gaily. "We can now leave this miserableJackdaws' nest whenever we please."

"But it is nearly dark," said the Tin Woodman; "and unless we wait untilmorning to make our flight we may get into more trouble. I don't like thesenight trips, for one never knows what will happen."

So it was decided to wait until daylight, and the adventurers amusedthemselves in the twilight by searching the Jackdaws' nest for treasures.

The Woggle-Bug found two handsome bracelets of wrought gold, which fittedhis slender arms very well. The Scarecrow took a fancy for rings, of whichthere were many in the nest. Before long hehad fitted a ring to each finger of his padded gloves, and not being contentwith that display he added one more to each thumb. As he carefully chosethose rings set with sparkling stones, such as rubies, amethysts andsapphires, the Scarecrow's hands now presented a most brilliant appearance.

"This nest would be a picnic for Queen Jinjur," said he, musingly. "for asnearly as I can make out she and her girls conquered me merely to rob mycity of its emeralds."

The Tin Woodman was content with his diamond necklace and refused to acceptany additional decorations; but Tip secured a fine gold watch, which wasattached to a heavy fob, and placed it in his pocket with much pride. Healso pinned several jeweled brooches to Jack Pumpkinhead's red waistcoat,and attached a lorgnette, by means of a fine chain, to the neck of the Saw-Horse.

"It's very pretty," said the creature, regarding the lorgnette approvingly;"but what is it for?"

None of them could answer that question, however; so the Saw-Horse decidedit was some rare decoration and became very fond of it.

That none of the party might be slighted, they ended by placing severallarge seal rings upon the points of the Gump's antlers, although that oddpersonage seemed by no means gratified by the attention.

Darkness soon fell upon them, and Tip and the Woggle-Bug went to sleep whilethe others sat down to wait patiently for the day.

Next morning they had cause to congratulate themselves upon the usefulcondition of the Gump; for with daylight a great flock of Jackdawsapproached to engage in one more battle for the possession of the nest.

But our adventurers did not wait for the assault. They tumbled into thecushioned seats of the sofas as quickly as possible, and Tip gave the wordto the Gump to start.

At once it rose into the air, the great wings flopping strongly and withregular motions, and in a few moments they were so far from the nest thatthe chattering Jackdaws took possession without any attempt at pursuit.

The Thing flew due North, going in the same direction from whence it hadcome. At least, that was the Scarecrow's opinion, and the others agreed thatthe Scarecrow was the best judge of direction. After passing over severalcities and villages the Gump carried them high above a broad plain wherehouses became more and more scattered until theydisappeared altogether. Next came the wide, sandy desert separating the restof the world from the Land of Oz, and before noon they saw the dome-shapedhouses that proved they were once more within the borders of their nativeland.

"But the houses and fences are blue," said the Tin Woodman, "and thatindicates we are in the land of the Munchkins, and therefore a long distancefrom Glinda the Good."

"What shall we do?" asked the boy, turning to their guide.

"I don't know" replied the Scarecrow, frankly. "If we were at the EmeraldCity we could then move directly southward, and so reach our destination.But we dare not go to the Emerald City, and the Gump is probably carrying usfurther in the wrong direction with every flop of its wings."

"Then the Woggle-Bug must swallow another pill," said Tip, decidedly, "andwish us headed in the right direction."

"Very well," returned the Highly Magnified one; "I'm willing."

But when the Scarecrow searched in his pocket for the pepper-box containingthe two silver Wishing Pills, it was not to be found. Filled with anxiety,the voyagers hunted throughout every inch of theThing for the precious box; but it had disappeared entirely.

And still the Gump flew onward, carrying them they knew not where.

"I must have left the pepper-box in the Jackdaws' nest," said the Scarecrow,at length.

"It is a great misfortune," the Tin Woodman declared. "But we are no worseoff than before we discovered the Wishing Pills."

"We are better off," replied Tip. "for the one pill we used has enabled usto escape from that horrible nest."

"Yet the loss of the other two is serious, and I deserve a good scolding formy carelessness," the Scarecrow rejoined, penitently. "For in such anunusual party as this accidents are liable to happen any moment, and evennow we may be approaching a new danger."

No one dared contradict this, and a dismal silence ensued.

The Gump flew steadily on.

Suddenly Tip uttered an exclamation of surprise. "We must have reached theSouth Country," he cried, "for below us everything is red!"

Immediately they all leaned over the backs of the sofas to look -- allexcept Jack, who was too carefulof his pumpkin head to risk its slipping off his neck. Sure enough; the redhouses and fences and trees indicated they were within the domain of Glindathe Good; and presently, as they glided rapidly on, the Tin Woodmanrecognized the roads and buildings they passed, and altered slightly theflight ofthe Gump so that they might reach the palace of the celebrated Sorceress.

"Good!" cried the Scarecrow, delightedly. "We do not need the lost WishingPills now, for we have arrived at our destination."

Gradually the Thing sank lower and nearer to the ground until at length itcame to rest within the beautiful gardens of Glinda, settling upon a velvetygreen lawn close by a fountain which sent sprays of flashing gems, insteadof water, high into the air, whence they fell with a soft, tinkling soundinto the carved marble basin placed to receive them.

Everything was very gorgeous in Glinda's gardens, and while our voyagersgazed about with admiring eyes a company of soldiers silently appeared andsurrounded them. But these soldiers of the great Sorceress were entirelydifferent from those of Jinjur's Army of Revolt, although they were likewisegirls. For Glinda's soldiers wore neat uniforms and bore swords and spears;and they marched with a skill and precision that proved them well trained inthe arts of war.

The Captain commanding this troop -- which was Glinda's private Body Guard -- recognized the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman at once, and greeted themwith respectful salutations.

"Good day!" said the Scarecrow, gallantly removing his hat, while theWoodman gave a soldierly salute; "we have come to request an audience withyour fair Ruler."

"Glinda is now within her palace, awaiting you," returned the Captain; "forshe saw you coming long before you arrived."

"That is strange!" said Tip, wondering.

"Not at all," answered the Scarecrow, "for Glinda the Good is a mightySorceress, and nothing that goes on in the Land of Oz escapes her notice. Isuppose she knows why we came as well as we do ourselves."

"Then what was the use of our coming?" asked Jack, stupidly.

"To prove you are a Pumpkinhead!" retorted the Scarecrow. "But, if theSorceress expects us, we must not keep her waiting."

So they all clambered out of the sofas and followed the Captain toward thepalace -- even the Saw-Horse taking his place in the queer procession.

Upon her throne of finely wrought gold sat Glinda, and she could scarcelyrepress a smile as her peculiar visitors entered and bowed before her. Boththe Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman she knew and liked; but the awkwardPumpkinhead and Highly Magnified Woggle-Bug were creatures she had neverseen before, and they seemed even more curious than the others. As for theSaw-Horse, he looked to be nothing more than an animated chunk of wood; andhe bowed so stiffly that his head bumped against the floor, causing a rippleof laughter among the soldiers, in which Glinda frankly joined.

"I beg to announce to your glorious highness," began the Scarecrow, in asolemn voice, "that my Emerald City has been overrun by a crowd of impudentgirls with knitting-needles, who have enslaved all the men, robbed thestreets and public buildings of all their emerald jewels, and usurped mythrone."

"I know it," said Glinda.

"They also threatened to destroy me, as well as all the good friends andallies you see before you," continued the Scarecrow. "and had we not managedto escape their clutches our days would long since have ended."

"I know it," repeated Glinda.

"Therefore I have come to beg your assistance," resumed the Scarecrow, "forI believe you are always glad to succor the unfortunate and oppressed."

"That is true," replied the Sorceress, slowly. "But the Emerald City is nowruled by General Jinjur, who has caused herself to be proclaimed Queen. Whatright have I to oppose her?"

"Why, she stole the throne from me," said the Scarecrow.

"And how came you to possess the throne?" asked Glinda.

"I got it from the Wizard of Oz, and by the choice of the people," returnedthe Scarecrow, uneasy at such questioning.

"And where did the Wizard get it?" she continued gravely.

"I am told he took it from Pastoria, the former King," said the Scarecrow,becoming confused under the intent look of the Sorceress.

"Then," declared Glinda, "the throne of the Emerald City belongs neither toyou nor to Jinjur, but to this Pastoria from whom the Wizard usurped it."

"That is true," acknowledged the Scarecrow,humbly; "but Pastoria is now dead and gone, and some one must rule in hisplace."

"Pastoria had a daughter, who is the rightful heir to the throne of theEmerald City. Did you know that?" questioned the Sorceress.

"No," replied the Scarecrow. "But if the girl still lives I will not standin her way. It will satisfy me as well to have Jinjur turned out, as animpostor, as to regain the throne myself. In fact, it isn't much fun to beKing, especially if one has good brains. I have known for some time that Iam fitted to occupy a far more exalted position. But where is the girl whoowns the throne, and what is her name?"

"Her name is Ozma," answered Glinda. "But where she is I have tried in vainto discover. For the Wizard of Oz, when he stole the throne from Ozma'sfather, hid the girl in some secret place; and by means of a magical trickwith which I am not familiar he also managed to prevent her being discovered-- even by so experienced a Sorceress as myself."

"That is strange," interrupted the Woggle-Bug, pompously. "I have beeninformed that the Wonderful Wizard of Oz was nothing more than a humbug!"

"Nonsense!" exclaimed the Scarecrow, much provoked by this speech. "Didn'the give me a wonderful set of brains?"

"There's no humbug about my heart," announced the Tin Woodman, glaringindignantly at the Woggle-Bug.

"Perhaps I was misinformed," stammered the Insect, shrinking back; "I neverknew the Wizard personally."

"Well, we did," retorted the Scarecrow, "and he was a very great Wizard, Iassure you. It is true he was guilty of some slight impostures, but unlesshe was a great Wizard how -- let me ask -- could he have hidden this girlOzma so securely that no one can find her?"

"I -- I give it up!" replied the Woggle-Bug, meekly.

"That is the most sensible speech you've made," said the Tin Woodman.

"I must really make another effort to discover where this girl is hidden,"resumed the Sorceress, thoughtfully. "I have in my library a book in whichis inscribed every action of the Wizard while he was in our land of Oz --or, at least, every action that could be observed by my spies. This book Iwill read carefully tonight, and try to single out the acts that may guideus in discovering the lost Ozma. Inthe meantime, pray amuse yourselves in my palace and command my servants asif they were your own. I will grant you another audience tomorrow."

With this gracious speech Glinda dismissed the adventurers, and theywandered away through the beautiful gardens, where they passed several hoursenjoying all the delightful things with which the Queen of the Southland hadsurrounded her royal palace.

On the following morning they again appeared before Glinda, who said tothem:

"I have searched carefully through the records of the Wizard's actions, andamong them I can find but three that appear to have been suspicious. He atebeans with a knife, made three secret visits to old Mombi, and limpedslightly on his left foot."

"Ah! that last is certainly suspicious!" exclaimed the Pumpkinhead.

"Not necessarily," said the Scarecrow. "he may, have had corns. Now, itseems to me his eating beans with a knife is more suspicious."

"Perhaps it is a polite custom in Omaha, from which great country the Wizardoriginally came," suggested the Tin Woodman.

"It may be," admitted the Scarecrow.

"But why," asked Glinda, "did he make three secret visits to old Mombi?"

"Ah! Why, indeed!" echoed the Woggle-Bug, impressively.

"We know that the Wizard taught the old woman many of his tricks of magic,"continued Glinda; "and this he would not have done had she not assisted himin some way. So we may suspect with good reason that Mombi aided him to hidethe girl Ozma, who was the real heir to the throne of the Emerald City, anda constant danger to the usurper. For, if the people knew that she lived,they would quickly make her their Queen and restore her to her rightfulposition."

"An able argument!" cried the Scarecrow. "I have no doubt that Mombi wasmixed up in this wicked business. But how does that knowledge help us?"

"We must find Mombi," replied Glinda, "and force her to tell where the girlis hidden."

"Mombi is now with Queen Jinjur, in the Emerald, City" said Tip. "It was shewho threw so many obstacles in our pathway, and made Jinjur threaten todestroy my friends and give me back into the old witch's power."

"Then," decided Glinda, "I will march with myarmy to the Emerald City, and take Mombi prisoner. After that we can,perhaps, force her to tell the truth about Ozma."

"She is a terrible old woman!" remarked Tip, with a shudder at the thoughtof Mombi's black kettle; "and obstinate, too."

"I am quite obstinate myself," returned the Sorceress, with a sweet smile."so I do not fear Mombi in the least. Today I will make all necessarypreparations, and we will march upon the Emerald City at daybreak tomorrow."