Chapter 5 - The Plot That Failed

For a month Tarzan was a regular and very welcomedevotee at the shrine of the beautiful Countess de Coude.Often he met other members of the select little coterie thatdropped in for tea of an afternoon. More often Olga founddevices that would give her an hour of Tarzan alone.

For a time she had been frightened by what Nikolas hadinsinuated. She had not thought of this big, young manas anything more than friend, but with the suggestionimplanted by the evil words of her brother she had grown tospeculate much upon the strange force which seemed to attracther toward the gray-eyed stranger. She did not wish tolove him, nor did she wish his love.

She was much younger than her husband, and without havingrealized it she had been craving the haven of a friendshipwith one nearer her own age. Twenty is shy in exchangingconfidences with forty. Tarzan was but two yearsher senior. He could understand her, she felt. Then he wasclean and honorable and chivalrous. She was not afraid ofhim. That she could trust him she had felt instinctivelyfrom the first.

From a distance Rokoff had watched this growing intimacywith malicious glee. Ever since he had learned thatTarzan knew that he was a Russian spy there had beenadded to his hatred for the ape-man a great fear that hewould expose him. He was but waiting now until the momentwas propitious for a master stroke. He wanted to rid himselfforever of Tarzan, and at the same time reap an ample revengefor the humiliations and defeats that he had sufferedat his hands.

Tarzan was nearer to contentment than he had been sincethe peace and tranquility of his jungle had been broken inupon by the advent of the marooned Porter party. He enjoyedthe pleasant social intercourse with Olga's friends, whilethe friendship which had sprung up between the fair countessand himself was a source of never-ending delight. It brokein upon and dispersed his gloomy thoughts, and served as abalm to his lacerated heart.

Sometimes D'Arnot accompanied him on his visits to theDe Coude home, for he had long known both Olga and thecount. Occasionally De Coude dropped in, but themultitudinous affairs of his official position and thenever-ending demands of politics kept him from homeusually until late at night.

Rokoff spied upon Tarzan almost constantly, waiting for thetime that he should call at the De Coude palace at night,but in this he was doomed to disappointment. On severaloccasions Tarzan accompanied the countess to her homeafter the opera, but he invariably left her at the entrance--much to the disgust of the lady's devoted brother.

Finding that it seemed impossible to trap Tarzan throughany voluntary act of his own, Rokoff and Paulvitch put theirheads together to hatch a plan that would trap the ape-manin all the circumstantial evidence of a compromising position.

For days they watched the papers as well as the movementsof De Coude and Tarzan. At length they were rewarded.A morning paper made brief mention of a smoker that wasto be given on the following evening by the German minister.De Coude's name was among those of the invited guests.If he attended this meant that he would be absent fromhis home until after midnight.

On the night of the banquet Paulvitch waited at the curbbefore the residence of the German minister, where he couldscan the face of each guest that arrived. He had not longto wait before De Coude descended from his car and passed him.That was enough. Paulvitch hastened back to his quarters,where Rokoff awaited him. There they waited until aftereleven, then Paulvitch took down the receiver of their telephone.He called a number.

"The apartments of Lieutenant D'Arnot?" he asked, whenhe had obtained his connection.

"A message for Monsieur Tarzan, if he will be so kind asto step to the telephone."

For a minute there was silence.

"Monsieur Tarzan?"

"Ah, yes, monsieur, this is Francois--in the service ofthe Countess de Coude. Possibly monsieur does poor Francoisthe honor to recall him--yes?

"Yes, monsieur. I have a message, an urgent message fromthe countess. She asks that you hasten to her at once--sheis in trouble, monsieur.

"No, monsieur, poor Francois does not know. Shall Itell madame that monsieur will be here shortly?

"Thank you, monsieur. The good God will bless you."

Paulvitch hung up the receiver and turned to grin at Rokoff.

"It will take him thirty minutes to get there. If youreach the German minister's in fifteen, De Coude should arriveat his home in about forty-five minutes. It all dependsupon whether the fool will remain fifteen minutes after hefinds that a trick has been played upon him; but unless I ammistaken Olga will be loath to let him go in so short a timeas that. Here is the note for De Coude. Hasten!"

Paulvitch lost no time in reaching the German minister's.At the door he handed the note to a footman. "This is for theCount de Coude. It is very urgent. You must see that it isplaced in his hands at once," and he dropped a piece of silverinto the willing hand of the servant. Then he returnedto his quarters.

A moment later De Coude was apologizing to his host as hetore open the envelope. What he read left his face white andhis hand trembling.


One who wishes to save the honor of your name takes thismeans to warn you that the sanctity of your home is thisminute in jeopardy.

A certain man who for months has been a constant visitorthere during your absence is now with your wife. Ifyou go at once to your countess' boudoir you will findthem together.A FRIEND.

Twenty minutes after Paulvitch had called Tarzan, Rokoffobtained a connection with Olga's private line. Her maidanswered the telephone which was in the countess' boudoir.

"But madame has retired," said the maid, in answer to Rokoff'srequest to speak with her.

"This is a very urgent message for the countess' earsalone," replied Rokoff. "Tell her that she must arise andslip something about her and come to the telephone. I shallcall up again in five minutes." Then he hung up his receiver.A moment later Paulvitch entered.

"The count has the message?" asked Rokoff.

"He should be on his way to his home by now," replied Paulvitch.

"Good! My lady will be sitting in her boudoir, very muchin negligee, about now. In a minute the faithful Jacques willescort Monsieur Tarzan into her presence without announcing him.It will take a few minutes for explanations. Olga willlook very alluring in the filmy creation that is her night-dress, and the clinging robe which but half conceals thecharms that the former does not conceal at all. Olga will besurprised, but not displeased.

"If there is a drop of red blood in the man the countwill break in upon a very pretty love scene in about fifteenminutes from now. I think we have planned marvelously, mydear Alexis. Let us go out and drink to the very goodhealth of Monsieur Tarzan in some of old Plancon'sunparalleled absinth; not forgetting that the Count de Coudeis one of the best swordsmen in Paris, and by far the bestshot in all France."

When Tarzan reached Olga's, Jacques was awaiting him atthe entrance.

"This way, Monsieur," he said, and led the way up the broad,marble staircase. In another moment he had opened a door,and, drawing aside a heavy curtain, obsequiously bowedTarzan into a dimly lighted apartment. Then Jacques vanished.

Across the room from him Tarzan saw Olga seated beforea little desk on which stood her telephone. She was tappingimpatiently upon the polished surface of the desk. She hadnot heard him enter.

"Olga," he said, "what is wrong?"

She turned toward him with a little cry of alarm.

"Jean!" she cried. "What are you doing here?Who admitted you? What does it mean?"

Tarzan was thunderstruck, but in an instant he realizeda part of the truth.

"Then you did not send for me, Olga?"

"Send for you at this time of night? MON DIEU! Jean, doyou think that I am quite mad?"

"Francois telephoned me to come at once; that you werein trouble and wanted me."

"Francois? Who in the world is Francois?"

"He said that he was in your service. He spoke as thoughI should recall the fact."

"There is no one by that name in my employ. Some onehas played a joke upon you, Jean," and Olga laughed.

"I fear that it may be a most sinister `joke,' Olga," he replied."There is more back of it than humor."

"What do you mean? You do not think that--"

"Where is the count?" he interrupted.

"At the German ambassador's."

"This is another move by your estimable brother.Tomorrow the count will hear of it. He will questionthe servants. Everything will point to--to what Rokoffwishes the count to think."

"The scoundrel!" cried Olga. She had arisen, and come closeto Tarzan, where she stood looking up into his face.She was very frightened. In her eyes was an expression that thehunter sees in those of a poor, terrified doe--puzzled--questioning.She trembled, and to steady herself raised her hands to hisbroad shoulders. "What shall we do, Jean?" she whispered."It is terrible. Tomorrow all Paris will read ofit--he will see to that."

Her look, her attitude, her words were eloquent of the age-old appeal of defenseless woman to her natural protector--man.Tarzan took one of the warm little hands that lay on hisbreast in his own strong one. The act was quite involuntary,and almost equally so was the instinct of protection thatthrew a sheltering arm around the girl's shoulders.

The result was electrical. Never before had he been so closeto her. In startled guilt they looked suddenly into eachother's eyes, and where Olga de Coude should have beenstrong she was weak, for she crept closer into the man's arms,and clasped her own about his neck. And Tarzan of the Apes?He took the panting figure into his mighty arms, and coveredthe hot lips with kisses.

Raoul de Coude made hurried excuses to his host after hehad read the note handed him by the ambassador's butler.Never afterward could he recall the nature of the excuseshe made. Everything was quite a blur to him up to thetime that he stood on the threshold of his own home.Then he became very cool, moving quietly and with caution.For some inexplicable reason Jacques had the door open beforehe was halfway to the steps. It did not strike him at thetime as being unusual, though afterward he remarked it.

Very softly he tiptoed up the stairs and along the galleryto the door of his wife's boudoir. In his hand was aheavy walking stick--in his heart, murder.

Olga was the first to see him. With a horrified shriek shetore herself from Tarzan's arms, and the ape-man turned justin time to ward with his arm a terrific blow that De Coudehad aimed at his head. Once, twice, three times the heavystick fell with lightning rapidity, and each blow aided in thetransition of the ape-man back to the primordial.

With the low, guttural snarl of the bull ape he sprang forthe Frenchman. The great stick was torn from his grasp andbroken in two as though it had been matchwood, to be flung asideas the now infuriated beast charged for his adversary's throat.Olga de Coude stood a horrified spectator of the terriblescene which ensued during the next brief moment, thenshe sprang to where Tarzan was murdering her husband--choking the life from him--shaking him as a terrier mightshake a rat.

Frantically she tore at his great hands. "Mother ofGod!" she cried. "You are killing him, you are killing him!Oh, Jean, you are killing my husband!"

Tarzan was deaf with rage. Suddenly he hurled the bodyto the floor, and, placing his foot upon the upturned breast,raised his head. Then through the palace of the Count deCoude rang the awesome challenge of the bull ape that hasmade a kill. From cellar to attic the horrid sound searchedout the servants, and left them blanched and trembling.The woman in the room sank to her knees beside the bodyof her husband, and prayed.

Slowly the red mist faded from before Tarzan's eyes.Things began to take form--he was regaining the perspective ofcivilized man. His eyes fell upon the figure of the kneeling woman."Olga," he whispered. She looked up, expecting to see themaniacal light of murder in the eyes above her.Instead she saw sorrow and contrition.

"Oh, Jean!" she cried. "See what you have done. He wasmy husband. I loved him, and you have killed him."

Very gently Tarzan raised the limp form of the Count deCoude and bore it to a couch. Then he put his ear to theman's breast.

"Some brandy, Olga," he said.

She brought it, and together they forced it between his lips.Presently a faint gasp came from the white lips.The head turned, and De Coude groaned.

"He will not die," said Tarzan. "Thank God!"

"Why did you do it, Jean?" she asked.

"I do not know. He struck me, and I went mad. I haveseen the apes of my tribe do the same thing. I have nevertold you my story, Olga. It would have been better had youknown it--this might not have happened. I never saw my father.The only mother I knew was a ferocious she-ape. Until I wasfifteen I had never seen a human being. I was twenty beforeI saw a white man. A little more than a year ago I was anaked beast of prey in an African jungle.

"Do not judge me too harshly. Two years is too short a timein which to attempt to work the change in an individual thatit has taken countless ages to accomplish in the white race."

"I do not judge at all, Jean. The fault is mine.You must go now--he must not find you here when heregains consciousness. Good-by."

It was a sorrowful Tarzan who walked with bowed headfrom the palace of the Count de Coude.

Once outside his thoughts took definite shape, to the endthat twenty minutes later he entered a police station notfar from the Rue Maule. Here he soon found one of theofficers with whom he had had the encounter several weeksprevious. The policeman was genuinely glad to see againthe man who had so roughly handled him. After a momentof conversation Tarzan asked if he had ever heard ofNikolas Rokoff or Alexis Paulvitch.

"Very often, indeed, monsieur. Each has a police record,and while there is nothing charged against them now, wemake it a point to know pretty well where they may be foundshould the occasion demand. It is only the same precautionthat we take with every known criminal. Why does monsieur ask?"

"They are known to me," replied Tarzan. "I wish to seeMonsieur Rokoff on a little matter of business. If you candirect me to his lodgings I shall appreciate it."

A few minutes later he bade the policeman adieu, and,with a slip of paper in his pocket bearing a certain addressin a semirespectable quarter, he walked briskly toward thenearest taxi stand.

Rokoff and Paulvitch had returned to their rooms, and weresitting talking over the probable outcome of the evening'sevents. They had telephoned to the offices of two of themorning papers from which they momentarily expectedrepresentatives to hear the first report of the scandalthat was to stir social Paris on the morrow.

A heavy step sounded on the stairway. "Ah, but thesenewspaper men are prompt," exclaimed Rokoff, and as a knockfell upon the door of their room: "Enter, monsieur."

The smile of welcome froze upon the Russian's face ashe looked into the hard, gray eyes of his visitor.

"Name of a name!" he shouted, springing to his feet,"What brings you here!"

"Sit down!" said Tarzan, so low that the men could barelycatch the words, but in a tone that brought Rokoff to hischair, and kept Paulvitch in his.

"You know what has brought me here," he continued, inthe same low tone. "It should be to kill you, but becauseyou are Olga de Coude's brother I shall not do that--now.

"I shall give you a chance for your lives. Paulvitch doesnot count much--he is merely a stupid, foolish little tool,and so I shall not kill him so long as I permit you to live.Before I leave you two alive in this room you will have donetwo things. The first will be to write a full confession ofyour connection with tonight's plot--and sign it.

"The second will be to promise me upon pain of death that youwill permit no word of this affair to get into the newspapers.If you do not do both, neither of you will be alive when Ipass next through that doorway. Do you understand?"And, without waiting for a reply: "Make haste; there is inkbefore you, and paper and a pen."

Rokoff assumed a truculent air, attempting by bravado toshow how little he feared Tarzan's threats. An instant laterhe felt the ape-man's steel fingers at his throat, and Paulvitch,who attempted to dodge them and reach the door, waslifted completely off the floor, and hurled senseless into acorner. When Rokoff commenced to blacken about the faceTarzan released his hold and shoved the fellow back intohis chair. After a moment of coughing Rokoff sat sullenlyglaring at the man standing opposite him. Presently Paulvitchcame to himself, and limped painfully back to his chairat Tarzan's command.

"Now write," said the ape-man. "If it is necessary to handleyou again I shall not be so lenient."

Rokoff picked up a pen and commenced to write.

"See that you omit no detail, and that you mention everyname," cautioned Tarzan.

Presently there was a knock at the door. "Enter," said Tarzan.

A dapper young man came in. "I am from the MATIN,"he announced. "I understand that Monsieur Rokoff hasa story for me."

"Then you are mistaken, monsieur," replied Tarzan."You have no story for publication, have you, my dear Nikolas."

Rokoff looked up from his writing with an ugly scowlupon his face.

"No," he growled, "I have no story for publication--now."

"Nor ever, my dear Nikolas," and the reporter did not seethe nasty light in the ape-man's eye; but Nikolas Rokoff did.

"Nor ever," he repeated hastily.

"It is too bad that monsieur has been troubled," said Tarzan,turning to the newspaper man. "I bid monsieur goodevening," and he bowed the dapper young man out of theroom, and closed the door in his face.

An hour later Tarzan, with a rather bulky manuscript in hiscoat pocket, turned at the door leading from Rokoff's room.

"Were I you I should leave France," he said, "for sooneror later I shall find an excuse to kill you that will not inany way compromise your sister."