

This Book

I know that some of you have been waiting for thisstory of the Tin Woodman, because many of mycorrespondents have asked me, time and again what everbecame of the "pretty Munchkin girl" whom Nick Chopperwas engaged to marry before the Wicked Witch enchantedhis axe and he traded his flesh for tin. I, too, havewondered what became of her, but until Woot theWanderer interested himself in the matter the TinWoodman knew no more than we did. However, he foundher, after many thrilling adventures, as you willdiscover when you have read this story.

I am delighted at the continued interest of bothyoung and old in the Oz stories. A learned collegeprofessor recently wrote me to ask: "For readers ofwhat age are your books intended?" It puzzled me toanswer that properly, until I had looked over some ofthe letters I have received. One says: "I'm a littleboy 5 years old, and I Just love your Oz stories. Mysister, who is writing this for me, reads me the Ozbooks, but I wish I could read them myself." Anotherletter says: "I'm a great girl 13 years old, so you'llbe surprised when I tell you I am not too old yet forthe Oz stories." Here's another letter: "Since I was ayoung girl I've never missed getting a Baum book forChristmas. I'm married, now, but am as eager to get andread the Oz stories as ever." And still another writes:"My good wife and I, both more than 70 years of age,believe that we find more real enjoyment in your Ozbooks than in any other books we read." Consideringthese statements, I wrote the college professor that mybooks are intended for all those whose hearts areyoung, no matter what their ages may be.

I think I am justified in promising that there willbe some astonishing revelations about The Magic of Ozin my book for 1919. Always your loving and gratefulfriend,


Royal Historian of Oz.

