Chapter 17

It was not more than a two hours' journey to the housewhere Nimmie Amee had lived, but when our travelersarrived there they found the place deserted. The doorwas partly off its hinges, the roof had fallen in atthe rear and the interior of the cottage was thick withdust. Not only was the place vacant, but it was evidentthat no one had lived there for a long time.

"I suppose," said the Scarecrow, as they all stoodlooking wonderingly at the ruined house, "that afterthe Wicked Witch was destroyed, Nimmie Amee becamelonely and went somewhere else to live."

"One could scarcely expect a young girl to live allalone in a forest," added Woot. "She would wantcompany, of course, and so I believe she has gone whereother people live."

"And perhaps she is still crying her poor littleheart out because no tin man comes to marry her,"suggested Polychrome.

"Well, in that case, it is the clear duty of you twotin persons to seek Nimmie Amee until you find her,"declared the Scarecrow.

"I do not know where to look for the girl," said theTin Soldier, "for I am almost a stranger to this partof the country."

"I was born here," said the Tin Woodman, "but theforest has few inhabitants except the wild beasts. Icannot think of anyone living near here with whomNimmie Amee might care to live."

"Why not go to Ku-Klip and ask him what has become ofthe girl?" proposed Polychrome.

That struck them all as being a good suggestion, soonce more they started to tramp through the forest,taking the direct path to Ku-Klip's house, for both thetin twins knew the way, having followed it many times.

Ku-Klip lived at the far edge of the great forest,his house facing the broad plains of the MunchkinCountry that lay to the eastward. But, when they cameto this residence by the forest's edge, the tinsmithwas not at home.

It was a pretty place, all painted dark blue withtrimmings of lighter blue. There was a neat blue fencearound the yard and several blue benches had beenplaced underneath the shady blue trees which marked theline between forest and plain. There was a blue lawnbefore the house, which was a good sized building. Ku-Klip lived in the front part of the house and had hiswork-shop in the back part, where he had also built alean-to addition, in order to give him more room.

Although they found the tinsmith absent on theirarrival, there was smoke coming out of his chimney,which proved that he would soon return.

"And perhaps Nimmie Amee will be with him," said theScarecrow in a cheerful voice.

While they waited, the Tin Woodman went to the doorof the workshop and, finding it unlocked, entered andlooked curiously around the room where he had beenmade.

"It seems almost like home to me," hie told hisfriends, who had followed him in. "The first time Icame here I had lost a leg, so I had to carry it in myhand while I hopped on the other leg all the way fromthe place in the forest where the enchanted axe cut me.I remember that old Ku-Klip carefully put my meat leginto a barrel -- I think that is the same barrel, stillstanding in the corner yonder -- and then at once hebegan to make a tin leg for me. He worked fast and withskill, and I was much interested in the job."

"My experience was much the same," said the TinSoldier. "I used to bring all the parts of me, whichthe enchanted sword had cut away, here to the tinsmith,and Ku-Klip would put them into the barrel."

"I wonder," said Woot, "if those cast-off parts of you twounfortunates are still in that barrel in the corner?"

"I suppose so." replied the Tin Woodman. "In the Landof Oz no part of a living creature can ever be destroyed."

"If that is true, how was that Wicked Witch destroyed?" inquired Woot.

"Why, she was very old and was all dried up andwithered before Oz became a fairyland," explained theScarecrow. "Only her magic arts had kept her alive solong, and when Dorothy's house fell upon her she justturned to dust, and was blown away and scattered by thewind. I do not think, however, that the parts cut awayfrom these two young men could ever be entirelydestroyed and, if they are still in those barrels,they are likely to be just the same as when theenchanted axe or sword severed them."

"It doesn't matter, however," said the Tin Woodman;"our tin bodies are more brilliant and durable, andquite satisfy us."

"Yes, the tin bodies are best," agreed the TinSoldier. "Nothing can hurt them."

"Unless they get dented or rusted," said Woot, butboth the tin men frowned on him.

Scraps of tin, of all shapes and sizes, lay scatteredaround the workshop. Also there were hammers and anvilsand soldering irons and a charcoal furnace and manyother tools such as a tinsmith works with. Against twoof the side walls had been built stout work-benches andin the center of the room was a long table. At the end ofthe shop, which adjoined the dwelling, were several cupboards.

After examining the interior of the workshop untilhis curiosity was satisfied, Woot said;

"I think I will go outside until Ku-Klip comes. Itdoes not seem quite proper for us to take possession ofhis house while he is absent."

"That is true," agreed the Scarecrow, and they wereall about to leave the room when the Tin Woodman said:"Wait a minute," and they halted in obedience to thecommand.