Chapter 10 - In Durance

The public houses of Barsoom, I have found, vary but little.There is no privacy for other than married couples.

Men without their wives are escorted to a large chamber,the floor of which is usually of white marble or heavy glass,kept scrupulously clean. Here are many small, raised platformsfor the guest's sleeping silks and furs, and if he have none ofhis own clean, fresh ones are furnished at a nominal charge.

Once a man's belongings have been deposited upon one of theseplatforms he is a guest of the house, and that platform his ownuntil he leaves. No one will disturb or molest his belongings,as there are no thieves upon Mars.

As assassination is the one thing to be feared, the proprietorsof the hostelries furnish armed guards, who pace back and forththrough the sleeping-rooms day and night. The number of guardsand gorgeousness of their trappings quite usually denote thestatus of the hotel.

No meals are served in these houses, but generally a public eatingplace adjoins them. Baths are connected with the sleeping chambers,and each guest is required to bathe daily or depart from the hotel.

Usually on a second or third floor there is a large sleeping-room for single women guests, but its appointments do not varymaterially from the chamber occupied by men. The guards who watchthe women remain in the corridor outside the sleeping chamber,while female slaves pace back and forth among the sleepers within,ready to notify the warriors should their presence be required.

I was surprised to note that all the guards with the hotel atwhich we stopped were red men, and on inquiring of one of them Ilearned that they were slaves purchased by the proprietors of thehotels from the government. The man whose post was past my sleepingplatform had been commander of the navy of a great Martian nation;but fate had carried his flagship across the ice-barrierwithin the radius of power of the magnetic shaft, and nowfor many tedious years he had been a slave of the yellow men.

He told me that princes, jeds, and even jeddaks of the outer world,were among the menials who served the yellow race; but when Iasked him if he had heard of the fate of Mors Kajak or TardosMors he shook his head, saying that he never had heard of theirbeing prisoners here, though he was very familiar with thereputations and fame they bore in the outer world.

Neither had he heard any rumor of the coming of the Father ofTherns and the black dator of the First Born, but he hastened toexplain that he knew little of what took place within the palace.I could see that he wondered not a little that a yellow man shouldbe so inquisitive about certain red prisoners from beyond the ice-barrier, and that I should be so ignorant of customs and conditionsamong my own race.

In fact, I had forgotten my disguise upon discovering a redman pacing before my sleeping platform; but his growing expressionof surprise warned me in time, for I had no mind to reveal myidentity to any unless some good could come of it, and I did notsee how this poor fellow could serve me yet, though I had it in mymind that later I might be the means of serving him and all theother thousands of prisoners who do the bidding of their sternmasters in Kadabra.

Thuvan Dihn and I discussed our plans as we sat together amongour sleeping silks and furs that night in the midst of the hundredsof yellow men who occupied the apartment with us. We spoke in lowwhispers, but, as that is only what courtesy demands in a publicsleeping place, we roused no suspicion.

At last, determining that all must be but idle speculation untilafter we had had a chance to explore the city and attempt to putinto execution the plan Talu had suggested, we bade each othergood night and turned to sleep.

After breakfasting the following morning we set out to see Kadabra,and as, through the generosity of the prince of Marentina, we werewell supplied with the funds current in Okar we purchased a handsomeground flier. Having learned to drive them while in Marentina,we spent a delightful and profitable day exploring the city,and late in the afternoon at the hour Talu told us we wouldfind government officials in their offices, we stopped beforea magnificent building on the plaza opposite the royalgrounds and the palace.

Here we walked boldly in past the armed guard at the door, tobe met by a red slave within who asked our wishes.

"Tell Sorav, your master, that two warriors from Illall wishto take service in the palace guard," I said.

Sorav, Talu had told us, was the commander of the forces ofthe palace, and as men from the further cities of Okar--andespecially Illall--were less likely to be tainted with the germ ofintrigue which had for years infected the household of Salensus Oll,he was sure that we would be welcomed and few questions asked us.

He had primed us with such general information as he thought would benecessary for us to pass muster before Sorav, after which we wouldhave to undergo a further examination before Salensus Oll that hemight determine our physical fitness and our ability as warriors.

The little experience we had had with the strange hooked swordof the yellow man and his cuplike shield made it seem ratherunlikely that either of us could pass this final test, but therewas the chance that we might be quartered in the palace of SalensusOll for several days after being accepted by Sorav before theJeddak of Jeddaks would find time to put us to the final test.

After a wait of several minutes in an ante-chamber we were summonedinto the private office of Sorav, where we were courteously greetedby this ferocious-appearing, black-bearded officer. He asked us ournames and stations in our own city, and having received replies thatwere evidently satisfactory to him, he put certain questions to usthat Talu had foreseen and prepared us for.

The interview could not have lasted over ten minutes whenSorav summoned an aid whom he instructed to record us properly,and then escort us to the quarters in the palace which are setaside for aspirants to membership in the palace guard.

The aid took us to his own office first, where he measuredand weighed and photographed us simultaneously with a machineingeniously devised for that purpose, five copies beinginstantly reproduced in five different offices of the government,two of which are located in other cities miles distant.Then he led us through the palace grounds to the main guardroomof the palace, there turning us over to the officer in charge.

This individual again questioned us briefly, and finallydespatched a soldier to guide us to our quarters. These we foundlocated upon the second floor of the palace in a semi-detachedtower at the rear of the edifice.

When we asked our guide why we were quartered so far from theguardroom he replied that the custom of the older members of theguard of picking quarrels with aspirants to try their metal hadresulted in so many deaths that it was found difficult to maintainthe guard at its full strength while this custom prevailed.Salensus Oll had, therefore, set apart these quarters for aspirants,and here they were securely locked against the danger of attackby members of the guard.

This unwelcome information put a sudden check to all our well-laid plans, for it meant that we should virtually be prisoners inthe palace of Salensus Oll until the time that he should see fitto give us the final examination for efficiency.

As it was this interval upon which we had banked to accomplishso much in our search for Dejah Thoris and Thuvia of Ptarth, ourchagrin was unbounded when we heard the great lock click behind ourguide as he had quitted us after ushering us into the chambers wewere to occupy.

With a wry face I turned to Thuvan Dihn. My companion but shookhis head disconsolately and walked to one of the windows uponthe far side of the apartment.

Scarcely had he gazed beyond them than he called to me in atone of suppressed excitement and surprise. In an instant Iwas by his side.

"Look!" said Thuvan Dihn, pointing toward the courtyard below.

As my eyes followed the direction indicated I saw two womenpacing back and forth in an enclosed garden.

At the same moment I recognized them--they were Dejah Thorisand Thuvia of Ptarth!

There were they whom I had trailed from one pole to another,the length of a world. Only ten feet of space and a few metal barsseparated me from them.

With a cry I attracted their attention, and as Dejah Thorislooked up full into my eyes I made the sign of love that themen of Barsoom make to their women.

To my astonishment and horror her head went high, and as alook of utter contempt touched her finely chiseled features sheturned her back full upon me. My body is covered with the scars ofa thousand conflicts, but never in all my long life have I sufferedsuch anguish from a wound, for this time the steel of a woman'slook had entered my heart.

With a groan I turned away and buried my face in my arms. Iheard Thuvan Dihn call aloud to Thuvia, but an instant later hisexclamation of surprise betokened that he, too, had been repulsedby his own daughter.

"They will not even listen," he cried to me. "They have puttheir hands over their ears and walked to the farther end of thegarden. Ever heard you of such mad work, John Carter? The twomust be bewitched."

Presently I mustered the courage to return to the window, foreven though she spurned me I loved her, and could not keep my eyesfrom feasting upon her divine face and figure, but when she saw melooking she again turned away.

I was at my wit's end to account for her strange actions, andthat Thuvia, too, had turned against her father seemed incredible.Could it be that my incomparable princess still clung to thehideous faith from which I had rescued her world? Could it be thatshe looked upon me with loathing and contempt because I hadreturned from the Valley Dor, or because I had desecrated thetemples and persons of the Holy Therns?

To naught else could I ascribe her strange deportment, yet itseemed far from possible that such could be the case, for the loveof Dejah Thoris for John Carter had been a great and wondrous love--far above racial distinctions, creed, or religion.

As I gazed ruefully at the back of her haughty, royal head agate at the opposite end of the garden opened and a man entered.As he did so he turned and slipped something into the hand of theyellow guardsman beyond the gate, nor was the distance too greatthat I might not see that money had passed between them.

Instantly I knew that this newcomer had bribed his way withinthe garden. Then he turned in the direction of the two women,and I saw that he was none other than Thurid, the black datorof the First Born.

He approached quite close to them before he spoke, and as theyturned at the sound of his voice I saw Dejah Thoris shrink from him.

There was a nasty leer upon his face as he stepped close to her andspoke again. I could not hear his words, but her answer came clearly.

"The granddaughter of Tardos Mors can always die," she said,"but she could never live at the price you name."

Then I saw the black scoundrel go upon his knees beside her,fairly groveling in the dirt, pleading with her. Only part of whathe said came to me, for though he was evidently laboring under thestress of passion and excitement, it was equally apparent that hedid not dare raise his voice for fear of detection.

"I would save you from Matai Shang," I heard him say. "You knowthe fate that awaits you at his hands. Would you not chooseme rather than the other?"

"I would choose neither," replied Dejah Thoris, "even were Ifree to choose, as you know well I am not."

"You ARE free!" he cried. "John Carter, Prince of Helium, is dead."

"I know better than that; but even were he dead, and I mustneeds choose another mate, it should be a plant man or a greatwhite ape in preference to either Matai Shang or you, black calot,"she answered with a sneer of contempt.

Of a sudden the vicious beast lost all control of himself,as with a vile oath he leaped at the slender woman, gripping hertender throat in his brute clutch. Thuvia screamed and sprang toaid her fellow-prisoner, and at the same instant I, too, went mad,and tearing at the bars that spanned my window I ripped them fromtheir sockets as they had been but copper wire.

Hurling myself through the aperture I reached the garden,but a hundred feet from where the black was choking the lifefrom my Dejah Thoris, and with a single great bound I was upon him.I spoke no word as I tore his defiling fingers from that beautifulthroat, nor did I utter a sound as I hurled him twenty feet from me.

Foaming with rage, Thurid regained his feet and charged melike a mad bull.

"Yellow man," he shrieked, "you knew not upon whom you hadlaid your vile hands, but ere I am done with you, you willknow well what it means to offend the person of a First Born."

Then he was upon me, reaching for my throat, and precisely asI had done that day in the courtyard of the Temple of Issus I didhere in the garden of the palace of Salensus Oll. I ducked beneathhis outstretched arms, and as he lunged past me I planted aterrific right upon the side of his jaw.

Just as he had done upon that other occasion he did now. Like a tophe spun round, his knees gave beneath him, and he crumpled to theground at my feet. Then I heard a voice behind me.

It was the deep voice of authority that marks the ruler of men,and when I turned to face the resplendent figure of a giantyellow man I did not need to ask to know that it was Salensus Oll.At his right stood Matai Shang, and behind them a score of guardsmen.

"Who are you," he cried, "and what means this intrusion withinthe precincts of the women's garden? I do not recall your face.How came you here?"

But for his last words I should have forgotten my disguiseentirely and told him outright that I was John Carter,Prince of Helium; but his question recalled me to myself.I pointed to the dislodged bars of the window above.

"I am an aspirant to membership in the palace guard," I said,"and from yonder window in the tower where I was confined awaitingthe final test for fitness I saw this brute attack the this woman.I could not stand idly by, O Jeddak, and see this thing done withinthe very palace grounds, and yet feel that I was fit to serve andguard your royal person."

I had evidently made an impression upon the ruler of Okar by myfair words, and when he had turned to Dejah Thoris and Thuvia ofPtarth, and both had corroborated my statements it began to lookpretty dark for Thurid.

I saw the ugly gleam in Matai Shang's evil eyes as Dejah Thorisnarrated all that had passed between Thurid and herself, andwhen she came to that part which dealt with my interference withthe dator of the First Born her gratitude was quite apparent,though I could see by her eyes that something puzzled her strangely.

I did not wonder at her attitude toward me while others were present;but that she should have denied me while she and Thuvia were the onlyoccupants of the garden still cut me sorely.

As the examination proceeded I cast a glance at Thuridand startled him looking wide-eyed and wonderingly at me,and then of a sudden he laughed full in my face.

A moment later Salensus Oll turned toward the black.

"What have you to say in explanation of these charges?" he askedin a deep and terrible voice. "Dare you aspire to one whomthe Father of Therns has chosen--one who might even be a fit matefor the Jeddak of Jeddaks himself?"

And then the black-bearded tyrant turned and cast a suddengreedy look upon Dejah Thoris, as though with the words a newthought and a new desire had sprung up within his mind and breast.

Thurid had been about to reply and, with a malicious grin uponhis face, was pointing an accusing finger at me, when SalensusOll's words and the expression of his face cut him short.

A cunning look crept into his eyes, and I knew from the expression ofhis face that his next words were not the ones he had intended to speak.

"O Mightiest of Jeddaks," he said, "the man and the women do notspeak the truth. The fellow had come into the garden to assistthem to escape. I was beyond and overheard their conversation,and when I entered, the woman screamed and the man sprang uponme and would have killed me.

"What know you of this man? He is a stranger to you, and Idare say that you will find him an enemy and a spy. Let him be puton trial, Salensus Oll, rather than your friend and guest, Thurid,Dator of the First Born."

Salensus Oll looked puzzled. He turned again and looked uponDejah Thoris, and then Thurid stepped quite close to him andwhispered something in his ear--what, I know not.

Presently the yellow ruler turned to one of his officers.

"See that this man be securely confined until we have time togo deeper into this affair," he commanded, "and as bars alone seeminadequate to restrain him, let chains be added."

Then he turned and left the garden, taking Dejah Thoris withhim--his hand upon her shoulder. Thurid and Matai Shang went also,and as they reached the gateway the black turned and laughed againaloud in my face.

What could be the meaning of his sudden change toward me?Could he suspect my true identity? It must be that, and the thingthat had betrayed me was the trick and blow that had laid him lowfor the second time.

As the guards dragged me away my heart was very sad and bitter indeed,for now to the two relentless enemies that had hounded her for so longanother and a more powerful one had been added, for I would have beenbut a fool had I not recognized the sudden love for Dejah Thoris that hadjust been born in the terrible breast of Salensus Oll, Jeddak of Jeddaks,ruler of Okar.