Chapter 17 - Doctor Allday

Absorbed in the effort to overcome his patient's reserve, thedoctor had forgotten Emily's letter. He opened it immediately.

After reading the first sentence, he looked up with an expressionof annoyance. "She has begun the examination of the papersalready," he said.

"Then I can be of no further use to you," Miss Jethro rejoined.She made a second attempt to leave the room.

Doctor Allday turned to the next page of the letter. "Stop!" hecried. "She has found something--and here it is."

He held up a small printed Handbill, which had been placedbetween the first and second pages. "Suppose you look at it?" hesaid.

"Whether I am interested in it or not?" Miss Jethro asked.

"You may be interested in what Miss Emily says about it in herletter."

"Do you propose to show me her letter?"

"I propose to read it to you."

Miss Jethro took the Handbill without further objection. It wasexpressed in these words:

"MURDER. 100 POUNDS REWARD.--Whereas a murder was committed onthe thirtieth September, 1877, at the Hand-in-Hand Inn, in thevillage of Zeeland, Hampshire, the above reward will be paid toany person or persons whose exertions shall lead to the arrestand conviction of the suspected murderer. Name not known.Supposed age, between twenty and thirty years. A well-made man,of small stature. Fair complexion, delicate features, clear blueeye s. Hair light, and cut rather short. Clean shaven, with theexception of narrow half-whiskers. Small, white, well-shapedhands. Wore valuable rings on the two last fingers of the lefthand. Dressed neatly in a dark-gray tourist-suit. Carried aknapsack, as if on a pedestrian excursion. Remarkably good voice,smooth, full, and persuasive. Ingratiating manners. Apply to theChief Inspector, Metropolitan Police Office, London."

Miss Jethro laid aside the Handbill without any visibleappearance of agitation. The doctor took up Emily's letter, andread as follows:

"You will be as much relieved as I was, my kind friend, when youlook at the paper inclosed. I found it loose in a blank book,with cuttings from newspapers, and odd announcements of lostproperty and other curious things (all huddled together betweenthe leaves), which my aunt no doubt intended to set in order andfix in their proper places. She must have been thinking of herbook, poor soul, in her last illness. Here is the origin of those'terrible words' which frightened stupid Mrs. Mosey! Is it notencouraging to have discovered such a confirmation of my opinionas this? I feel a new interest in looking over the papers thatstill remain to be examined--"

Before he could get to the end of the sentence Miss Jethro'sagitation broke through her reserve.

"Do what you proposed to do!" she burst out vehemently. "Stop herat once from carrying her examination any further! If shehesitates, insist on it!"

At last Doctor Allday had triumphed! "It has been a long timecoming," he remarked, in his cool way; "and it's all the morewelcome on that account. You dread the discoveries she may make,Miss Jethro, as I do. And _you_ know what those discoveries maybe."

"What I do know, or don't know, is of no importance." sheanswered sharply.

"Excuse me, it is of very serious importance. I have no authorityover this poor girl--I am not even an old friend. You tell me toinsist. Help me to declare honestly that I know of circumstanceswhich justify me; and I may insist to some purpose."

Miss Jethro lifted her veil for the first time, and eyed himsearchingly.

"I believe I can trust you," she said. "Now listen! The oneconsideration on which I consent to open my lips, isconsideration for Miss Emily's tranquillity. Promise me absolutesecrecy, on your word of honor."

He gave the promise.

"I want to know one thing, first," Miss Jethro proceeded. "Didshe tell you--as she once told me--that her father had died ofheart-complaint?"


"Did you put any questions to her?"

"I asked how long ago it was."

"And she told you?"

"She told me."

"You wish to know, Doctor Allday, what discoveries Miss Emily mayyet make, among her aunt's papers. Judge for yourself, when Itell you that she has been deceived about her father's death."

"Do you mean that he is still living?"

"I mean that she has been deceived--purposely deceived--about the_manner_ of his death."

"Who was the wretch who did it?"

"You are wronging the dead, sir! The truth can only have beenconcealed out of the purest motives of love and pity. I don'tdesire to disguise the conclusion at which I have arrived afterwhat I have heard from yourself. The person responsible must beMiss Emily's aunt--and the old servant must have been in herconfidence. Remember! You are bound in honor not to repeat to anyliving creature what I have just said."

The doctor followed Miss Jethro to the door. "You have not yettold me," he said, "_how_ her father died."

"I have no more to tell you."

With those words she left him.

He rang for his servant. To wait until the hour at which he wasaccustomed to go out, might be to leave Emily's peace of mind atthe mercy of an accident. "I am going to the cottage," he said."If anybody wants me, I shall be back in a quarter of an hour."

On the point of leaving the house, he remembered that Emily wouldprobably expect him to return the Handbill. As he took it up, thefirst lines caught his eye: he read the date at which the murderhad been committed, for the second time. On a sudden the ruddycolor left his face.

"Good God!" he cried, "her father was murdered--and that womanwas concerned in it."

Following the impulse that urged him, he secured the Handbill inhis pocketbook--snatched up the card which his patient hadpresented as her introduction--and instantly left the house. Hecalled the first cab that passed him, and drove to Miss Jethro'slodgings.

"Gone"--was the servant's answer when he inquired for her. Heinsisted on speaking to the landlady. "Hardly ten minutes havepassed," he said, "since she left my house."

"Hardly ten minutes have passed," the landlady replied, "sincethat message was brought here by a boy."

The message had been evidently written in great haste: "I amunexpectedly obliged to leave London. A bank note is inclosed inpayment of my debt to you. I will send for my luggage."

The doctor withdrew.

"Unexpectedly obliged to leave London," he repeated, as he gotinto the cab again. "Her flight condemns her: not a doubt of itnow. As fast as you can!" he shouted to the man; directing him todrive to Emily's cottage.