Chapter 65 - Cecilia In A New Character

Reaching the cottage at night, Emily found the card of a visitorwho had called during the day. It bore the name of "Miss Wyvil,"and had a message written on it which strongly excited Emily'scuriosity.

"I have seen the telegra m which tells your servant that youreturn to-night. Expect me early to-morrow morning--with newsthat will deeply interest you."

To what news did Cecilia allude? Emily questioned the woman whohad been left in charge of the cottage, and found that she hadnext to nothing to tell. Miss Wyvil had flushed up, and hadlooked excited, when she read the telegraphic message--that wasall. Emily's impatience was, as usual, not to be concealed.Expert Mrs. Ellmother treated the case in the right way--firstwith supper, and then with an adjournment to bed. The clockstruck twelve, when she put out the young mistress's candle. "Tenhours to pass before Cecilia comes here!" Emily exclaimed. "Notten minutes," Mrs. Ellmother reminded her, "if you will only goto sleep."

Cecilia arrived before the breakfast-table was cleared; aslovely, as gentle, as affectionate as ever--but looking unusuallyserious and subdued.

"Out with it at once!" Emily cried. "What have you got to tellme?'

"Perhaps, I had better tell you first," Cecilia said, "that Iknow what you kept from me when I came here, after you left us atMonksmoor. Don't think, my dear, that I say this by way ofcomplaint. Mr. Alban Morris says you had good reasons for keepingyour secret."

"Mr. Alban Morris! Did you get your information from _him?_"

"Yes. Do I surprise you?"

"More than words can tell!"

"Can you bear another surprise? Mr. Morris has seen Miss Jethro,and has discovered that Mr. Mirabel has been wrongly suspected ofa dreadful crime. Our amiable little clergyman is guilty of beinga coward--and guilty of nothing else. Are you really quiet enoughto read about it?"

She produced some leaves of paper filled with writing. "There,"she explained, "is Mr. Morris's own account of all that passedbetween Miss Jethro and himself."

"But how do _you_ come by it?"

"Mr. Morris gave it to me. He said, 'Show it to Emily as soon aspossible; and take care to be with her while she reads it.' Thereis a reason for this--" Cecilia's voice faltered. On the brink ofsome explanation, she seemed to recoil from it. "I will tell youby-and-by what the reason is," she said.

Emily looked nervously at the manuscript. "Why doesn't he tell mehimself what he has discovered? Is he--" The leaves began toflutter in her trembling fingers--"is he angry with me?"

"Oh, Emily, angry with You! Read what he has written and youshall know why he keeps away."

Emily opened the manuscript.