Chapter 15

At the drawing-room window of the villa there appeared a politelittle man, with bright intelligent eyes, and cheerful sociablemanners. Neatly dressed in professional black, he stood,self-proclaimed, a prosperous country doctor--successful andpopular in a wide circle of patients and friends. As Mrs.Crayford approached him, he stepped out briskly to meet her onthe lawn, with both hands extended in courteous and cordialgreeting.

"My dear madam, accept my heartfelt congratulations!" cried thedoctor. "I have seen the good news in the paper; and I couldhardly feel more rejoiced than I do now if I had the honor ofknowing Lieutenant Crayford personally. We mean to celebrate theoccasion at home. I said to my wife before I came out, 'A bottleof the old Madeira at dinner to-day, mind!--to drink thelieutenant's health; God bless him!' And how is our interestingpatient? The news is not altogether what we could wish, so far asshe is concerned. I felt a little anxious, to tell you the truth,about the effect of it; and I have paid my visit to-day before myusual time. Not that I take a gloomy view of the news myself. No!There is clearly a doubt about the correctness of theinformation, so far as Mr. Aldersley is concerned--and that is apoint, a great point in Mr. Aldersley's favor. I give him thebenefit of the doubt, as the lawyers say. Does Miss Burnham givehim the benefit of the doubt too? I hardly dare hope it, Iconfess."

"Miss Burnham has grieved and alarmed me," Mrs. Crayfordanswered. "I was just thinking of sending for you when we methere."

With those introductory words, she told the doctor exactly whathad happened; repeating not only the conversation of that morningbetween Clara and herself, but also the words which had fallenfrom Clara, in the trance of the past night.

The doctor listened attentively. Little by little, its easysmiling composure vanished from his face, as Mrs. Crayford wenton, and left him completely transformed into a grave andthoughtful man.

"Let us go and look at her," he said.

He seated himself by Clara's side, and carefully studied herface, with his hand on her pulse. There was no sympathy herebetween the dreamy mystical temperament of the patient and thedownright practical character of the doctor. Clara secretlydisliked her medical attendant. She submitted impatiently to theclose investigation of which he made her the object. Hequestioned her--and she answered irritably. Advancing a stepfurther (the doctor was not easily discouraged) he adverted tothe news of the Expedition, and took up the tone of remonstrancewhich had been already adopted by Mrs. Crayford. Clara declinedto discuss the question. She rose with formal politeness, andrequested permission to return to the house. The doctor attemptedno further resistance. "By all means, Miss Burnham," he answered,resignedly--having first cast a look at Mrs. Crayford which saidplainly, "Stay here with me." Clara bowed her acknowledgments inco ld silence, and left them together. The doctor's bright eyesfollowed the girl's wasted, yet still graceful figure as itslowly receded from view, with an expression of grave anxietywhich Mrs. Crayford noticed with grave misgiving on her side. Hesaid nothing, until Clara had disappeared under the veranda whichran round the garden-side of the house.

"I think you told me," he began, "that Miss Burnham has neitherfather nor mother living?"

"Yes. Miss Burnham is an orphan."

"Has she any near relatives?"

"No. You may speak to me as her guardian and her friend. Are youalarmed about her?"

"I am seriously alarmed. It is only two days since I called herelast, and I see a marked change in her for the worse--physicallyand morally, a change for the worse. Don't needlessly alarmyourself! The case is not, I trust, entirely beyond the reach ofremedy. The great hope for us is the hope that Mr. Aldersley maystill be living. In that event, I should feel no misgivings aboutthe future. Her marriage would make a healthy and a happy womanof her. But as things are, I own I dread that settled convictionin her mind that Mr. Aldersley is dead, and that her own death issoon to follow. In her present state of health this idea(haunting her as it certainly will night and day) will have itsinfluence on her body as well as on her mind. Unless we can checkthe mischief, her last reserves of strength will give way. If youwish for other advice, by all means send for it. You have myopinion."

"I am quite satisfied with your opinion," Mrs. Crayford replied."For God's sake, tell me, what can we do?"

"We can try a complete change," said the doctor. "We can removeher at once from this place."

"She will refuse to leave it," Mrs. Crayford rejoined. "I havemore than once proposed a change to her--and she always says No."

The doctor paused for a moment, like a man collecting histhoughts.

"I heard something on my way here," he proceeded, "which suggeststo my mind a method of meeting the difficulty that you have justmentioned. Unless I am entirely mistaken, Miss Burnham will notsay No to the change that I have in view for her."

"What is it?" asked Mrs. Crayford, eagerly.

"Pardon me if I ask you a question, on my part, before I reply,"said the doctor. "Are you fortunate enough to possess anyinterest at the Admiralty?"

"Certainly. My father is in the Secretary's office; and two ofthe Lords of the Admiralty are friends of his."

"Excellent! Now I can speak out plainly with little fear ofdisappointing you. After what I have said, you will agree withme, that the only change in Miss Burnham's life which will be ofany use to her is a change that will alter the present tone ofher mind on the subject of Mr. Aldersley. Place her in a positionto discover--not by reference to her own distempered fancies andvisions, but by reference to actual evidence and actualfact--whether Mr. Aldersley is, or is not, a living man; andthere will be an end of the hysterical delusions which nowthreaten to fatally undermine her health. Even taking matters attheir worst--even assuming that Mr. Aldersley has died in theArctic seas--it will be less injurious to her to discover thispositively, than to leave her mind to feed on its own morbidsuperstitions and speculations, for weeks and weeks together,while the next news from the Expedition is on its way to England.In one word, I want you to be in a position, before the week isout, to put Miss Burnham's present conviction to a practicaltest. Suppose you could say to her, 'We differ, my dear, aboutMr. Francis Aldersley. You declare, without the shadow of areason for it, that he is certainly dead, and, worse still, thathe has died by the act of one of his brother officers. I assert,on the authority of the newspaper, that nothing of the sort hashappened, and that the chances are all in favor of his beingstill a living man. What do you say to crossing the Atlantic, anddeciding which of us is right--you or I?' Do you think MissBurnham will say No to that, Mrs. Crayford? If I know anything ofhuman nature, she will seize the opportunity as a means ofconverting you to a belief in the Second Sight."

"Good Heavens, doctor! do you mean to tell me that we are to goto sea and meet the Arctic Expedition on its way home?"

"Admirably guessed, Mrs. Crayford! That is exactly what I mean."

"But how is it to be done?"

"I will tell you immediately. I mentioned--didn't I?--that I hadheard something on my road to this house."

"Yes "

"Well, I met an old friend at my own gate, who walked with me apart of the way here. Last night my friend dined with the admiralat Portsmouth. Among the guests there was a member of theMinistry who had brought the news about the Expedition with himfrom London. This gentleman told the company there was verylittle doubt that the Admiralty would immediately send out asteam-vessel, to meet the rescued men on the shores of America,and bring them home. Wait a little, Mrs. Crayford! Nobody knows,as yet, under what rules and regulations the vessel will sail.Under somewhat similar circumstances, privileged people have beenreceived as passengers, or rather as guests, in her majesty'sships--and what has been conceded on former occasions may, bybare possibility, be conceded now. I can say no more. If you arenot afraid of the voyage for yourself, I am not afraid of it(nay, I am all in favor of it on medical grounds) for my patient.What do you say? Will you write to your father, and ask him totry what his interest will do with his friends at the Admiralty?"

Mrs. Crayford rose excitedly to her feet.

"Write!" she exclaimed. "I will do better than write. The journeyto London is no great matter--and my housekeeper here is to betrusted to take care of Clara in my absence. I will see my fatherto-night! He shall make good use of his interest at theAdmiralty--you may rely on that. Oh, my dear doctor, what aprospect it is! My husband! Clara! What a discovery you havemade--what a treasure you are! How can I thank you?"

"Compose yourself, my dear madam. Don't make too sure of success.We may consider Miss Burnham's objections as disposed ofbeforehand. But suppose the Lords of the Admiralty say No?"

"In that case, I shall be in London, doctor; and I shall go tothem myself. Lords are only men; and men are not in the habit ofsaying No to me."

So they parted.

In a week from that day, her majesty's ship _Amazon_ sailed forNorth America. Certain privileged persons, specially interestedin the Arctic voyagers, were permitted to occupy the emptystate-rooms on board. On the list of these favored guests of theship were the names of two ladies--Mrs. Crayford and MissBurnham.

Fifth Scene

The Boat-House.