
The following pages were written more than twenty years since,and were then published periodically in

In the original form of publication the Rogue was very favorablyreceived. Year after year, I delayed the republication,proposing, at the suggestion of my old friend, Mr. Charles Reade,to enlarge the present sketch of the hero's adventures inAustralia. But the opportunity of carrying out this project hasproved to be one of the lost opportunities of my life. Irepublish the story with its original conclusion unaltered, butwith such occasional additions and improvements as will, I hope,render it more worthy of attention at the present time.

The critical reader may possibly notice a tone of almostboisterous gayety in certain parts of these imaginaryConfessions. I can only plead, in defense, that the story offersthe faithful reflection of a very happy time in my past life. Itwas written at Paris, when I had Charles Dickens for a nearneighbor and a daily companion, and when my leisure hours werejoyously passed with many other friends, all associated withliterature and art, of whom the admirable comedian, Regnier, isnow the only survivor. The revising of these pages has been to mea melancholy task. I can only hope that they may cheer the sadmoments of others. The Rogue may surely claim two merits, atleast, in the eyes of the new generation--he is never serious fortwo moments together; and he "doesn't take long to read." W. C.