Chapter 45 - The Beggar Of St. Eustache

D'Artagnan had calculated that in not going at once to thePalais Royal he would give Comminges time to arrive beforehim, and consequently to make the cardinal acquainted withthe eminent services which he, D'Artagnan, and his friendhad rendered to the queen's party in the morning.

They were indeed admirably received by Mazarin, who paidthem numerous compliments, and announced that they were morethan half on their way to obtain what they desired, namely,D'Artagnan his captaincy, Porthos his barony.

D'Artagnan would have preferred money in hand to all thatfine talk, for he knew well that to Mazarin it was easy topromise and hard to perform. But, though he held thecardinal's promises as of little worth, he affected to becompletely satisfied, for he was unwilling to discouragePorthos.

Whilst the two friends were with the cardinal, the queensent for him. Mazarin, thinking that it would be the meansof increasing the zeal of his two defenders if he procuredthem personal thanks from the queen, motioned them to followhim. D'Artagnan and Porthos pointed to their dusty and torndresses, but the cardinal shook his head.

"Those costumes," he said, "are of more worth than most ofthose which you will see on the backs of the queen'scourtiers; they are costumes of battle."

D'Artagnan and Porthos obeyed. The court of Anne of Austriawas full of gayety and animation; for, after having gained avictory over the Spaniard, it had just gained another overthe people. Broussel had been conducted out of Paris withoutfurther resistance, and was at this time in the prison ofSaint Germain; while Blancmesnil, who was arrested at thesame time, but whose arrest had been made without difficultyor noise, was safe in the Castle of Vincennes.

Comminges was near the queen, who was questioning him uponthe details of his expedition, and every one was listeningto his account, when D'Artagnan and Porthos were perceivedat the door, behind the cardinal.

"Ah, madame," said Comminges, hastening to D'Artagnan, "hereis one who can tell you better than myself, for he was myprotector. Without him I should probably at this moment be adead fish in the nets at Saint Cloud, for it was a questionof nothing less than throwing me into the river. Speak,D'Artagnan, speak."

D'Artagnan had been a hundred times in the same room withthe queen since he had become lieutenant of the musketeers,but her majesty had never once spoken to him.

"Well, sir," at last said Anne of Austria, "you are silent,after rendering such a service?"

"Madame," replied D'Artagnan, "I have nought to say, savethat my life is ever at your majesty's service, and that Ishall only be happy the day I lose it for you.

"I know that, sir; I have known that," said the queen, "along time; therefore I am delighted to be able thus publiclyto mark my gratitude and my esteem."

"Permit me, madame," said D'Artagnan, "to reserve a portionfor my friend; like myself" (he laid an emphasis on thesewords) "an ancient musketeer of the company of Treville; hehas done wonders."

"His name?" asked the queen.

"In the regiment," said D'Artagnan, "he is called Porthos"(the queen started), "but his true name is the Chevalier duVallon."

"De Bracieux de Pierrefonds," added Porthos.

"These names are too numerous for me to remember them all,and I will content myself with the first," said the queen,graciously. Porthos bowed. At this moment the coadjutor wasannounced; a cry of surprise ran through the royalassemblage. Although the coadjutor had preached that samemorning it was well known that he leaned much to the side ofthe Fronde; and Mazarin, in requesting the archbishop ofParis to make his nephew preach, had evidently had theintention of administering to Monsieur de Retz one of thoseItalian kicks he so much enjoyed giving.

The fact was, in leaving Notre Dame the coadjutor hadlearned the event of the day. Although almost engaged to theleaders of the Fronde he had not gone so far but thatretreat was possible should the court offer him theadvantages for which he was ambitious and to which thecoadjutorship was but a stepping-stone. Monsieur de Retzwished to become archbishop in his uncle's place, andcardinal, like Mazarin; and the popular party could withdifficulty accord him favors so entirely royal. He thereforehastened to the palace to congratulate the queen on thebattle of Lens, determined beforehand to act with or againstthe court, as his congratulations were well or ill received.

The coadjutor possessed, perhaps, as much wit as all thoseput together who were assembled at the court to laugh athim. His speech, therefore, was so well turned, that inspite of the great wish felt by the courtiers to laugh, theycould find no point on which to vent their ridicule. Heconcluded by saying that he placed his feeble influence ather majesty's command.

During the whole time he was speaking, the queen appeared tobe well pleased with the coadjutor's harangue; butterminating as it did with such a phrase, the only one whichcould be caught at by the jokers, Anne turned around anddirected a glance toward her favorites, which announced thatshe delivered up the coadjutor to their tender mercies.Immediately the wits of the court plunged into satire.Nogent-Beautin, the fool of the court, exclaimed that "thequeen was very happy to have the succor of religion at sucha moment." This caused a universal burst of laughter. TheCount de Villeroy said that "he did not know how any fearcould be entertained for a moment, when the court had, todefend itself against the parliament and the citizens ofParis, his holiness the coadjutor, who by a signal couldraise an army of curates, church porters and vergers."

The Marechal de la Meilleraie added that in case thecoadjutor should appear on the field of battle it would be apity that he should not be distinguished in the melee bywearing a red hat, as Henry IV. had been distinguished byhis white plume at the battle of Ivry.

During this storm, Gondy, who had it in his power to make itmost unpleasant for the jesters, remained calm and stern.The queen at last asked him if he had anything to add to thefine discourse he had just made to her.

"Yes, madame," replied the coadjutor; "I have to beg you toreflect twice ere you cause a civil war in the kingdom."

The queen turned her back and the laughing recommenced.

The coadjutor bowed and left the palace, casting upon thecardinal such a glance as is best understood by mortal foes.That glance was so sharp that it penetrated the heart ofMazarin, who, reading in it a declaration of war, seizedD'Artagnan by the arm and said:

"If occasion requires, monsieur, you will remember that manwho has just gone out, will you not?"

"Yes, my lord," he replied. Then, turning toward Porthos,"The devil!" said he, "this has a bad look. I dislike thesequarrels among men of the church."

Gondy withdrew, distributing benedictions on his way, andfinding a malicious satisfaction in causing the adherents ofhis foes to prostrate themselves at his feet.

"Oh!" he murmured, as he left the threshold of the palace:"ungrateful court! faithless court! cowardly court! I willteach you how to laugh to-morrow - but in another manner."

But whilst they were indulging in extravagant joy at thePalais Royal, to increase the hilarity of the queen,Mazarin, a man of sense, and whose fear, moreover, gave himforesight, lost no time in making idle and dangerous jokes;he went out after the coadjutor, settled his account, lockedup his gold, and had confidential workmen to contrive hidingplaces in his walls.

On his return home the coadjutor was informed that a youngman hail come in after his departure and was waiting forhim; he started with delight when, on demanding the name ofthis young man, he learned that it was Louvieres. Hehastened to his cabinet. Broussel's son was there, stillfurious, and still bearing bloody marks of his struggle withthe king's officers. The only precaution he had taken incoming to the archbishopric was to leave his arquebuse inthe hands of a friend.

The coadjutor went to him and held out his hand. The youngman gazed at him as if he would have read the secret of hisheart.

"My dear Monsieur Louvieres," said the coadjutor, "believeme, I am truly concerned for the misfortune which hashappened to you."

"Is that true, and do you speak seriously?" asked Louvieres.

"From the depth of my heart," said Gondy.

"In that case, my lord, the time for words has passed andthe hour for action is at hand; my lord, in three days, ifyou wish it, my father will be out of prison and in sixmonths you may be cardinal."

The coadjutor started.

"Oh! let us speak frankly," continued Louvieres, "and act ina straightforward manner. Thirty thousand crowns in alms isnot given, as you have done for the last six months, out ofpure Christian charity; that would be too grand. You areambitious - it is natural; you are a man of genius and youknow your worth. As for me, I hate the court and have butone desire at this moment - vengeance. Give us the clergyand the people, of whom you can dispose, and I will bringyou the citizens and the parliament; with these fourelements Paris is ours in a week; and believe me, monsieurcoadjutor, the court will give from fear what it will notgive from good-will."

It was now the coadjutor's turn to fix his piercing eyes onLouvieres.

"But, Monsieur Louvieres, are you aware that it is simplycivil war you are proposing to me?"

"You have been preparing long enough, my lord, for it to bewelcome to you now."

"Never mind," said the coadjutor; "you must be well awarethat this requires reflection."

"And how many hours of reflection do you ask?"

"Twelve hours, sir; is it too long?"

"It is now noon; at midnight I will be at your house."

"If I should not be in, wait for me."

"Good! at midnight, my lord."

"At midnight, my dear Monsieur Louvieres."

When once more alone Gondy sent to summon all the curateswith whom he had any connection to his house. Two hourslater, thirty officiating ministers from the most populous,and consequently the most disturbed parishes of Paris hadassembled there. Gondy related to them the insults he hadreceived at the Palais Royal and retailed the jests ofBeautin, the Count de Villeroy and Marechal de laMeilleraie. The curates asked him what was to be done.

"Simply this," said the coadjutor. "You are the directors ofall consciences. Well, undermine in them the miserableprejudice of respect and fear of kings; teach your flocksthat the queen is a tyrant; and repeat often and loudly, sothat all may know it, that the misfortunes of France arecaused by Mazarin, her lover and her destroyer; begin thiswork to-day, this instant even, and in three days I shallexpect the result. For the rest, if any one of you havefurther or better counsel to expound, I will listen to himwith the greatest pleasure."

Three curates remained - those of St. Merri, St. Sulpiceand St. Eustache. The others withdrew.

"You think, then, that you can help me more efficaciouslythan your brothers?" said Gondy.

"We hope so," answered the curates.

"Let us hear. Monsieur de St. Merri, you begin."

"My lord, I have in my parish a man who might be of thegreatest use to you."

"Who and what is this man?"

"A shopkeeper in the Rue des Lombards, who has greatinfluence upon the commerce of his quarter."

"What is his name?"

"He is named Planchet, who himself also caused a risingabout six weeks ago; but as he was searched for after thisemeute he disappeared."

"And can you find him?"

"I hope so. I think he has not been arrested, and as I amhis wife's confessor, if she knows where he is I shall knowit too."

"Very well, sir, find this man, and when you have found himbring him to me."

"We will be with you at six o'clock, my lord."

"Go, my dear curate, and may God assist you!"

"And you, sir?" continued Gondy, turning to the curate ofSt. Sulpice.

"I, my lord," said the latter, "I know a man who hasrendered great services to a very popular prince and whowould make an excellent leader of revolt. Him I can place atyour disposal; it is Count de Rochefort."

"I know him also, but unfortunately he is not in Paris."

"My lord, he has been for three days at the Rue Cassette."

"And wherefore has he not been to see me?"

"He was told - my lord will pardon me - - "

"Certainly, speak."

"That your lordship was about to treat with the court."

Gondy bit his lips.

"They are mistaken; bring him here at eight o'clock, sir,and may Heaven bless you as I bless you!"

"And now 'tis your turn," said the coadjutor, turning to thelast that remained; "have you anything as good to offer meas the two gentlemen who have left us?"

"Better, my lord."

"Diable! think what a solemn engagement you are making; onehas offered a wealthy shopkeeper, the other a count; you aregoing, then, to offer a prince, are you?"

"I offer you a beggar, my lord."

"Ah! ah!" said Gondy, reflecting, "you are right, sir; someone who could raise the legion of paupers who choke up thecrossings of Paris; some one who would know how to cry aloudto them, that all France might hear it, that it is Mazarinwho has reduced them to poverty."

"Exactly your man."

"Bravo! and the man?"

"A plain and simple beggar, as I have said, my lord, whoasks for alms, as he gives holy water; a practice he hascarried on for six years on the steps of St. Eustache."

"And you say that he has a great influence over hiscompeers?"

"Are you aware, my lord, that mendacity is an organizedbody, a kind of association of those who have nothingagainst those who have everything; an association in whichevery one takes his share; one that elects a leader?"

"Yes, I have heard it said," replied the coadjutor.

"Well, the man whom I offer you is a general syndic."

"And what do you know of him?"

"Nothing, my lord, except that he is tormented withremorse."

"What makes you think so?"

"On the twenty-eighth of every month he makes me say a massfor the repose of the soul of one who died a violent death;yesterday I said this mass again."

"And his name?"

"Maillard; but I do not think it is his right one."

"And think you that we should find him at this hour at hispost?"


"Let us go and see your beggar, sir, and if he is such asyou describe him, you are right - it will be you who havediscovered the true treasure."

Gondy dressed himself as an officer, put on a felt cap witha red feather, hung on a long sword, buckled spurs to hisboots, wrapped himself in an ample cloak and followed thecurate.

The coadjutor and his companion passed through all thestreets lying between the archbishopric and the St. EustacheChurch, watching carefully to ascertain the popular feeling.The people were in an excited mood, but, like a swarm offrightened bees, seemed not to know at what point toconcentrate; and it was very evident that if leaders of thepeople were not provided all this agitation would pass offin idle buzzing.

On arriving at the Rue des Prouvaires, the curate pointedtoward the square before the church.

"Stop!" he said, "there he is at his post."

Gondy looked at the spot indicated and perceived a beggarseated in a chair and leaning against one of the moldings; alittle basin was near him and he held a holy water brush inhis hand.

"Is it by permission that he remains there?" asked Gondy.

"No, my lord; these places are bought. I believe this manpaid his predecessor a hundred pistoles for his."

"The rascal is rich, then?"

"Some of those men sometimes die worth twenty thousand andtwenty-five and thirty thousand francs and sometimes more."

"Hum!" said Gondy, laughing; "I was not aware my alms wereso well invested."

In the meantime they were advancing toward the square, andthe moment the coadjutor and the curate put their feet onthe first church step the mendicant arose and proffered hisbrush.

He was a man between sixty-six and sixty-eight years of age,little, rather stout, with gray hair and light eyes. Hiscountenance denoted the struggle between two oppositeprinciples - a wicked nature, subdued by determination,perhaps by repentance.

He started on seeing the cavalier with the curate. Thelatter and the coadjutor touched the brush with the tips oftheir fingers and made the sign of the cross; the coadjutorthrew a piece of money into the hat, which was on theground.

"Maillard," began the curate, "this gentleman and I havecome to talk with you a little."

"With me!" said the mendicant; "it is a great honor for apoor distributor of holy water."

There was an ironical tone in his voice which he could notquite disguise and which astonished the coadjutor.

"Yes," continued the curate, apparently accustomed to thistone, "yes, we wish to know your opinion of the events ofto-day and what you have heard said by people going in andout of the church."

The mendicant shook his head.

"These are melancholy doings, your reverence, which alwaysfall again upon the poor. As to what is said, everybody isdiscontented, everybody complains, but `everybody' means`nobody.'"

"Explain yourself, my good friend," said the coadjutor.

"I mean that all these cries, all these complaints, thesecurses, produce nothing but storms and flashes and that isall; but the lightning will not strike until there is a handto guide it."

"My friend," said Gondy, "you seem to be a clever and athoughtful man; are you disposed to take a part in a littlecivil war, should we have one, and put at the command of theleader, should we find one, your personal influence and theinfluence you have acquired over your comrades?"

"Yes, sir, provided this war were approved of by the churchand would advance the end I wish to attain - I mean, theremission of my sins."

"The war will not only be approved of, but directed by thechurch. As for the remission of your sins, we have thearchbishop of Paris, who has the very greatest power at thecourt of Rome, and even the coadjutor, who possesses someplenary indulgences; we will recommend you to him."

"Consider, Maillard," said the curate, "that I haverecommended you to this gentleman, who is a powerful lord,and that I have made myself responsible for you."

"I know, monsieur le cure," said the beggar, "that you havealways been very kind to me, and therefore I, in my turn,will be serviceable to you."

"And do you think your power as great with the fraternity asmonsieur le cure told me it was just now?"

"I think they have some esteem for me," said the mendicantwith pride, "and that not only will they obey me, butwherever I go they will follow me."

"And could you count on fifty resolute men, good,unemployed, but active souls, brawlers, capable of bringingdown the walls of the Palais Royal by crying, `Down withMazarin,' as fell those at Jericho?"

"I think," said the beggar, "I can undertake things moredifficult and more important than that."

"Ah, ah," said Gondy, "you will undertake, then, some night,to throw up some ten barricades?"

"I will undertake to throw up fifty, and when the day comes,to defend them."

"I'faith!" exclaimed Gondy, "you speak with a certainty thatgives me pleasure; and since monsieur le cure can answer foryou - - "

"I answer for him," said the curate.

"Here is a bag containing five hundred pistoles in gold;make all your arrangements, and tell me where I shall beable to find you this evening at ten o'clock."

"It must be on some elevated place, whence a given signalmay be seen in every part of Paris."

"Shall I give you a line for the vicar of St. Jacques de laBoucherie? he will let you into the rooms in his tower,"said the curate.

"Capital," answered the mendicant.

"Then," said the coadjutor, "this evening, at ten o'clock,and if I am pleased with you another bag of five hundredpistoles will be at your disposal."

The eyes of the mendicant dashed with cupidity, but hequickly suppressed his emotion.

"This evening, sir," he replied, "all will be ready."