Chapter 52 - The Carriage Of Monsieur Le Coadjuteur

Instead of returning, then, by the Saint Honore gate,D'Artagnan, who had time before him, walked around andre-entered by the Porte Richelieu. He was approached to beexamined, and when it was discovered by his plumed hat andhis laced coat, that he was an officer of the musketeers, hewas surrounded, with the intention of making him cry, "Downwith Mazarin!" The demonstration did not fail to make himuneasy at first; but when he discovered what it meant, heshouted it in such a voice that even the most exacting weresatisfied. He walked down the Rue Richelieu, meditating howhe should carry off the queen in her turn, for to take herin a carriage bearing the arms of France was not to bethought of, when he perceived an equipage standing at thedoor of the hotel belonging to Madame de Guemenee.

He was struck by a sudden idea.

"Ah, pardieu!" he exclaimed; "that would be fair play."

And approaching the carriage, he examined the arms on thepanels and the livery of the coachman on his box. Thisscrutiny was so much the more easy, the coachman being soundasleep.

"It is, in truth, monsieur le coadjuteur's carriage," saidD'Artagnan; "upon my honor I begin to think that Heavenfavors us."

He mounted noiselessly into the chariot and pulled the silkcord which was attached to the coachman's little finger.

"To the Palais Royal," he called out.

The coachman awoke with a start and drove off in thedirection he was desired, never doubting but that the orderhad come from his master. The porter at the palace was aboutto close the gates, but seeing such a handsome equipage hefancied that it was some visit of importance and thecarriage was allowed to pass and to stop beneath the porch.It was then only the coachman perceived the grooms were notbehind the vehicle; he fancied monsieur le coadjuteur hadsent them back, and without dropping the reins he sprangfrom his box to open the door. D'Artagnan, in his turn,sprang to the ground, and just at the moment when thecoachman, alarmed at not seeing his master, fell back astep, he seized him by his collar with the left, whilst withthe right hand he placed the muzzle of a pistol at hisbreast.

"Pronounce one single word," muttered D'Artagnan, "and youare a dead man."

The coachman perceived at once, by the expression of the manwho thus addressed him, that he had fallen into a trap, andhe remained with his mouth wide open and his eyesportentously staring.

Two musketeers were pacing the court, to whom D'Artagnancalled by their names.

"Monsieur de Belliere," said he to one of them, "do me thefavor to take the reins from the hands of this worthy man,mount upon the box and drive to the door of the privatestair, and wait for me there; it is an affair of importanceon the service of the king."

The musketeer, who knew that his lieutenant was incapable ofjesting with regard to the service, obeyed without a word,although he thought the order strange. Then turning towardthe second musketeer, D'Artagnan said:

"Monsieur du Verger, help me to place this man in a place ofsafety."

The musketeer, thinking that his lieutenant had justarrested some prince in disguise, bowed, and drawing hissword, signified that he was ready. D'Artagnan mounted thestaircase, followed by his prisoner, who in his turn wasfollowed by the soldier, and entered Mazarin's ante-room.Bernouin was waiting there, impatient for news of hismaster.

"Well, sir?" he said.

"Everything goes on capitally, my dear Monsieur Bernouin,but here is a man whom I must beg you to put in a safeplace."

"Where, then, sir?"

"Where you like, provided that the place which you shallchoose has iron shutters secured by padlocks and a door thatcan be locked."

"We have that, sir," replied Bernouin; and the poor coachmanwas conducted to a closet, the windows of which were barredand which looked very much like a prison.

"And now, my good friend," said D'Artagnan to him, "I mustinvite you to deprive yourself, for my sake, of your hat andcloak."

The coachman, as we can well understand, made no resistance;in fact, he was so astonished at what had happened to himthat he stammered and reeled like a drunken man; D'Artagnandeposited his clothes under the arm of one of the valets.

"And now, Monsieur du Verger," he said, "shut yourself upwith this man until Monsieur Bernouin returns to open thedoor. The duty will be tolerably long and not very amusing,I know; but," added he, seriously, "you understand, it is onthe king's service."

"At your command, lieutenant," replied the musketeer, whosaw the business was a serious one.

"By-the-bye," continued D'Artagnan, "should this man attemptto fly or to call out, pass your sword through his body."

The musketeer signified by a nod that these commands shouldbe obeyed to the letter, and D'Artagnan went out, followedby Bernouin. Midnight struck.

"Lead me into the queen's oratory," said D'Artagnan,"announce to her I am here, and put this parcel, with awell-loaded musket, under the seat of the carriage which iswaiting at the foot of the private stair."

Bernouin conducted D'Artagnan to the oratory, where he satdown pensively. Everything had gone on as usual at thePalais Royal. As we said before, by ten o'clock almost allthe guests had dispersed; those who were to fly with thecourt had the word of command and they were each severallydesired to be from twelve o'clock to one at Cours la Reine.

At ten o'clock Anne of Austria had entered the king's room.Monsieur had just retired, and the youthful Louis, remainingthe last, was amusing himself by placing some lead soldiersin a line of battle, a game which delighted him much. Tworoyal pages were playing with him.

"Laporte," said the queen, "it is time for his majesty to goto bed."

The king asked to remain up, having, he said, no wish tosleep; but the queen was firm.

"Are you not going to-morrow morning at six o'clock, Louis,to bathe at Conflans? I think you wished to do so of yourown accord?"

"You are right, madame," said the king, "and I am ready toretire to my room when you have kissed me. Laporte, give thelight to Monsieur the Chevalier de Coislin."

The queen touched with her lips the white, smooth brow theroyal child presented to her with a gravity which alreadypartook of etiquette.

"Go to sleep soon, Louis," said the queen, "for you must beawakened very early."

"I will do my best to obey you, madame," said the youthfulking, "but I have no inclination to sleep."

"Laporte," said Anne of Austria, in an undertone, "find somevery dull book to read to his majesty, but do not undressyourself."

The king went out, accompanied by the Chevalier de Coislin,bearing the candlestick, and then the queen returned to herown apartment. Her ladies - that is to say Madame de Bregy,Mademoiselle de Beaumont, Madame de Motteville, andSocratine, her sister, so called on account of her sense - had just brought into her dressing-room the remains of thedinner, on which, according to her usual custom, she supped.The queen then gave her orders, spoke of a banquet which theMarquis de Villequier was to give to her on the day afterthe morrow, indicated the persons she would admit to thehonor of partaking of it, announced another visit on thefollowing day to Val-de-Grace, where she intended to pay herdevotions, and gave her commands to her senior valet toaccompany her. When the ladies had finished their supper thequeen feigned extreme fatigue and passed into her bedroom.Madame de Motteville, who was on especial duty that evening,followed to aid and undress her. The queen then began toread, and after conversing with her affectionately for a fewminutes, dismissed her.

It was at this moment D'Artagnan entered the courtyard ofthe palace, in the coadjutor's carriage, and a few secondslater the carriages of the ladies-in-waiting drove out andthe gates were shut after them.

A few minutes after twelve o'clock Bernouin knocked at thequeen's bedroom door, having come by the cardinal's secretcorridor. Anne of Austria opened the door to him herself.She was dressed, that is to say, in dishabille, wrapped in along, warm dressing-gown.

"It is you, Bernouin," she said. "Is Monsieur d'Artagnanthere?"

"Yes, madame, in your oratory. He is waiting till yourmajesty is ready."

"I am. Go and tell Laporte to wake and dress the king, andthen pass on to the Marechal de Villeroy and summon him tome."

Bernouin bowed and retired.

The queen entered her oratory, which was lighted by a singlelamp of Venetian crystal, She saw D'Artagnan, who stoodexpecting her.

"Is it you?" she said.

"Yes, madame."

"Are you ready?"

"I am."

"And his eminence, the cardinal?"

"Has got off without any accident. He is awaiting yourmajesty at Cours la Reine."

"But in what carriage do we start?"

"I have provided for everything; a carriage below is waitingfor your majesty."

"Let us go to the king."

D'Artagnan bowed and followed the queen. The young Louis wasalready dressed, with the exception of his shoes anddoublet; he had allowed himself to be dressed, in greatastonishment, overwhelming Laporte with questions, whoreplied only in these words, "Sire, it is by the queen'scommands."

The bedclothes were thrown back, exposing the king's bedlinen, which was so worn that here and there holes could beseen. It was one of the results of Mazarin's niggardliness.

The queen entered and D'Artagnan remained at the door. Assoon as the child perceived the queen he escaped fromLaporte and ran to meet her. Anne then motioned toD'Artagnan to approach, and he obeyed.

"My son," said Anne of Austria, pointing to the musketeer,calm, standing uncovered, "here is Monsieur d'Artagnan, whois as brave as one of those ancient heroes of whom you likeso much to hear from my women. Remember his name well andlook at him well, that his face may not be forgotten, forthis evening he is going to render us a great service."

The young king looked at the officer with his large-formedeye, and repeated:

"Monsieur d'Artagnan."

"That is it, my son."

The young king slowly raised his little hand and held it outto the musketeer; the latter bent on his knee and kissed it.

"Monsieur d'Artagnan," repeated Louis; "very well, madame."

At this moment they were startled by a noise as if a tumultwere approaching.

"What is that?" exclaimed the queen.

"Oh, oh!" replied D'Artagnan, straining both at the sametime his quick ear and his intelligent glance, "it is themurmur of the populace in revolution."

"We must fly," said the queen.

"Your majesty has given me the control of this business; wehad better wait and see what they want."

"Monsieur d'Artagnan!"

"I will answer for everything."

Nothing is so catching as confidence. The queen, full ofenergy and courage, was quickly alive to these two virtuesin others.

"Do as you like," she said, "I rely upon you."

"Will your majesty permit me to give orders in your namethroughout this business?"

"Command, sir."

"What do the people want this time?" demanded the king.

"We are about to ascertain, sire," replied D'Artagnan, as herapidly left the room.

The tumult continued to increase and seemed to surround thePalais Royal entirely. Cries were heard from the interior,of which they could not comprehend the sense. It was evidentthat there was clamor and sedition.

The king, half dressed, the queen and Laporte remained eachin the same state and almost in the same place, where theywere listening and waiting. Comminges, who was on guard thatnight at the Palais Royal, ran in. He had about two hundredmen in the courtyards and stables, and he placed them at thequeen's disposal.

"Well," asked Anne of Austria, when D'Artagnan reappeared,"what does it mean?"

"It means, madame, that the report has spread that the queenhas left the Palais Royal, carrying off the king, and thepeople ask to have proof to the contrary, or threaten todemolish the Palais Royal."

"Oh, this time it is too much!" exclaimed the queen, "and Iwill prove to them I have not left."

D'Artagnan saw from the expression of the queen's face thatshe was about to issue some violent command. He approachedher and said in a low voice:

"Has your majesty still confidence in me?"

This voice startled her. "Yes, sir," she replied, "everyconfidence; speak."

"Will the queen deign to follow my advice?"


"Let your majesty dismiss M. de Comminges and desire him toshut himself up with his men in the guardhouse and in thestables."

Comminges glanced at D'Artagnan with the envious look withwhich every courtier sees a new favorite spring up.

"You hear, Comminges?" said the queen.

D'Artagnan went up to him; with his usual quickness hecaught the anxious glance.

"Monsieur de Comminges," he said, "pardon me; we both areservants of the queen, are we not? It is my turn to be ofuse to her; do not envy me this happiness."

Comminges bowed and left.

"Come," said D'Artagnan to himself, "I have got one moreenemy."

"And now," said the queen, addressing D'Artagnan, "what isto be done? for you hear that, instead of becoming calmer,the noise increases."

"Madame," said D'Artagnan, "the people want to see the kingand they must see him."

"What! must see him! Where - on the balcony?"

"Not at all, madame, but here, sleeping in his bed."

"Oh, your majesty," exclaimed Laporte, "Monsieur d'Artagnanis right."

The queen became thoughtful and smiled, like a woman to whomduplicity is no stranger.

"Without doubt," she murmured.

"Monsieur Laporte," said D'Artagnan, "go and announce to thepeople through the grating that they are going to besatisfied and that in five minutes they shall not only seethe king, but they shall see him in bed; add that the kingsleeps and that the queen begs that they will keep silence,so as not to awaken him."

"But not every one; a deputation of two or four people."

"Every one, madame."

"But reflect, they will keep us here till daybreak.

"It shall take but a quarter of an hour, I answer foreverything, madame; believe me, I know the people; they arelike a great child, who only wants humoring. Before thesleeping king they will be mute, gentle and timid as lambs."

"Go, Laporte," said the queen.

The young king approached his mother and said, "Why do asthese people ask?"

"It must be so, my son," said Anne of Austria.

"But if they say, `it must be' to me, am I no longer king?"

The queen remained silent.

"Sire," said D'Artagnan, "will your majesty permit me to askyou a question?"

Louis XIV. turned around, astonished that any one shoulddare to address him. But the queen pressed the child's hand.

"Yes, sir." he said.

"Does your majesty remember, when playing in the park ofFontainebleau, or in the palace courts at Versailles, everto have seen the sky grow suddenly dark and heard the soundof thunder?"

"Yes, certainly."

"Well, then, this noise of thunder, however much yourmajesty may have wished to continue playing, has said, `goin, sire. You must do so.'"

"Certainly, sir; but they tell me that the noise of thunderis the voice of God."

"Well then, sire," continued D'Artagnan, "listen to thenoise of the people; you will perceive that it resemblesthat of thunder."

In truth at that moment a terrible murmur was wafted to themby the night breeze; then all at once it ceased.

"Hold, sire," said D'Artagnan, "they have just told thepeople that you are asleep; you see, you still are king."

The queen looked with surprise at this strange man, whosebrilliant courage made him the equal of the bravest, and whowas, by his fine and quick intelligence, the equal of themost astute.

Laporte entered.

"Well, Laporte?" asked the queen.

"Madame," he replied, "Monsieur d'Artagnan's prediction hasbeen accomplished; they are calm, as if by enchantment. Thedoors are about to be opened and in five minutes they willbe here."

"Laporte," said the queen, "suppose you put one of your sonsin the king's place; we might be off during the time."

"If your majesty desires it," said Laporte, "my sons, likemyself, are at the queen's service."

"Not at all," said D'Artagnan; "should one of them know hismajesty and discover but a substitute, all would be lost."

"You are right, sir, always right," said Anne of Austria."Laporte, place the king in bed."

Laporte placed the king, dressed as he was, in the bed andthen covered him as far as the shoulders with the sheet. Thequeen bent over him and kissed his brow.

"Pretend to sleep, Louis," said she.

"Yes," said the king, "but I do not wish to be touched byany of those men."

"Sire, I am here," said D'Artagnan, "and I give you my word,that if a single man has the audacity, his life shall payfor it."

"And now what is to be done?" asked the queen, "for I hearthem."

"Monsieur Laporte, go to them and again recommend silence.Madame, wait at the door, whilst I shall be at the head ofthe king's bed, ready to die for him."

Laporte went out; the queen remained standing near thehangings, whilst D'Artagnan glided behind the curtains.

Then the heavy and collected steps of a multitude of menwere heard, and the queen herself raised the tapestryhangings and put her finger on her lips.

On seeing the queen, the men stopped short, respectfully.

"Enter, gentlemen, enter," said the queen.

There was then amongst that crowd a moment's hesitation,which looked like shame. They had expected resistance, theyhad expected to be thwarted, to have to force the gates, tooverturn the guards. The gates had opened of themselves, andthe king, ostensibly at least, had no other guard at hisbed-head but his mother. The foremost of them stammered andattempted to fall back.

"Enter, gentlemen," said Laporte, "since the queen desiresyou so to do."

Then one more bold than the rest ventured to pass the doorand to advance on tiptoe. This example was imitated by therest, until the room filled silently, as if these men hadbeen the humblest, most devoted courtiers. Far beyond thedoor the heads of those who were not able to enter could beseen, all craning to their utmost height to try and see.

D'Artagnan saw it all through an opening he had made in thecurtain, and in the very first man who entered he recognizedPlanchet.

"Sir," said the queen to him, thinking he was the leader ofthe band, "you wished to see the king and therefore Idetermined to show him to you myself. Approach and look athim and say if we have the appearance of people who wish torun away."

"No, certainly," replied Planchet, rather astonished at theunexpected honor conferred upon him.

"You will say, then, to my good and faithful Parisians,"continued Anne, with a smile, the expression of which didnot deceive D'Artagnan, "that you have seen the king in bed,asleep, and the queen also ready to retire."

"I shall tell them, madame, and those who accompany me willsay the same thing; but - - "

"But what?" asked Anne of Austria.

"Will your majesty pardon me," said Planchet, "but is itreally the king who is lying there?"

Anne of Austria started. "If," she said, "there is one amongyou who knows the king, let him approach and say whether itis really his majesty lying there."

A man wrapped in a cloak, in the folds of which his face washidden, approached and leaned over the bed and looked.

For one second, D'Artagnan thought the man had some evildesign and he put his hand to his sword; but in the movementmade by the man in stooping a portion of his face wasuncovered and D'Artagnan recognized the coadjutor.

"It is certainly the king," said the man, rising again. "Godbless his majesty!"

"Yes," repeated the leader in a whisper, "God bless hismajesty!" and all these men, who had entered enraged, passedfrom anger to pity and blessed the royal infant in theirturn.

"Now,', said Planchet, "let us thank the queen. My friends,retire."

They all bowed, and retired by degrees as noiselessly asthey had entered. Planchet, who had been the first to enter,was the last to leave. The queen stopped him.

"What is your name, my friend?" she said.

Planchet, much surprised at the inquiry, turned back.

"Yes," continued the queen, "I think myself as much honoredto have received you this evening as if you had been aprince, and I wish to know your name."

"Yes," thought Planchet, "to treat me as a prince. No, thankyou."

D'Artagnan trembled lest Planchet, seduced, like the crow inthe fable, should tell his name, and that the queen, knowinghis name, would discover that Planchet had belonged to him.

"Madame," replied Planchet, respectfully, "I am calledDulaurier, at your service."

"Thank you, Monsieur Dulaurier," said the queen; "and whatis your business?"

"Madame, I am a clothier in the Rue Bourdonnais."

"That is all I wished to know," said the queen. "Muchobliged to you, Monsieur Dulaurier. You will hear again fromme."

"Come, come," thought D'Artagnan, emerging from behind thecurtain, "decidedly Monsieur Planchet is no fool; it isevident he has been brought up in a good school."

The different actors in this strange scene remained facingone another, without uttering a single word; the queenstanding near the door, D'Artagnan half out of his hidingplace, the king raised on his elbow, ready to fall down onhis bed again at the slightest sound that would indicate thereturn of the multitude, but instead of approaching, thenoise became more and more distant and very soon it diedentirely away.

The queen breathed more freely. D'Artagnan wiped his dampforehead and the king slid off his bed, saying, "Let us go."

At this moment Laporte reappeared.

"Well?" asked the queen

"Well, madame," replied the valet, "I followed them as faras the gates. They announced to all their comrades that theyhad seen the king and that the queen had spoken to them;and, in fact, they went away quite proud and happy."

"Oh, the miserable wretches!" murmured the queen, "theyshall pay dearly for their boldness, and it is I who promisethis."

Then turning to D'Artagnan, she said:

"Sir, you have given me this evening the best advice I haveever received. Continue, and say what we must do now."

"Monsieur Laporte," said D'Artagnan, "finish dressing hismajesty."

"We may go, then?" asked the queen.

"Whenever your majesty pleases. You have only to descend bythe private stairs and you will find me at the door."

"Go, sir," said the queen; "I will follow you."

D'Artagnan went down and found the carriage at its post andthe musketeer on the box. D'Artagnan took out the parcelwhich he had desired Bernouin to place under the seat. Itmay be remembered that it was the hat and cloak belonging toMonsieur de Gondy's coachman.

He placed the cloak on his shoulders and the hat on hishead, whilst the musketeer got off the box.

"Sir," said D'Artagnan, "you will go and release yourcompanion, who is guarding the coachman. You must mount yourhorse and proceed to the Rue Tiquetonne, Hotel de laChevrette, whence you will take my horse and that ofMonsieur du Vallon, which you must saddle and equip as iffor war, and then you will leave Paris, bringing them withyou to Cours la Reine. If, when you arrive at Cours laReine, you find no one, you must go on to Saint Germain. Onthe king's service."

The musketeer touched his cap and went away to execute theorders thus received.

D'Artagnan mounted the box, having a pair of pistols in hisbelt, a musket under his feet and a naked sword behind him.

The queen appeared, and was followed by the king and theDuke d'Anjou, his brother.

"Monsieur the coadjutor's carriage!" she exclaimed, fallingback.

"Yes, madame," said D'Artagnan; "but get in fearlessly, forI myself will drive you."

The queen uttered a cry of surprise and entered thecarriage, and the king and monsieur took their places at herside.

"Come, Laporte," said the queen.

"How, madame!" said the valet, "in the same carriage as yourmajesties?"

"It is not a matter of royal etiquette this evening, but ofthe king's safety. Get in, Laporte."

Laporte obeyed.

"Pull down the blinds," said D'Artagnan.

"But will that not excite suspicion, sir?" asked the queen.

"Your majesty's mind may be quite at ease," replied theofficer; "I have my answer ready."

The blinds were pulled down and they started at a gallop bythe Rue Richelieu. On reaching the gate the captain of thepost advanced at the head of a dozen men, holding a lanternin his hand.

D'Artagnan signed to them to draw near.

"Do you recognize the carriage?" he asked the sergeant.

"No," replied the latter.

"Look at the arms."

The sergeant put the lantern near the panel.

"They are those of monsieur le coadjuteur," he said.

"Hush; he is enjoying a ride with Madame de Guemenee."

The sergeant began to laugh.

"Open the gate," he cried. "I know who it is!" Then puttinghis face to the lowered blinds, he said:

"I wish you joy, my lord!"

"Impudent fellow!" cried D'Artagnan, "you will get me turnedoff."

The gate groaned on its hinges, and D'Artagnan, seeing theway clear, whipped his horses, who started at a canter, andfive minutes later they had rejoined the cardinal.

"Musqueton!" exclaimed D'Artagnan, "draw up the blinds ofhis majesty's carriage."

"It is he!" cried Porthos.

"Disguised as a coachman!" exclaimed Mazarin.

"And driving the coadjutor's carriage!" said the queen.

"Corpo di Dio! Monsieur d'Artagnan!" said Mazarin, "you areworth your weight in gold."