Chapter 77 - The Three Lieutenants Of The Generalissimo

The night was dark, but still the town resounded with thosenoises that disclose a city in a state of siege. Athos andAramis did not proceed a hundred steps without being stoppedby sentinels placed before the barricades, who demanded thewatchword; and on their saying that they were going toMonsieur de Bouillon on a mission of importance a guide wasgiven them under pretext of conducting them, but in fact asa spy over their movements.

On arriving at the Hotel de Bouillon they came across alittle troop of three cavaliers, who seemed to know everypossible password; for they walked without either guide orescort, and on arriving at the barricades had nothing to dobut to speak to those who guarded them, who instantly letthem pass with evident deference, due probably to their highbirth.

On seeing them Athos and Aramis stood still.

"Oh!" cried Aramis, "do you see, count?"

"Yes," said Athos.

"Who do these three cavaliers appear to you to be?"

"What do you think, Aramis?"

"Why, they are our men."

"You are not mistaken; I recognize Monsieur de Flamarens."

"And I, Monsieur de Chatillon."

"As to the cavalier in the brown cloak - - "

"It is the cardinal."

"In person."

"How the devil do they venture so near the Hotel deBouillon?"

Athos smiled, but did not reply. Five minutes afterward theyknocked at the prince's door.

This door was guarded by a sentinel and there was also aguard placed in the courtyard, ready to obey the orders ofthe Prince de Conti's lieutenant.

Monsieur de Bouillon had the gout, but notwithstanding hisillness, which had prevented his mounting on horseback forthe last month - -that is, since Paris had been besieged - he was ready to receive the Comte de la Fere and theChevalier d'Herblay.

He was in bed, but surrounded with all the paraphernalia ofwar. Everywhere were swords, pistols, cuirasses, andarquebuses, and it was plain that as soon as his gout wasbetter Monsieur de Bouillon would give a pretty tangle tothe enemies of the parliament to unravel. Meanwhile, to hisgreat regret, as he said, he was obliged to keep his bed.

"Ah, gentlemen," he cried, as the two friends entered, "youare very happy! you can ride, you can go and come and fightfor the cause of the people. But I, as you see, am nailed tomy bed - ah! this demon, gout - this demon, gout!"

"My lord," said Athos, "we are just arrived from England andour first concern is to inquire after your health."

"Thanks, gentlemen, thanks! As you see, my health is butindifferent. But you come from England. And King Charles iswell, as I have just heard?"

"He is dead, my lord!" said Aramis.

"Pooh!" said the duke, too much astonished to believe ittrue.

"Dead on the scaffold; condemned by parliament."


"And executed in our presence."

"What, then, has Monsieur de Flamarens been telling me?"

"Monsieur de Flamarens?"

"Yes, he has just gone out."

Athos smiled. "With two companions?" he said.

"With two companions, yes," replied the duke. Then he addedwith a certain uneasiness, "Did you meet them?"

"Why, yes, I think so - in the street," said Athos; and helooked smilingly at Aramis, who looked at him with anexpression of surprise.

"The devil take this gout!" cried Monsieur de Bouillon,evidently ill at ease.

"My lord," said Athos, "we admire your devotion to the causeyou have espoused, in remaining at the head of the armywhilst so ill, in so much pain."

"One must," replied Monsieur de Bouillon, "sacrifice one'scomfort to the public good; but I confess to you I am nowalmost exhausted. My spirit is willing, my head is clear,but this demon, the gout, o'ercrows me. I confess, if thecourt would do justice to my claims and give the head of myhouse the title of prince, and if my brother De Turenne werereinstated in his command I would return to my estates andleave the court and parliament to settle things betweenthemselves as they might."

"You are perfectly right, my lord."

"You think so? At this very moment the court is makingovertures to me; hitherto I have repulsed them; but sincesuch men as you assure me that I am wrong in doing so, I'vea good mind to follow your advice and to accept aproposition made to me by the Duc de Chatillon just now."

"Accept it, my lord, accept it," said Aramis.

"Faith! yes. I am even sorry that this evening I almostrepulsed - but there will be a conference to-morrow and weshall see."

The two friends saluted the duke.

"Go, gentlemen," he said; "you must be much fatigued afteryour voyage. Poor King Charles! But, after all, he wassomewhat to blame in all that business and we may consoleourselves with the reflection that France has no cause ofreproach in the matter and did all she could to serve him."

"Oh! as to that," said Aramis, "we are witnesses. Mazarinespecially - - "

"Yes, do you know, I am very glad to hear you give thattestimony; the cardinal has some good in him, and if he werenot a foreigner - well, he would be more justly estimated.Oh! the devil take this gout!"

Athos and Aramis took their leave, but even in theante-chamber they could still hear the duke's cries; he wasevidently suffering the tortures of the damned.

When they reached the street, Aramis said:

"Well, Athos, what do you think?"

"Of whom?"

"Pardieu! of Monsieur de Bouillon."

"My friend, I think that he is much troubled with gout."

"You noticed that I didn't breathe a word as to the purposeof our visit?"

"You did well; you would have caused him an access of hisdisease. Let us go to Monsieur de Beaufort."

The two friends went to the Hotel de Vendome. It was teno'clock when they arrived. The Hotel de Vendome was not lessguarded than the Hotel de Bouillon, and presented as warlikean appearance. There were sentinels, a guard in the court,stacks of arms, and horses saddled. Two horsemen going outas Athos and Aramis entered were obliged to give place tothem.

"Ah! ah! gentlemen," said Aramis, "decidedly it is a nightfor meetings. We shall be very unfortunate if, after meetingso often this evening, we should not succeed in meetingto-morrow."

"Oh, as to that, sir," replied Chatillon (for it was he who,with Flamarens, was leaving the Duc de Beaufort), "you maybe assured; for if we meet by night without seeking eachother, much more shall we meet by day when wishing it."

"I hope that is true," said Aramis.

"As for me, I am sure of it," said the duke.

De Flamarens and De Chatillon continued on their way andAthos and Aramis dismounted.

Hardly had they given the bridles of their horses to theirlackeys and rid themselves of their cloaks when a manapproached them, and after looking at them for an instant bythe doubtful light of the lantern hung in the centre of thecourtyard he uttered an exclamation of joy and ran toembrace them.

"Comte de la Fere!" the man cried out; "Chevalier d'Herblay!How does it happen that you are in Paris?"

"Rochefort!" cried the two friends.

"Yes! we arrived four or five days ago from the Vendomois,as you know, and we are going to give Mazarin something todo. You are still with us, I presume?"

"More than ever. And the duke?"

"Furious against the cardinal. You know his success - ourdear duke? He is really king of Paris; he can't go outwithout being mobbed by his admirers."

"Ah! so much the better! Can we have the honor of seeing hishighness?"

"I shall be proud to present you," and Rochefort walked on.Every door was opened to him. Monsieur de Beaufort was atsupper, but he rose quickly on hearing the two friendsannounced.

"Ah!" he cried, "by Jove! you're welcome, sirs. You arecoming to sup with me, are you not? Boisgoli, tell Noirmontthat I have two guests. You know Noirmont, do you not? Thesuccessor of Father Marteau who makes the excellent pies youknow of. Boisgoli, let him send one of his best, but notsuch a one as he made for La Ramee. Thank God! we don't wanteither rope ladders or gag-pears now."

"My lord," said Athos, "do not let us disturb you. We camemerely to inquire after your health and to take yourorders."

"As to my health, since it has stood five years of prison,with Monsieur de Chavigny to boot, 'tis excellent! As to myorders, since every one gives his own commands in our party,I shall end, if this goes on, by giving none at all."

"In short, my lord," said Athos, glancing at Aramis, "yourhighness is discontented with your party?"

"Discontented, sir! say my highness is furious! To such adegree, I assure you, though I would not say so to others,that if the queen, acknowledging the injuries she has doneme, would recall my mother and give me the reversion of theadmiralty, which belonged to my father and was promised meat his death, well! it would not be long before I should betraining dogs to say that there were greater traitors inFrance than the Cardinal Mazarin!"

At this Athos and Aramis could not help exchanging not onlya look but a smile; and had they not known it for a fact,this would have told them that De Chatillon and De Flamarenshad been there.

"My lord," said Athos, "we are satisfied; we came here onlyto express our loyalty and to say that we are at yourlordship's service and his most faithful servants."

"My most faithful friends, gentlemen, my most faithfulfriends; you have proved it. And if ever I am reconciledwith the court I shall prove to you, I hope, that I remainyour friend, as well as that of - what the devil are theirnames - D'Artagnan and Porthos?"

"D'Artagnan and Porthos."

"Ah, yes. You understand, then, Comte de la Fere, youunderstand, Chevalier d'Herblay, that I am altogether andalways at your service."

Athos and Aramis bowed and went out.

"My dear Athos," cried Aramis, "I think you consented toaccompany me only to give me a lesson - God forgive me!"

"Wait a little, Aramis; it will be time for you to perceivemy motive when we have paid our visit to the coadjutor."

"Let us then go to the archiepiscopal palace," said Aramis.

They directed their horses to the city. On arriving at thecradle from which Paris sprang they found it inundated withwater, and it was again necessary to take a boat. The palacerose from the bosom of the water, and to see the number ofboats around it one would have fancied one's self not inParis, but in Venice. Some of these boats were dark andmysterious, others noisy and lighted up with torches. Thefriends slid in through this congestion of embarkation andlanded in their turn. The palace was surrounded with water,but a kind of staircase had been fixed to the lower walls;and the only difference was, that instead of entering by thedoors, people entered by the windows.

Thus did Athos and Aramis make their appearance in theante-chamber, where about a dozen noblemen were collected inwaiting.

"Good heavens!" said Aramis to Athos, "does the coadjutorintend to indulge himself in the pleasure of making us coolour hearts off in his ante-chamber?"

"My dear friend, we must take people as we find them. Thecoadjutor is at this moment one of the seven kings of Paris,and has a court. Let us send in our names, and if he doesnot send us a suitable message we will leave him to his ownaffairs or those of France. Let us call one of theselackeys, with a demi-pistole in the left hand."

"Exactly so," cried Aramis. "Ah! if I'm not mistaken here'sBazin. Come here, fellow."

Bazin, who was crossing the ante-chamber majestically in hisclerical dress, turned around to see who the impertinentgentleman was who thus addressed him; but seeing his friendshe went up to them quickly and expressed delight at seeingthem.

"A truce to compliments," said Aramis; "we want to see thecoadjutor, and instantly, as we are in haste."

"Certainly, sir - it is not such lords as you are who areallowed to wait in the ante-chamber, only just now he has asecret conference with Monsieur de Bruy."

"De Bruy!" cried the friends, "'tis then useless our seeingmonsieur the coadjutor this evening," said Aramis, "so wegive it up."

And they hastened to quit the palace, followed by Bazin, whowas lavish of bows and compliments.

"Well," said Athos, when Aramis and he were in the boatagain, "are you beginning to be convinced that we shouldhave done a bad turn to all these people in arrestingMazarin?"

"You are wisdom incarnate, Athos," Aramis replied.

What had especially been observed by the two friends was thelittle interest taken by the court of France in the terribleevents which had occurred in England, which they thoughtshould have arrested the attention of all Europe.

In fact, aside from a poor widow and a royal orphan who weptin the corner of the Louvre, no one appeared to be awarethat Charles I. had ever lived and that he had perished onthe scaffold.

The two friends made an appointment for ten o'clock on thefollowing day; for though the night was well advanced whenthey reached the door of the hotel, Aramis said that he hadcertain important visits to make and left Athos to enteralone.

At ten o'clock the next day they met again. Athos had beenout since six o'clock.

"Well, have you any news?" Athos asked.

"Nothing. No one has seen D'Artagnan and Porthos has, notappeared. Have you anything?"


"The devil!" said Aramis.

"In fact," said Athos, "this delay is not natural; they tookthe shortest route and should have arrived before we did."

"Add to that D'Artagnan's rapidity in action and that he isnot the man to lose an hour, knowing that we were expectinghim."

"He expected, you will remember, to be here on the fifth."

"And here we are at the ninth. This evening the margin ofpossible delay expires."

"What do you think should be done," asked Athos. "if we haveno news of them to-night?"

"Pardieu! we must go and look for them."

"All right," said Athos.

"But Raoul?" said Aramis.

A light cloud passed over the count's face.

"Raoul gives me much uneasiness," he said. "He receivedyesterday a message from the Prince de Conde; he went tomeet him at Saint Cloud and has not returned."

"Have you seen Madame de Chevreuse?"

"She was not at home. And you, Aramis, you were going, Ithink, to visit Madame de Longueville."

"I did go there."


"She was no longer there, but she had left her new address."

"Where was she?"

"Guess; I give you a thousand chances."

"How should I know where the most beautiful and active ofthe Frondists was at midnight? for I presume it was when youleft me that you went to visit her."

"At the Hotel de Ville, my dear fellow."

"What! at the Hotel de Ville? Has she, then, been appointedprovost of merchants?"

"No; but she has become queen of Paris, ad interim, andsince she could not venture at once to establish herself inthe Palais Royal or the Tuileries, she is installed at theHotel de Ville, where she is on the point of giving an heiror an heiress to that dear duke."

"You didn't tell me of that, Aramis."

"Really? It was my forgetfulness then; pardon me."

"Now," asked Athos, "what are we to do with ourselves tillevening? Here we are without occupation, it seems to me."

"You forget, my friend, that we have work cut out for us inthe direction of Charenton; I hope to see Monsieur deChatillon, whom I've hated for a long time, there."

"Why have you hated him?"

"Because he is the brother of Coligny."

"Ah, true! he who presumed to be a rival of yours, for whichhe was severely punished; that ought to satisfy you."

"'Yes, but it does not; I am rancorous - the only stigmathat proves me to be a churchman. Do you understand? Youunderstand that you are in no way obliged to go with me."

"Come, now," said Athos, "you are joking."

"In that case, my dear friend, if you are resolved toaccompany me there is no time to lose; the drum beats; Iobserved cannon on the road; I saw the citizens in order ofbattle on the Place of the Hotel de Ville; certainly thefight will be in the direction of Charenton, as the Duc deChatillon said."

"I supposed," said Athos, "that last night's conferenceswould modify those warlike arrangements."

"No doubt; but they will fight, none the less, if only tomask the conferences."

"Poor creatures!" said Athos, "who are going to be killed,in order that Monsieur de Bouillon may have his estate atSedan restored to him, that the reversion of the admiraltymay be given to the Duc de Beaufort, and that the coadjutormay be made a cardinal."

"Come, come, dear Athos, confess that you would not be sophilosophical if your Raoul were to be involved in thisaffair."

"Perhaps you speak the truth, Aramis."

"Well, let us go, then, where the fighting is, for that isthe most likely place to meet with D'Artagnan, Porthos, andpossibly even Raoul. Stop, there are a fine body of citizenspassing; quite attractive, by Jupiter! and their captain - see! he has the true military style."

"What, ho!" said Grimaud.

"What?" asked Athos.

"Planchet, sir."

"Lieutenant yesterday," said Aramis, "captain to-day,colonel, doubtless, to-morrow; in a fortnight the fellowwill be marshal of France."

"Question him about the fight," said Athos.

Planchet, prouder than ever of his new duties, deigned toexplain to the two gentlemen that he was ordered to take uphis position on the Place Royale with two hundred men,forming the rear of the army of Paris, and to march onCharenton when necessary.

"This day will be a warm one," said Planchet, in a warliketone.

"No doubt," said Aramis, "but it is far from here to theenemy."

"Sir, the distance will be diminished," said a subordinate.

Aramis saluted, then turning toward Athos:

"I don't care to camp on the Place Royale with all thesepeople," he said. "Shall we go forward? We shall see betterwhat is going on."

"And then Monsieur de Chatillon will not come to the PlaceRoyale to look for you. Come, then, my friend, we will goforward."

"Haven't you something to say to Monsieur de Flamarens onyour own account?"

"My friend," said Athos, "I have made a resolution never todraw my sword save when it is absolutely necessary."

"And how long ago was that?"

"When I last drew my poniard."

"Ah! Good! another souvenir of Monsieur Mordaunt. Well, myfriend, nothing now is lacking except that you should feelremorse for having killed that fellow."

"Hush!" said Athos, putting a finger on his lips, with thesad smile peculiar to him; "let us talk no more of Mordaunt- it will bring bad luck." And Athos set forward towardCharenton, followed closely by Aramis.