Chapter 11 - Mazarin's Policy

Instead of the hesitation with which he had accosted thecardinal a quarter of an hour before, there might be read inthe eyes of the young king that will against which astruggle might be maintained, and which might be crushed byits own impotence, but which, at least, would preserve, likea wound in the depth of the heart, the remembrance of itsdefeat.

"This time, my lord cardinal, we have to deal with somethingmore easily found than a million."

"Do you think so, sire?" said Mazarin, looking at the kingwith that penetrating eye which was accustomed to read tothe bottom of hearts.

"Yes, I think so; and when you know the object of my request- - "

"And do you think I do not know it, sire?"

"You know what remains for me to say to you?"

"Listen, sire; these are King Charles's own words - - "

"Oh, impossible!"

"Listen. `And if that miserly, beggarly Italian,' said he- - "

"My lord cardinal!"

"That is the sense, if not the words. Eh! Good heavens! Iwish him no ill on that account, one is biased by hispassions. He said to you: `If that vile Italian refuses themillion we ask of him, sire, - if we are forced, for wantof money, to renounce diplomacy, well, then, we will ask himto grant us five hundred gentlemen.'"

The king started, for the cardinal was only mistaken in thenumber.

"Is not that it, sire?" cried the minister, with atriumphant accent. "And then he added some fine words: hesaid, `I have friends on the other side of the channel, andthese friends only want a leader and a banner. When they seeme, when they behold the banner of France, they will rallyround me, for they will comprehend that I have your support.The colors of the French uniform will be worth as much to meas the million M. de Mazarin refuses us,' - for he waspretty well assured I should refuse him that million. - `Ishall conquer with these five hundred gentlemen, sire, andall the honor will be yours.' Now, that is what he said, orto that purpose, was it not? - turning those plain wordsinto brilliant metaphors and pompous images, for they arefine talkers in that family! The father talked even on thescaffold."

The perspiration of shame stood upon the brow of Louis. Hefelt that it was inconsistent with his dignity to hear hisbrother thus insulted, but he did not yet know how to actwith him to whom every one yielded, even his mother. At lasthe made an effort.

"But," said he, "my lord cardinal, it is not five hundredmen, it is only two hundred."

"Well, but you see I guessed what he wanted."

"I never denied that you had a penetrating eye, and that waswhy I thought you would not refuse my brother Charles athing so simple and so easy to grant him as what I ask ofyou in his name, my lord cardinal, or rather in my own."

"Sire," said Mazarin, "I have studied policy thirty years;first, under the auspices of M. le Cardinal de Richelieu;and then alone. This policy has not always been over-honest,it must be allowed, but it has never been unskillful. Nowthat which is proposed to your majesty is dishonest andunskillful at the same time."

"Dishonest, monsieur!"

"Sire, you entered into a treaty with Cromwell."

"Yes, and in that very treaty Cromwell signed his name abovemine."

"Why did you sign yours so low down, sire? Cromwell found agood place, and he took it; that was his custom. I return,then, to M. Cromwell. You have a treaty with him, that is tosay, with England, since when you signed that treaty M.Cromwell was England."

"M. Cromwell is dead."

"Do you think so, sire?"

"No doubt he is, since his son Richard has succeeded him,and has abdicated."

"Yes, that is it exactly. Richard inherited after the deathof his father, and England at the abdication of Richard. Thetreaty formed part of the inheritance, whether in the handsof M. Richard or in the hands of England. The treaty is,then, still as good, as valid as ever. Why should you evadeit, sire? What is changed? Charles wants to-day what we werenot willing to grant him ten years ago; but that wasforeseen and provided against. You are the ally of England,sire, and not of Charles II. It was doubtless wrong, from afamily point of view, to sign a treaty with a man who hadcut off the head of the king your father's brother-in-law,and to contract an alliance with a parliament which theycall yonder the Rump Parliament; it was unbecoming, Iacknowledge, but it was not unskillful from a politicalpoint of view, since, thanks to that treaty, I saved yourmajesty, then a minor, the trouble and danger of a foreignwar, which the Fronde - you remember the Fronde sire?" - the young king hung his head - "which the Fronde might havefatally complicated. And thus I prove to your majesty thatto change our plan now; without warning our allies, would beat once unskillful and dishonest. We should make war withthe aggression on our side, we should make it, deserving tohave it made against us, and we should have the appearanceof fearing it whilst provoking it, for a permission grantedto five hundred men, to two hundred men, to fifty men, toten men, is still a permission. One Frenchman, that is thenation; one uniform, that is the army. Suppose, sire, forexample, that, sooner or later, you should have war withHolland, which, sooner or later, will certainly happen; orwith Spain, which will perhaps ensue if your marriage fails"(Mazarin stole a furtive glance at the king), "and there area thousand causes that might yet make your marriage fail, - well, would you approve of England's sending to the UnitedProvinces or to Spain a regiment, a company, a squadroneven, of English gentlemen? Would you think that they keptwithin the limits of their treaty of alliance?"

Louis listened; it seemed so strange to him that Mazarinshould invoke good faith, and he the author of so manypolitical tricks, called Mazarinades. "And yet," said theking, "without any manifest authorization, I cannot preventgentlemen of my states from passing over into England, ifsuch should be their good pleasure."

"You should compel them to return, sire, or at least protestagainst their presence as enemies in an allied country."

"But come, my lord cardinal, you who are so profound agenius, try if you cannot find means to assist this poorking, without compromising ourselves."

"And that is exactly what I am not willing to do, my dearsire," said Mazarin. "If England were to act exactlyaccording to my wishes, she could not act better than shedoes; if I directed the policy of England from this place, Ishould not direct it otherwise. Governed as she is governed,England is an eternal nest of contention for all Europe.Holland protects Charles II., let Holland do so; they willquarrel, they will fight. They are the only two maritimepowers. Let them destroy each other's navies, we canconstruct ours with the wrecks of their vessels; when weshall save our money to buy nails."

"Oh, how paltry and mean is all this that you are tellingme, monsieur le cardinal!"

"Yes, but nevertheless it is true, sire; you must confessthat. Still further. Suppose I admit, for a moment, thepossibility of breaking your word, and evading the treaty - such a thing sometimes happens, but that is when some greatinterest is to be promoted by it, or when the treaty isfound to be too troublesome - well, you will authorize theengagement asked of you: France - her banner, which is thesame thing - will cross the Straits and will fight; Francewill be conquered."

"Why so?"

"Ma foi! we have a pretty general to fight under thisCharles II.! Worcester gave us good proofs of that."

"But he will no longer have to deal with Cromwell,monsieur."

"But he will have to deal with Monk, who is quite asdangerous. The brave brewer of whom we are speaking was avisionary; he had moments of exaltation, of inflation,during which he ran over like an over-filled cask; and fromthe chinks there always escaped some drops of his thoughts,and by the sample the whole of his thought was to be madeout. Cromwell has thus allowed us more than ten times topenetrate into his very soul, when one would have conceivedthat soul to be enveloped in triple brass, as Horace has it.But Monk! Oh, sire, God defend you from ever having anythingto transact politically with Monk. It is he who has givenme, in one year, all the gray hairs I have. Monk is nofanatic; unfortunately he is a politician; he does notoverflow, he keeps close together. For ten years he has hadhis eyes fixed upon one object, and nobody has yet been ableto ascertain what. Every morning, as Louis XI. advised, heburns his nightcap. Therefore, on the day when this planslowly and solitarily ripened, shall break forth, it willbreak forthwith all the conditions of success which alwaysaccompany an unforeseen event. That is Monk, sire, of whomperhaps, you have never heard - of whom, perhaps, you didnot even know the name before your brother Charles II., whoknows what he is, pronounced it before you. He is a marvelof depth and tenacity, the two only things against whichintelligence and ardor are blunted. Sire, I had ardor when Iwas young, I always was intelligent. I may safely boast ofit, because I am reproached with it. I have done very wellwith these two qualities, since, from the son of a fishermanof Piscina, I have become prime minister to the king ofFrance; and in that position your majesty will perhapsacknowledge I have rendered some service to the throne ofyour majesty. Well, sire, if I had met with Monk on my way,instead of Monsieur de Beaufort, Monsieur de Retz, orMonsieur le Prince - well, we should have been ruined. Ifyou engage yourself rashly, sire, you will fall into thetalons of this politic soldier. The casque of Monk, sire, isan iron coffer, in the recesses of which he shuts up histhoughts, and no one has the key of it. Therefore, near him,or rather before him, I bow, sire, for I have nothing but avelvet cap."

"What do you think Monk wishes to do, then?"

"Eh! sire, if I knew that, I would not tell you to mistrusthim, for I should be stronger than he; but with him, I amafraid to guess - to guess! - you understand my word? - for if I thought I had guessed, I should stop at an idea,and, in spite of myself, should pursue that idea. Since thatman has been in power yonder, I am like one of the damned inDante whose neck Satan has twisted, and who walk forwardlooking behind them. I am traveling towards Madrid, but Inever lose sight of London. To guess, with that devil of aman, is to deceive one's self, and to deceive one's self isto ruin one's self. God keep me from ever seeking to guesswhat he aims at; I confine myself to watching what he does,and that is well enough. Now I believe - you observe themeaning of the word I believe? - I believe, with respect toMonk, ties one to nothing - I believe that he has a stronginclination to succeed Cromwell. Your Charles II. hasalready caused proposals to be made to him by ten persons;he has satisfied himself with driving these ten meddlersfrom his presence, without saying anything to them but,`Begone, or I will have you hung.' That man is a sepulcher!At this moment Monk is affecting devotion to the RumpParliament; of this devotion, observe, I am not the dupe.Monk has no wish to be assassinated, - an assassinationwould stop him in the midst of his operations, and his workmust be accomplished; - so I believe - but do not believe,what I believe, sire: for I say I believe from habit - Ibelieve that Monk is keeping on friendly terms with theparliament till the day comes for dispersing it. You areasked for swords, but they are to fight against Monk. Godpreserve you from fighting against Monk sire; for Monk wouldbeat us, and I should never console myself after beingbeaten by Monk. I should say to myself, Monk has foreseenthat victory ten years. For God's sake, sire, out offriendship for you, if not out of consideration for himself,let Charles II. keep quiet. Your majesty will give him alittle income here; give him one of your chateaux. Yes, yes- wait awhile. But I forgot the treaty - that famoustreaty of which we were just now speaking. Your majesty hasnot even the right to give him a chateau."

"How is that?"

"Yes, yes, your majesty is bound not to grant hospitality toKing Charles, and to compel him to leave France even. It wason this account we forced him to quit you, and yet here heis again. Sire, I hope you will give your brother tounderstand that he cannot remain with us; that it isimpossible he should be allowed to compromise us, or Imyself - - "

"Enough, my lord," said Louis XIV, rising. "In refusing me amillion, perhaps you may be right; your millions are yourown. In refusing me two hundred gentlemen, you are stillfurther in the right; for you are prime minister, and youhave, in the eyes of France, the responsibility of peace andwar. But that you should pretend to prevent me, who am king,from extending my hospitality to the grandson of Henry IV.,to my cousin-german, to the companion of my childhood - there your power stops, and there begins my will."

"Sire," said Mazarin, delighted at being let off so cheaply,and who had, besides, only fought so earnestly to arrive atthat, - "sire, I shall always bend before the will of myking. Let my king, then, keep near him, or in one of hischateaux, the king of England; let Mazarin know it, but letnot the minister know it."

"Good-night, my lord," said Louis XIV., "I go away indespair."

"But convinced, and that is all I desire, sire," repliedMazarin.

The king made no answer, and retired quite pensive,convinced, not of all Mazarin had told him, but of one thingwhich he took care not to mention to him; and that was, thatit was necessary for him to study seriously both his ownaffairs and those of Europe, for he found them verydifficult and very obscure. Louis found the king of Englandseated in the same place where he had left him. Onperceiving him, the English prince arose; but at the firstglance he saw discouragement written in dark letters uponhis cousin's brow. Then, speaking first, as if to facilitatethe painful avowal that Louis had to make to him, -

"Whatever it may be," said he, "I shall never forget all thekindness, all the friendship you have exhibited towards me."

"Alas!" replied Louis, in a melancholy tone, "only barrengood-will, my brother."

Charles II. became extremely pale; he passed his cold handover his brow, and struggled for a few instants against afaintness that made him tremble. "I understand," said he atlast; "no more hope!"

Louis seized the hand of Charles II. "Wait, my brother,"said he; "precipitate nothing, everything may change; hastyresolutions ruin all causes, add another year of trial, Iimplore you, to the years you have already undergone. Youhave, to induce you to act now rather than at another time,neither occasion nor opportunity. Come with me, my brother;I will give you one of my residences, whichever you prefer,to inhabit. I, with you, will keep my eyes upon events; wewill prepare. Come, then, my brother, have courage!"

Charles II. withdrew his hand from that of the king, anddrawing back, to salute him with more ceremony, "With all myheart, thanks!" replied he, "sire; but I have prayed withoutsuccess to the greatest king on earth; now I will go and aska miracle of God." And he went out without being willing tohear any more, his head carried loftily, his hand trembling,with a painful contraction of his noble countenance, andthat profound gloom which, finding no more hope in the worldof men, appeared to go beyond it, and ask it in worldsunknown. The officer of musketeers, on seeing him pass bythus pale, bowed almost to his knees as he saluted him. Hethen took a flambeau, called two musketeers, and descendedthe deserted staircase with the unfortunate king, holding inhis left hand his hat, the plume of which swept the steps.Arrived at the door, the musketeer asked the king which wayhe was going, that he might direct the musketeers.

"Monsieur," replied Charles II., in a subdued voice, "youwho have known my father, say, did you ever pray for him? Ifyou have done so, do not forget me in your prayers. Now, Iam going alone, and beg of you not to accompany me, or haveme accompanied any further."

The officer bowed and sent away the musketeers into theinterior of the palace. But he himself remained an instantunder the porch watching the departing Charles II., till hewas lost in the turn of the next street. "To him as to hisfather formerly," murmured he, "Athos, if he were here,would say with reason, - `Salute fallen majesty!'" Then,reascending the staircase: "Oh! the vile service that Ifollow!" said he at every step. "Oh! my pitiful master! Lifethus carried on is no longer tolerable, and it is at lengthtime that I should do something! No more generosity, no moreenergy! The master has succeeded, the pupil is starvedforever. Mordioux! I will not resist. Come, you men,"continued he, entering the ante-chamber, "why are you alllooking at me so? Extinguish these torches and return toyour posts. Ah! you were guarding me? Yes, you watch overme, do you not, worthy fellows? Brave fools! I am not theDuc de Guise. Begone! They will not assassinate me in thelittle passage. Besides," added he, in a low voice, "thatwould be a resolution, and no resolutions have been formedsince Monsieur le Cardinal de Richelieu died. Now, with allhis faults, that was a man! It is settled: to-morrow I willthrow my cassock to the nettles."

Then, reflecting: "No," said he, "not yet! I have one greattrial to make and I will make it; but that, and I swear it,shall be the last, Mordioux!"

He had not finished speaking when a voice issued from theking's chamber. "Monsieur le lieutenant!" said this voice.

"Here am I," replied he.

"The king desires to speak to you."

"Humph!" said the lieutenant; "perhaps of what I wasthinking about." And he went into the king's apartment.