Chapter 33 - The Audience

"Well?" cried Athos with a mild look of reproach whenD'Artagnan had read the letter addressed to him by Monk.

"Well!" said D'Artagnan, red with pleasure, and a littlewith shame, at having so hastily accused the king and Monk."This is a politeness, - which leads to nothing, it istrue, but yet it is a politeness."

"I had great difficulty in believing the young princeungrateful," said Athos.

"The fact is, that his present is still too near his past,"replied D'Artagnan; "after all, everything to the presentmoment proved me right."

"I acknowledge it, my dear friend, I acknowledge it. Ah!there is your cheerful look returned. You cannot think howdelighted I am."

"Thus you see," said D'Artagnan, "Charles II. receives M.Monk at nine o'clock; he will receive me at ten; it is agrand audience, of the sort which at the Louvre are called`distributions of court holy water.' Come, let us go andplace ourselves under the spout, my dear friend! Comealong."

Athos replied nothing; and both directed their steps, at aquick pace, towards the palace of St. James's, which thecrowd still surrounded, to catch, through the windows, theshadows of the courtiers, and the reflection of the royalperson. Eight o'clock was striking when the two friends tooktheir places in the gallery filled with courtiers andpoliticians. Every one looked at these simply-dressed men inforeign costumes, at these two noble heads so full ofcharacter and meaning. On their side, Athos and D'Artagnan,having with two glances taken the measure of the wholeassembly, resumed their chat.

A great noise was suddenly heard at the extremity of thegallery, - it was General Monk, who entered, followed bymore than twenty officers, all eager for a smile, as onlythe evening before he was master of all England, and aglorious morrow was looked to, for the restorer of theStuart family.

"Gentlemen," said Monk, turning round, "henceforward I begyou to remember that I am no longer anything. Lately Icommanded the principal army of the republic; now that armyis the king's, into whose hands I am about to surrender, athis command, my power of yesterday."

Great surprise was painted on all the countenances, and thecircle of adulators and suppliants which surrounded Monk aninstant before, was enlarged by degrees, and ended by beinglost in the large undulations of the crowd. Monk was goinginto the ante-chamber as others did. D'Artagnan could nothelp remarking this to the Comte de la Fere, who frowned onbeholding it. Suddenly the door of the royal apartmentopened, and the young king appeared, preceded by twoofficers of his household.

"Good evening, gentlemen," said he. "Is General Monk here?"

"I am here, sire," replied the old general.

Charles stepped hastily towards him, and seized his handwith the warmest demonstration of friendship. "General,"said the king, aloud, "I have just signed your patent, - you are Duke of Albemarle; and my intention is that no oneshall equal you in power and fortune in this kingdom, where- the noble Montrose excepted - no one has equaled you inloyalty, courage, and talent. Gentlemen, the duke iscommander of our armies of land and sea; pay him yourrespects, if you please, in that character."

Whilst every one was pressing round the general, whoreceived all this homage without losing his impassibilityfor an instant, D'Artagnan said to Athos: "When one thinksthat this duchy, this commander of the land and sea forces,all these grandeurs, in a word, have been shut up in a boxsix feet long and three feet wide - - "

"My friend," replied Athos, "much more imposing grandeursare confined in boxes still smaller, - and remain thereforever."

All at once Monk perceived the two gentlemen, who heldthemselves aside until the crowd had diminished; he madehimself a passage towards them, so that he surprised them inthe midst of their philosophical reflections. "Were youspeaking of me?" said he, with a smile.

"My lord," replied Athos, "we were speaking likewise ofGod."

Monk reflected for a moment, and then replied gayly:"Gentlemen, let us speak a little of the king likewise, ifyou please; for you have, I believe, an audience of hismajesty."

"At nine o'clock," said Athos.

"At ten o'clock," said D'Artagnan.

"Let us go into this closet at once," replied Monk, making asign to his two companions to precede him; but to thatneither would consent.

The king, during this discussion so characteristic of theFrench, had returned to the center of the gallery.

"Oh! my Frenchmen!" said he, in that tone of careless gayetywhich, in spite of so much grief and so many crosses, he hadnever lost. "My Frenchmen! my consolation!" Athos andD'Artagnan bowed.

"Duke, conduct these gentlemen into my study. I am at yourservice, messieurs," added he in French. And he promptlyexpedited his court, to return to his Frenchmen, as hecalled them. "Monsieur d'Artagnan," said he, as he enteredhis closet, "I am glad to see you again."

"Sire, my joy is at its height, at having the honor tosalute your majesty in your own palace of St. James's."

"Monsieur, you have been willing to render me a greatservice, and I owe you my gratitude for it. If I did notfear to intrude upon the rights of our commanding general, Iwould offer you some post worthy of you near our person."

"Sire," replied D'Artagnan, "I have quitted the service ofthe king of France, making a promise to my prince not toserve any other king."

"Humph!" said Charles, "I am sorry to hear that; I shouldlike to do much for you; I like you very much."

"Sire - - "

"But let us see," said Charles with a smile, "if we cannotmake you break your word. Duke, assist me. If you wereoffered, that is to say, if I offered you the chief commandof my musketeers?" D'Artagnan bowed lower than before.

"I should have the regret to refuse what your graciousmajesty would offer me," said he; "a gentleman has but hisword, and that word, as I have had the honor to tell yourmajesty, is engaged to the king of France."

"We shall say no more about it, then," said the king,turning towards Athos, and leaving D'Artagnan plunged in thedeepest pangs of disappointment.

"Ah! I said so!" muttered the musketeer. "Words! words!Court holy water! Kings have always a marvellous talent foroffering us that which they know we will not accept, and inappearing generous without risk. So be it! - triple foolthat I was to have hoped for a moment!"

During this time Charles took the hand of Athos. "Comte,"said he, "you have been to me a second father; the servicesyou have rendered me are above all price. I have,nevertheless, thought of a recompense. You were created bymy father a Knight of the Garter - -that is an order whichall the kings of Europe cannot bear; by the queen regent,Knight of the Holy Ghost - which is an order not lessillustrious; I join to it that of the Golden Fleece sent meby the king of France, to whom the king of Spain, hisfather-in-law, gave two on the occasion of his marriage; butin return, I have a service to ask of you."

"Sire," said Athos. with confusion, "the Golden Fleece forme! when the king of France is the only person in my countrywho enjoys that distinction?"

I wish you to be in your country and all others the equal ofall those whom sovereigns have honored with their favor,"said Charles, drawing the chain from his neck; "and I amsure, comte, my father smiles on me from his grave."

"It is unaccountably strange," said D'Artagnan to himself,whilst his friend, on his knees, received the eminent orderwhich the king conferred on him - "it is almost incrediblethat I have always seen showers of prosperity fall upon allwho surrounded me, and that not a drop ever reached me! If Iwere a jealous man it would be enough to make one tear one'shair, parole d'honneur!"

Athos rose from his knees, and Charles embraced himtenderly. "General!" said he to Monk - then stopping with asmile, "pardon me, duke, I mean. No wonder if I make amistake; the word duke is too short for me, I always seeksome title to lengthen it. I should wish to see you so nearmy throne, that I might say to you as to Louis XIV., mybrother! Oh! I have it, and you will be almost my brother,for I make you viceroy of Ireland and of Scotland. my dearduke. So, after that fashion, henceforward I shall not makea mistake."

The duke seized the hand of the king, but withoutenthusiasm, without joy, as he did everything. His heart,however, had been moved by this last favor. Charles, byskillfully husbanding his generosity, had given the duketime to wish, although he might not have wished for so muchas was given him.

"Mordioux!" grumbled D'Artagnan, "there is the showerbeginning again! Oh! it is enough to turn one's brain!" andhe turned away with an air so sorrowful and so comicallypiteous, that the king, who caught it, could not restrain asmile. Monk was preparing to leave the room, to take leaveof Charles.

"What! my trusty and well-beloved!" said the king to theduke, "are you going?"

"With your majesty's permission, for in truth I am weary.The emotions of the day have worn me out; I stand in need ofrest."

"But," said the king, "you are not going without M.d'Artagnan, I hope."

"Why not, sire?" said the old warrior.

"Well! you know very well why," said the king.

Monk looked at Charles with astonishment.

"Oh! it may be possible; but if you forget, you, M.d'Artagnan, do not."

Astonishment was painted on the face of the musketeer.

"Well, then, duke," said the king, "do you not lodge with M.d'Artagnan?"

"I had the honor of offering M. d'Artagnan a lodging; yes,sire."

"That idea is your own, and yours solely?"

"Mine and mine only; yes, sire."

"Well! but it could not be otherwise - the prisoner alwayslodges with his conqueror."

Monk colored in his turn. "Ah! that is true," said he, "I amM. d'Artagnan's prisoner."

"Without doubt, duke, since you are not yet ransomed, buthave no care of that; it was I who took you out of M.d'Artagnan's hands, and it is I who will pay your ransom."

The eyes of D'Artagnan regained their gayety and theirbrilliancy. The Gascon began to understand. Charles advancedtowards him.

"The general," said he, "is not rich, and cannot pay youwhat he is worth. I am richer, certainly, but now that he isa duke, and if not a king, almost a king, he is worth a sumI could not perhaps pay. Come, M. d'Artagnan, be moderatewith me; how much do I owe you?"

D'Artagnan, delighted at the turn things were taking, butnot for a moment losing his self-possession, replied, - "Sire, your majesty has no occasion to be alarmed. When Ihad the good fortune to take his grace, M. Monk was only ageneral; it is therefore only a general's ransom that is dueto me. But if the general will have the kindness to deliverme his sword, I shall consider myself paid; for there isnothing in the world but the general's sword which is worthso much as himself."

"Odds fish! as my father said," cried Charles. "That is agallant proposal, and a gallant man, is he not, duke?"

"Upon my honor, yes, sire," and he drew his sword."Monsieur," said he to D'Artagnan, "here is what you demand.Many may have handled a better blade; but however modestmine may be, I have never surrendered it to any one."

D'Artagnan received with pride the sword which had just madea king.

"Oh! oh!" cried Charles II.; "what, a sword that hasrestored me to my throne - to go out of the kingdom - andnot, one day, to figure among the crown jewels. No, on mysoul! that shall not be! Captain d'Artagnan, I will give youtwo hundred thousand crowns for your sword! If that is toolittle, say so."

"It is too little, sire," replied D'Artagnan, withinimitable seriousness. "In the first place, I do not at allwish to sell it; but your majesty desires me to do so, andthat is an order. I obey, then, but the respect I owe to theillustrious warrior who hears me commands me to estimate ata third more the reward of my victory. I ask then threehundred thousand crowns for the sword, or I shall give it toyour majesty for nothing." And taking it by the point hepresented it to the king. Charles broke into hilariouslaughter.

"A gallant man, and a merry companion! Odds fish! is he not,duke? is he not, comte? He pleases me! I like him! Here,Chevalier d'Artagnan, take this." And going to the table, hetook a pen and wrote an order upon his treasurer for threehundred thousand crowns.

D'Artagnan took it, and turning gravely towards Monk: "Ihave still asked too little, I know," said he, "but believeme, your grace, I would rather have died than allow myselfto be governed by avarice."

The king began to laugh again, like the happiest cockney ofhis kingdom.

"You will come and see me again before you go, chevalier?"said he; "I shall want to lay in a stock of gayety now myFrenchmen are leaving me."

"Ah! sire, it will not be with the gayety as with the duke'ssword; I will give it to your majesty gratis," repliedD'Artagnan, whose feet scarcely seemed to touch the ground.

"And you, comte," added Charles, turning towards Athos,"come again, also, I have an important message to confide toyou. Your hand, duke." Monk pressed the hand of the king.

"Adieu! gentlemen," said Charles, holding out each of hishands to the two Frenchmen, who carried them to their lips.

"Well," said Athos, when they were out of the palace, "areyou satisfied?"

"Hush!" said D'Artagnan, wild with joy, "I have not yetreturned from the treasurer's - a shutter may fall upon myhead."