Chapter 63 - How M. D'eymeris's Diamond Passed Into The Hands Of M. D'artagnan.

Whilst this violent, noisy, and bloody scene was passing onthe Greve, several men, barricaded behind the gate ofcommunication with the garden, replaced their swords intheir sheaths, assisted one among them to mount a readysaddled horse which was waiting in the garden, and like aflock of startled birds, fled in all directions, someclimbing the walls, others rushing out at the gates with allthe fury of a panic. He who mounted the horse, and gave himthe spur so sharply that the animal was near leaping thewall, this cavalier, we say, crossed the Place Baudoyer,passed like lightning before the crowd in the streets,riding against, running over and knocking down all that camein his way, and, ten minutes after, arrived at the gates ofthe superintendent, more out of breath than his horse. TheAbbe Fouquet, at the clatter of the hoofs on the pavement,appeared at a window of the court, and before even thecavalier had set foot to the ground, "Well! Danecamp?" criedhe, leaning half out of the window.

"Well, it is all over," replied the cavalier.

"All over!" cried the abbe. "Then they are saved?"

"No, monsieur," replied the cavalier, "they are hung."

"Hung!" repeated the abbe, turning pale. A lateral doorsuddenly opened, and Fouquet appeared in the chamber, pale,distracted, with lips half opened, breathing a cry of griefand anger. He stopped upon the threshold to listen to whatwas addressed from the court to the window.

"Miserable wretches!" said the abbe. "you did not fight,then?"

"Like lions."

"Say like cowards."


"A hundred men accustomed to war, sword in hand, are worthten thousand archers in a surprise. Where is Menneville,that boaster, that braggart, who was to come back eitherdead or a conqueror?"

"Well, monsieur, he has kept his word. He is dead!"

"Dead! Who killed him?"

"A demon disguised as a man, a giant armed with ten flamingswords - a madman, who at one blow extinguished the fire,put down the riot, and caused a hundred musketeers to riseup out of the pavement of the Greve."

Fouquet raised his brow, streaming with sweat, murmuring,"Oh! Lyodot and D'Eymeris! dead! dead! dead! and Idishonored."

The abbe turned round, and perceiving his brother,despairing and livid, "Come, come," said he, "it is a blowof fate, monsieur; we must not lament thus. Our attempt hasfailed, because God - - "

"Be silent, abbe! be silent!" cried Fouquet; "your excusesare blasphemies. Order that man up here, and let him relatethe details of this terrible event."

"But, brother - - "

"Obey, monsieur!"

The abbe made a sign, and in half a minute the man's stepwas heard upon the stairs. At the same time Gourvilleappeared behind Fouquet, like the guardian angel of thesuperintendent, pressing one finger on his lips to enjoinobservation even amidst the bursts of his grief. Theminister resumed all the serenity that human strength leftat the disposal of a heart half broken with sorrow. Danecampappeared. "Make your report," said Gourville.

"Monsieur," replied the messenger, "we received orders tocarry off the prisoners, and to cry `Vive Colbert!' whilstcarrying them off."

"To burn them alive, was it not, abbe?" interruptedGourville.

"Yes, yes, the order was given to Menneville. Mennevilleknew what was to be done, and Menneville is dead."

This news appeared rather to reassure Gourville than tosadden him.

"Yes, certainly to burn them alive," said the abbe, eagerly.

"Granted, monsieur, granted," said the man, looking into theeyes and the faces of the two interlocutors, to ascertainwhat there was profitable or disadvantageous to himself intelling the truth.

"Now, proceed," said Gourville.

"The prisoners," cried Danecamp, "were brought to the Greve,and the people, in a fury, insisted upon their being burntinstead of being hung."

"And the people were right," said the abbe. "Go on."

"But," resumed the man, "at the moment the archers werebroken, at the moment the fire was set to one of the housesof the Place destined to serve as a funeral-pile for theguilty, this fury, this demon, this giant of whom I toldyou, and who we had been informed, was the proprietor of thehouse in question, aided by a young man who accompanied him,threw out of the window those who kept up the fire, calledto his assistance the musketeers who were in the crowd,leapt himself from the window of the first story into thePlace, and plied his sword so desperately that the victorywas restored to the archers, the prisoners were retaken, andMenneville killed. When once recaptured, the condemned wereexecuted in three minutes." Fouquet, in spite of hisself-command, could not prevent a deep groan escaping him.

"And this man, the proprietor of the house, what is hisname?" said the abbe.

"I cannot tell you, not having even been able to get sightof him; my post had been appointed in the garden, and Iremained at my post: only the affair was related to me as Irepeat it. I was ordered, when once the affair was at anend, to come at best speed arid announce to you the mannerin which it finished. According to this order, I set out,full gallop, and here I am."

"Very well, monsieur, we have nothing else to ask of you,"said the abbe, more and more dejected, in proportion as themoment approached for finding himself alone with hisbrother.

"Have you been paid?" asked Gourville.

"Partly, monsieur," replied Danecamp.

"Here are twenty pistoles. Begone, monsieur, and neverforget to defend, as this time has been done, the trueinterests of the king."

"Yes, monsieur," said the man, bowing and pocketing themoney. After which he went out. Scarcely had the door closedafter him when Fouquet, who had remained motionless,advanced with a rapid step and stood between the abbe andGourville. Both of them at the same time opened their mouthsto speak to him. "No excuses," said he, "no recriminationsagainst anybody. If I had not been a false friend I shouldnot have confided to any one the care of delivering Lyodotand D'Eymeris. I alone am guilty; to me alone are reproachesand remorse due. Leave me, abbe."

"And yet, monsieur, you will not prevent me," replied thelatter, "from endeavoring to find out the miserable fellowwho has intervened to the advantage of M. Colbert in this sowell-arranged affair; for, if it is good policy to love ourfriends dearly, I do not believe that is bad which consistsin obstinately pursuing our enemies."

"A truce to policy, abbe; begone, I beg of you, and do notlet me hear any more of you till I send for you; what wemost need is circumspection and silence. You have a terribleexample before you, gentlemen: no reprisals, I forbid them."

"There are no orders," grumbled the abbe, "which willprevent me from avenging a family affront upon the guiltyperson."

"And I," cried Fouquet, in that imperative tone to which onefeels there is nothing to reply, "if you entertain onethought, one single thought, which is not the absoluteexpression of my will, I will have you cast into the Bastiletwo hours after that thought has manifested itself. Regulateyour conduct accordingly, abbe."

The abbe colored and bowed. Fouquet made a sign to Gourvilleto follow him, and was already directing his steps towardshis cabinet, when the usher announced with a loud voice:"Monsieur le Chevalier d'Artagnan."

"Who is he?" said Fouquet, negligently, to Gourville.

"An ex-lieutenant of his majesty's musketeers," repliedGourville, in the same tone. Fouquet did not even take thetrouble to reflect, and resumed his walk. "I beg yourpardon, monseigneur!" said Gourville, "but I haveremembered, this brave man has quitted the king's service,and probably comes to receive an installment of some pensionor other."

"Devil take him!" said Fouquet, "why does he choose hisopportunity so ill?"

"Permit me then, monseigneur, to announce your refusal tohim; for he is one of my acquaintance, and is a man whom, inour present circumstances, it would be better to have as afriend than an enemy."

"Answer him as you please," said Fouquet.

"Eh! good Lord!" said the abbe, still full of malice, likean egotistical man; "tell him there is no money,particularly for musketeers."

But scarcely had the abbe uttered this imprudent speech,when the partly open door was thrown back, and D'Artagnanappeared.

"Eh! Monsieur Fouquet," said he, "I was well aware there wasno money for musketeers here. Therefore I did not come toobtain any, but to have it refused. That being done, receivemy thanks. I give you good-day, and will go and seek it atM. Colbert's." And he went out, making an easy bow.

"Gourville," said Fouquet, "run after that man and bring himback." Gourville obeyed, and overtook D'Artagnan on thestairs.

D'Artagnan, hearing steps behind him, turned round andperceived Gourville. "Mordioux! my dear monsieur," said he,"these are sad lessons which you gentlemen of finance teachus; I come to M. Fouquet to receive a sum accorded by hismajesty, and I am received like a mendicant who comes to askcharity, or a thief who comes to steal a piece of plate."

"But you pronounced the name of M. Colbert, my dear M.d'Artagnan; you said you were going to M. Colbert's?"

"I certainly am going there, were it only to asksatisfaction of the people who try to burn houses, crying`Vive Colbert!'"

Gourville pricked up his ears. "Oh, oh!" said he, "youallude to what has just happened at the Greve?"

"Yes, certainly."

"And in what did that which has taken place concern you?"

"What! do you ask me whether it concerns me or does notconcern me, if M. Colbert pleases to make a funeral-pile ofmy house?"

"So ho, your house - was it your house they wanted toburn?"

"Pardieu! was it!"

"Is the cabaret of the Image-de-Notre-Dame yours, then?"

"It has been this week."

"Well, then, are you the brave captain, are you the valiantblade who dispersed those who wished to burn the condemned?"

"My dear Monsieur Gourville, put yourself in my place. I wasan agent of the public force and a landlord, too. As acaptain, it is my duty to have the orders of the kingaccomplished. As a proprietor, it is to my interest my houseshould not be burnt. I have at the same time attended to thelaws of interest and duty in replacing Messieurs Lyodot andD'Eymeris in the hands of the archers."

"Then it was you who threw the man out of the window?"

"It was I, myself," replied D'Artagnan, modestly

"And you who killed Menneville?"

"I had that misfortune," said D'Artagnan, bowing like a manwho is being congratulated.

"It was you, then, in short, who caused the two condemnedpersons to be hung?"

"Instead of being burnt, yes, monsieur, and I am proud ofit. I saved the poor devils from horrible tortures.Understand, my dear Monsieur de Gourville, that they wantedto burn them alive. It exceeds imagination!"

"Go, my dear Monsieur d'Artagnan, go," said Gourville,anxious to spare Fouquet the sight of the man who had justcaused him such profound grief.

"No," said Fouquet, who had heard all from the door of theante-chamber; "not so; on the contrary, Monsieur d'Artagnan,come in."

D'Artagnan wiped from the hilt of his sword a last bloodytrace, which had escaped his notice, and returned. He thenfound himself face to face with these three men, whosecountenances wore very different expressions. With the abbeit was anger, with Gourville stupor, with Fouquet it wasdejection.

"I beg your pardon, monsieur le ministre," said D'Artagnan,"but my time is short; I have to go to the office of theintendant, to have an explanation with Monsieur Colbert, andto receive my quarter's pension."

"But, monsieur," said Fouquet, "there is money here."D'Artagnan looked at the superintendent with astonishment."You have been answered inconsiderately, monsieur, I know,because I heard it," said the minister; "a man of your meritought to be known by everybody." D'Artagnan bowed. "Have youan order?" added Fouquet.

"Yes, monsieur."

"Give it me, I will pay you myself; come with me." He made asign to Gourville and the abbe, who remained in the chamberwhere they were. He led D'Artagnan into his cabinet. As soonas the door was shut, - "How much is due to you, monsieur?"

"Why, something like five thousand livres, monseigneur."

"For arrears of pay?"

"For a quarter's pay."

"A quarter consisting of five thousand livres!" saidFouquet, fixing upon the musketeer a searching look. Doesthe king, then, give you twenty thousand livres a year?"

"Yes, monseigneur, twenty thousand livres a year. Do youthink it is too much?"

"I?" cried Fouquet, and he smiled bitterly. "If I had anyknowledge of mankind, if I were - instead of being afrivolous, inconsequent, and vain spirit - of a prudent andreflective spirit; if, in a word, I had, as certain personshave known how, regulated my life, you would not receivetwenty thousand livres a year, but a hundred thousand, andyou would not belong to the king, but to me."

D'Artagnan colored slightly. There is sometimes in themanner in which a eulogium is given, in the voice, in theaffectionate tone, a poison so sweet, that the strongestmind is intoxicated by it. The superintendent terminated hisspeech by opening a drawer, and taking from it four rouleauxwhich he placed before D'Artagnan. The Gascon opened one."Gold!" said he.

"It will be less burdensome, monsieur."

"But then, monsieur, these make twenty thousand livres."

"No doubt they do."

"But only five are due to me."

"I wish to spare you the trouble of coming four times to myoffice."

"You overwhelm me, monsieur."

"I do only what I ought to do, monsieur le chevalier; and Ihope you will not bear me any malice on account of the rudereception my brother gave you. He is of a sour, capriciousdisposition."

"Monsieur," said D'Artagnan, "believe me, nothing wouldgrieve me more than an excuse from you."

"Therefore I will make no more, and will content myself withasking you a favor."

"Oh, monsieur."

Fouquet drew from his finger a ring worth about a thousandpistoles. "Monsieur," said he, "this stone was given me by afriend of my childhood, by a man to whom you have rendered agreat service."

"A service - I?" said the musketeer, "I have rendered aservice to one of your friends?"

"You cannot have forgotten it, monsieur, for it dates thisvery day."

"And that friend's name was - - "

"M. d'Eymeris."

"One of the condemned?"

"Yes, one of the victims. Well! Monsieur d'Artagnan, inreturn for the service you have rendered him, I beg you toaccept this diamond. Do so for my sake."

"Monsieur! you - - "

"Accept it, I say. To-day is with me a day of mourning;hereafter you will, perhaps, learn why; to-day I have lostone friend; well, I will try to get another."

"But, Monsieur Fouquet - - "

"Adieu! Monsieur d'Artagnan, adieu!" cried Fouquet, withmuch emotion; "or rather, au revoir." And the ministerquitted the cabinet, leaving in the hands of the musketeerthe ring and the twenty thousand livres.

"Oh!" said D'Artagnan, after a moment's dark reflection."How on earth am I to understand what this means? Mordioux!I can understand this much, only: he is a gallant man! Iwill go and explain matters to M. Colbert." And he went out.