Chapter 1 - Marseilles -- The Arrival

On the 24th of February, 1810, the look-out at Notre-Dame dela Garde signalled the three-master, the Pharaon fromSmyrna, Trieste, and Naples.

As usual, a pilot put off immediately, and rounding theChateau d'If, got on board the vessel between Cape Morgionand Rion island.

Immediately, and according to custom, the ramparts of FortSaint-Jean were covered with spectators; it is always anevent at Marseilles for a ship to come into port, especiallywhen this ship, like the Pharaon, has been built, rigged,and laden at the old Phocee docks, and belongs to an ownerof the city.

The ship drew on and had safely passed the strait, whichsome volcanic shock has made between the Calasareigne andJaros islands; had doubled Pomegue, and approached theharbor under topsails, jib, and spanker, but so slowly andsedately that the idlers, with that instinct which is theforerunner of evil, asked one another what misfortune couldhave happened on board. However, those experienced innavigation saw plainly that if any accident had occurred, itwas not to the vessel herself, for she bore down with allthe evidence of being skilfully handled, the anchora-cockbill, the jib-boom guys already eased off, andstanding by the side of the pilot, who was steering thePharaon towards the narrow entrance of the inner port, was ayoung man, who, with activity and vigilant eye, watchedevery motion of the ship, and repeated each direction of thepilot.

The vague disquietude which prevailed among the spectatorshad so much affected one of the crowd that he did not awaitthe arrival of the vessel in harbor, but jumping into asmall skiff, desired to be pulled alongside the Pharaon,which he reached as she rounded into La Reserve basin.

When the young man on board saw this person approach, heleft his station by the pilot, and, hat in hand, leaned overthe ship's bulwarks.

He was a fine, tall, slim young fellow of eighteen ortwenty, with black eyes, and hair as dark as a raven's wing;and his whole appearance bespoke that calmness andresolution peculiar to men accustomed from their cradle tocontend with danger.

"Ah, is it you, Dantes?" cried the man in the skiff. "What'sthe matter? and why have you such an air of sadness aboard?"

"A great misfortune, M. Morrel," replied the young man, - "a great misfortune, for me especially! Off Civita Vecchiawe lost our brave Captain Leclere."

"And the cargo?" inquired the owner, eagerly.

"Is all safe, M. Morrel; and I think you will be satisfiedon that head. But poor Captain Leclere - "

"What happened to him?" asked the owner, with an air ofconsiderable resignation. "What happened to the worthycaptain?"

"He died."

"Fell into the sea?"

"No, sir, he died of brain-fever in dreadful agony." Thenturning to the crew, he said, "Bear a hand there, to take insail!"

All hands obeyed, and at once the eight or ten seamen whocomposed the crew, sprang to their respective stations atthe spanker brails and outhaul, topsail sheets and halyards,the jib downhaul, and the topsail clewlines and buntlines.The young sailor gave a look to see that his orders werepromptly and accurately obeyed, and then turned again to theowner.

"And how did this misfortune occur?" inquired the latter,resuming the interrupted conversation.

"Alas, sir, in the most unexpected manner. After a long talkwith the harbor-master, Captain Leclere left Naples greatlydisturbed in mind. In twenty-four hours he was attacked by afever, and died three days afterwards. We performed theusual burial service, and he is at his rest, sewn up in hishammock with a thirty-six pound shot at his head and hisheels, off El Giglio island. We bring to his widow his swordand cross of honor. It was worth while, truly," added theyoung man with a melancholy smile, "to make war against theEnglish for ten years, and to die in his bed at last, likeeverybody else."

"Why, you see, Edmond," replied the owner, who appeared morecomforted at every moment, "we are all mortal, and the oldmust make way for the young. If not, why, there would be nopromotion; and since you assure me that the cargo - "

"Is all safe and sound, M. Morrel, take my word for it; andI advise you not to take 25,000 francs for the profits ofthe voyage."

Then, as they were just passing the Round Tower, the youngman shouted: "Stand by there to lower the topsails and jib;brail up the spanker!"

The order was executed as promptly as it would have been onboard a man-of-war.

"Let go - and clue up!" At this last command all the sailswere lowered, and the vessel moved almost imperceptiblyonwards.

"Now, if you will come on board, M. Morrel," said Dantes,observing the owner's impatience, "here is your supercargo,M. Danglars, coming out of his cabin, who will furnish youwith every particular. As for me, I must look after theanchoring, and dress the ship in mourning."

The owner did not wait for a second invitation. He seized arope which Dantes flung to him, and with an activity thatwould have done credit to a sailor, climbed up the side ofthe ship, while the young man, going to his task, left theconversation to Danglars, who now came towards the owner. Hewas a man of twenty-five or twenty-six years of age, ofunprepossessing countenance, obsequious to his superiors,insolent to his subordinates; and this, in addition to hisposition as responsible agent on board, which is alwaysobnoxious to the sailors, made him as much disliked by thecrew as Edmond Dantes was beloved by them.

"Well, M. Morrel," said Danglars, "you have heard of themisfortune that has befallen us?"

"Yes - yes: poor Captain Leclere! He was a brave and anhonest man."

"And a first-rate seaman, one who had seen long andhonorable service, as became a man charged with theinterests of a house so important as that of Morrel & Son,"replied Danglars.

"But," replied the owner, glancing after Dantes, who waswatching the anchoring of his vessel, "it seems to me that asailor needs not be so old as you say, Danglars, tounderstand his business, for our friend Edmond seems tounderstand it thoroughly, and not to require instructionfrom any one."

"Yes," said Danglars, darting at Edmond a look gleaming withhate. "Yes, he is young, and youth is invariablyself-confident. Scarcely was the captain's breath out of hisbody when he assumed the command without consulting any one,and he caused us to lose a day and a half at the Island ofElba, instead of making for Marseilles direct."

"As to taking command of the vessel," replied Morrel, "thatwas his duty as captain's mate; as to losing a day and ahalf off the Island of Elba, he was wrong, unless the vesselneeded repairs."

"The vessel was in as good condition as I am, and as, I hopeyou are, M. Morrel, and this day and a half was lost frompure whim, for the pleasure of going ashore, and nothingelse."

"Dantes," said the shipowner, turning towards the young man,"come this way!"

"In a moment, sir," answered Dantes, "and I'm with you."Then calling to the crew, he said - "Let go!"

The anchor was instantly dropped, and the chain ran rattlingthrough the port-hole. Dantes continued at his post in spiteof the presence of the pilot, until this manoeuvre wascompleted, and then he added, "Half-mast the colors, andsquare the yards!"

"You see," said Danglars, "he fancies himself captainalready, upon my word."

"And so, in fact, he is," said the owner.

"Except your signature and your partner's, M. Morrel."

"And why should he not have this?" asked the owner; "he isyoung, it is true, but he seems to me a thorough seaman, andof full experience."

A cloud passed over Danglars' brow. "Your pardon, M.Morrel," said Dantes, approaching, "the vessel now rides atanchor, and I am at your service. You hailed me, I think?"

Danglars retreated a step or two. "I wished to inquire whyyou stopped at the Island of Elba?"

"I do not know, sir; it was to fulfil the last instructionsof Captain Leclere, who, when dying, gave me a packet forMarshal Bertrand."

"Then did you see him, Edmond?"


"The marshal."


Morrel looked around him, and then, drawing Dantes on oneside, he said suddenly - "And how is the emperor?"

"Very well, as far as I could judge from the sight of him."

"You saw the emperor, then?"

"He entered the marshal's apartment while I was there."

"And you spoke to him?"

"Why, it was he who spoke to me, sir," said Dantes, with asmile.

"And what did he say to you?"

"Asked me questions about the vessel, the time she leftMarseilles, the course she had taken, and what was hercargo. I believe, if she had not been laden, and I had beenher master, he would have bought her. But I told him I wasonly mate, and that she belonged to the firm of Morrel &Son. `Ah, yes,' he said, `I know them. The Morrels have beenshipowners from father to son; and there was a Morrel whoserved in the same regiment with me when I was in garrisonat Valence.'"

"Pardieu, and that is true!" cried the owner, greatlydelighted. "And that was Policar Morrel, my uncle, who wasafterwards a captain. Dantes, you must tell my uncle thatthe emperor remembered him, and you will see it will bringtears into the old soldier's eyes. Come, come," continuedhe, patting Edmond's shoulder kindly, "you did very right,Dantes, to follow Captain Leclere's instructions, and touchat Elba, although if it were known that you had conveyed apacket to the marshal, and had conversed with the emperor,it might bring you into trouble."

"How could that bring me into trouble, sir?" asked Dantes;"for I did not even know of what I was the bearer; and theemperor merely made such inquiries as he would of the firstcomer. But, pardon me, here are the health officers and thecustoms inspectors coming alongside." And the young man wentto the gangway. As he departed, Danglars approached, andsaid, -

"Well, it appears that he has given you satisfactory reasonsfor his landing at Porto-Ferrajo?"

"Yes, most satisfactory, my dear Danglars."

"Well, so much the better," said the supercargo; "for it isnot pleasant to think that a comrade has not done his duty."

"Dantes has done his," replied the owner, "and that is notsaying much. It was Captain Leclere who gave orders for thisdelay."

"Talking of Captain Leclere, has not Dantes given you aletter from him?"

"To me? - no - was there one?"

"I believe that, besides the packet, Captain Leclereconfided a letter to his care."

"Of what packet are you speaking, Danglars?"

"Why, that which Dantes left at Porto-Ferrajo."

"How do you know he had a packet to leave at Porto-Ferrajo?"

Danglars turned very red.

"I was passing close to the door of the captain's cabin,which was half open, and I saw him give the packet andletter to Dantes."

"He did not speak to me of it," replied the shipowner; "butif there be any letter he will give it to me."

Danglars reflected for a moment. "Then, M. Morrel, I beg ofyou," said he, "not to say a word to Dantes on the subject.I may have been mistaken."

At this moment the young man returned; Danglars withdrew.

"Well, my dear Dantes, are you now free?" inquired theowner.

"Yes, sir."

"You have not been long detained."

"No. I gave the custom-house officers a copy of our bill oflading; and as to the other papers, they sent a man off withthe pilot, to whom I gave them."

"Then you have nothing more to do here?"

"No - everything is all right now."

"Then you can come and dine with me?"

"I really must ask you to excuse me, M. Morrel. My firstvisit is due to my father, though I am not the less gratefulfor the honor you have done me."

"Right, Dantes, quite right. I always knew you were a goodson."

"And," inquired Dantes, with some hesitation, "do you knowhow my father is?"

"Well, I believe, my dear Edmond, though I have not seen himlately."

"Yes, he likes to keep himself shut up in his little room."

"That proves, at least, that he has wanted for nothingduring your absence."

Dantes smiled. "My father is proud, sir, and if he had not ameal left, I doubt if he would have asked anything fromanyone, except from Heaven."

"Well, then, after this first visit has been made we shallcount on you."

"I must again excuse myself, M. Morrel, for after this firstvisit has been paid I have another which I am most anxiousto pay."

"True, Dantes, I forgot that there was at the Catalans someone who expects you no less impatiently than your father - the lovely Mercedes."

Dantes blushed.

"Ah, ha," said the shipowner, "I am not in the leastsurprised, for she has been to me three times, inquiring ifthere were any news of the Pharaon. Peste, Edmond, you havea very handsome mistress!"

"She is not my mistress," replied the young sailor, gravely;"she is my betrothed."

"Sometimes one and the same thing," said Morrel, with asmile.

"Not with us, sir," replied Dantes.

"Well, well, my dear Edmond," continued the owner, "don'tlet me detain you. You have managed my affairs so well thatI ought to allow you all the time you require for your own.Do you want any money?"

"No, sir; I have all my pay to take - nearly three months'wages."

"You are a careful fellow, Edmond."

"Say I have a poor father, sir."

"Yes, yes, I know how good a son you are, so now hasten awayto see your father. I have a son too, and I should be verywroth with those who detained him from me after a threemonths' voyage."

"Then I have your leave, sir?"

"Yes, if you have nothing more to say to me."


"Captain Leclere did not, before he died, give you a letterfor me?"

"He was unable to write, sir. But that reminds me that Imust ask your leave of absence for some days."

"To get married?"

"Yes, first, and then to go to Paris."

"Very good; have what time you require, Dantes. It will takequite six weeks to unload the cargo, and we cannot get youready for sea until three months after that; only be backagain in three months, for the Pharaon," added the owner,patting the young sailor on the back, "cannot sail withouther captain."

"Without her captain!" cried Dantes, his eyes sparkling withanimation; "pray mind what you say, for you are touching onthe most secret wishes of my heart. Is it really yourintention to make me captain of the Pharaon?"

"If I were sole owner we'd shake hands on it now, my dearDantes, and call it settled; but I have a partner, and youknow the Italian proverb - Chi ha compagno ha padrone - `He who has a partner has a master.' But the thing is atleast half done, as you have one out of two votes. Rely onme to procure you the other; I will do my best."

"Ah, M. Morrel," exclaimed the young seaman, with tears inhis eyes, and grasping the owner's hand, "M. Morrel, I thankyou in the name of my father and of Mercedes."

"That's all right, Edmond. There's a providence that watchesover the deserving. Go to your father: go and see Mercedes,and afterwards come to me."

"Shall I row you ashore?"

"No, thank you; I shall remain and look over the accountswith Danglars. Have you been satisfied with him thisvoyage?"

"That is according to the sense you attach to the question,sir. Do you mean is he a good comrade? No, for I think henever liked me since the day when I was silly enough, aftera little quarrel we had, to propose to him to stop for tenminutes at the island of Monte Cristo to settle the dispute- a proposition which I was wrong to suggest, and he quiteright to refuse. If you mean as responsible agent when youask me the question, I believe there is nothing to sayagainst him, and that you will be content with the way inwhich he has performed his duty."

"But tell me, Dantes, if you had command of the Pharaonshould you be glad to see Danglars remain?"

"Captain or mate, M. Morrel, I shall always have thegreatest respect for those who possess the owners'confidence."

"That's right, that's right, Dantes! I see you are athoroughly good fellow, and will detain you no longer. Go,for I see how impatient you are."

"Then I have leave?"

"Go, I tell you."

"May I have the use of your skiff?"


"Then, for the present, M. Morrel, farewell, and a thousandthanks!"

"I hope soon to see you again, my dear Edmond. Good luck toyou."

The young sailor jumped into the skiff, and sat down in thestern sheets, with the order that he be put ashore at LaCanebiere. The two oarsmen bent to their work, and thelittle boat glided away as rapidly as possible in the midstof the thousand vessels which choke up the narrow way whichleads between the two rows of ships from the mouth of theharbor to the Quai d'Orleans.

The shipowner, smiling, followed him with his eyes until hesaw him spring out on the quay and disappear in the midst ofthe throng, which from five o'clock in the morning untilnine o'clock at night, swarms in the famous street of LaCanebiere, - a street of which the modern Phocaeans are soproud that they say with all the gravity in the world, andwith that accent which gives so much character to what issaid, "If Paris had La Canebiere, Paris would be a secondMarseilles." On turning round the owner saw Danglars behindhim, apparently awaiting orders, but in reality alsowatching the young sailor, - but there was a greatdifference in the expression of the two men who thusfollowed the movements of Edmond Dantes.