Chapter 6 - Discovery

Mr. and Mrs. Shelby, after their protracted discussion of the nightbefore, did not readily sink to repose, and, in consequence, sleptsomewhat later than usual, the ensuing morning.

"I wonder what keeps Eliza," said Mrs. Shelby, after giving her bellrepeated pulls, to no purpose.

Mr. Shelby was standing before his dressing-glass, sharpening his razor;and just then the door opened, and a colored boy entered, with hisshaving-water.

"Andy," said his mistress, "step to Eliza's door, and tell her I haverung for her three times. Poor thing!" she added, to herself, with asigh.

Andy soon returned, with eyes very wide in astonishment.

"Lor, Missis! Lizy's drawers is all open, and her things all lying everywhich way; and I believe she's just done clared out!"

The truth flashed upon Mr. Shelby and his wife at the same moment. Heexclaimed,

"Then she suspected it, and she's off!"

"The Lord be thanked!" said Mrs. Shelby. "I trust she is."

"Wife, you talk like a fool! Really, it will be something pretty awkwardfor me, if she is. Haley saw that I hesitated about selling this child,and he'll think I connived at it, to get him out of the way. It touchesmy honor!" And Mr. Shelby left the room hastily.

There was great running and ejaculating, and opening and shutting ofdoors, and appearance of faces in all shades of color in differentplaces, for about a quarter of an hour. One person only, who might haveshed some light on the matter, was entirely silent, and that was thehead cook, Aunt Chloe. Silently, and with a heavy cloud settled downover her once joyous face, she proceeded making out her breakfastbiscuits, as if she heard and saw nothing of the excitement around her.

Very soon, about a dozen young imps were roosting, like so many crows,on the verandah railings, each one determined to be the first one toapprize the strange Mas'r of his ill luck.

"He'll be rael mad, I'll be bound," said Andy.

"_Won't_ he swar!" said little black Jake.

"Yes, for he _does_ swar," said woolly-headed Mandy. "I hearn himyesterday, at dinner. I hearn all about it then, 'cause I got into thecloset where Missis keeps the great jugs, and I hearn every word." AndMandy, who had never in her life thought of the meaning of a word shehad heard, more than a black cat, now took airs of superior wisdom,and strutted about, forgetting to state that, though actually coiled upamong the jugs at the time specified, she had been fast asleep all thetime.

When, at last, Haley appeared, booted and spurred, he was saluted withthe bad tidings on every hand. The young imps on the verandah were notdisappointed in their hope of hearing him "swar," which he did with afluency and fervency which delighted them all amazingly, as theyducked and dodged hither and thither, to be out of the reach of hisriding-whip; and, all whooping off together, they tumbled, in a pile ofimmeasurable giggle, on the withered turf under the verandah, where theykicked up their heels and shouted to their full satisfaction.

"If I had the little devils!" muttered Haley, between his teeth.

"But you ha'nt got 'em, though!" said Andy, with a triumphant flourish,and making a string of indescribable mouths at the unfortunate trader'sback, when he was fairly beyond hearing.

"I say now, Shelby, this yer 's a most extro'rnary business!" saidHaley, as he abruptly entered the parlor. "It seems that gal 's off,with her young un."

"Mr. Haley, Mrs. Shelby is present," said Mr. Shelby.

"I beg pardon, ma'am," said Haley, bowing slightly, with a stilllowering brow; "but still I say, as I said before, this yer's a sing'larreport. Is it true, sir?"

"Sir," said Mr. Shelby, "if you wish to communicate with me, you mustobserve something of the decorum of a gentleman. Andy, take Mr. Haley'shat and riding-whip. Take a seat, sir. Yes, sir; I regret to say thatthe young woman, excited by overhearing, or having reported to her,something of this business, has taken her child in the night, and madeoff."

"I did expect fair dealing in this matter, I confess," said Haley.

"Well, sir," said Mr. Shelby, turning sharply round upon him, "what amI to understand by that remark? If any man calls my honor in question, Ihave but one answer for him."

The trader cowered at this, and in a somewhat lower tone said that "itwas plaguy hard on a fellow, that had made a fair bargain, to be gulledthat way."

"Mr. Haley," said Mr. Shelby, "if I did not think you had some causefor disappointment, I should not have borne from you the rude andunceremonious style of your entrance into my parlor this morning. I saythus much, however, since appearances call for it, that I shall allowof no insinuations cast upon me, as if I were at all partner to anyunfairness in this matter. Moreover, I shall feel bound to give youevery assistance, in the use of horses, servants, &c., in the recoveryof your property. So, in short, Haley," said he, suddenly dropping fromthe tone of dignified coolness to his ordinary one of easy frankness,"the best way for you is to keep good-natured and eat some breakfast,and we will then see what is to be done."

Mrs. Shelby now rose, and said her engagements would prevent her beingat the breakfast-table that morning; and, deputing a very respectablemulatto woman to attend to the gentlemen's coffee at the side-board, sheleft the room.

"Old lady don't like your humble servant, over and above," said Haley,with an uneasy effort to be very familiar.

"I am not accustomed to hear my wife spoken of with such freedom," saidMr. Shelby, dryly.

"Beg pardon; of course, only a joke, you know," said Haley, forcing alaugh.

"Some jokes are less agreeable than others," rejoined Shelby.

"Devilish free, now I've signed those papers, cuss him!" muttered Haleyto himself; "quite grand, since yesterday!"

Never did fall of any prime minister at court occasion wider surges ofsensation than the report of Tom's fate among his compeers on the place.It was the topic in every mouth, everywhere; and nothing was done inthe house or in the field, but to discuss its probable results. Eliza'sflight--an unprecedented event on the place--was also a great accessoryin stimulating the general excitement.

Black Sam, as he was commonly called, from his being about three shadesblacker than any other son of ebony on the place, was revolvingthe matter profoundly in all its phases and bearings, with acomprehensiveness of vision and a strict lookout to his own personalwell-being, that would have done credit to any white patriot inWashington.

"It's an ill wind dat blow nowhar,--dat ar a fact," said Sam,sententiously, giving an additional hoist to his pantaloons,and adroitly substituting a long nail in place of a missingsuspender-button, with which effort of mechanical genius he seemedhighly delighted.

"Yes, it's an ill wind blows nowhar," he repeated. "Now, dar, Tom'sdown--wal, course der's room for some nigger to be up--and why notdis nigger?--dat's de idee. Tom, a ridin' round de country--bootsblacked--pass in his pocket--all grand as Cuffee--but who he? Now, whyshouldn't Sam?--dat's what I want to know."

"Halloo, Sam--O Sam! Mas'r wants you to cotch Bill and Jerry," saidAndy, cutting short Sam's soliloquy.

"High! what's afoot now, young un?"

"Why, you don't know, I s'pose, that Lizy's cut stick, and clared out,with her young un?"

"You teach your granny!" said Sam, with infinite contempt; "knowed it aheap sight sooner than you did; this nigger an't so green, now!"

"Well, anyhow, Mas'r wants Bill and Jerry geared right up; and you and I's to go with Mas'r Haley, to look arter her."

"Good, now! dat's de time o' day!" said Sam. "It's Sam dat's calledfor in dese yer times. He's de nigger. See if I don't cotch her, now;Mas'r'll see what Sam can do!"

"Ah! but, Sam," said Andy, "you'd better think twice; for Missis don'twant her cotched, and she'll be in yer wool."

"High!" said Sam, opening his eyes. "How you know dat?"

"Heard her say so, my own self, dis blessed mornin', when I bring inMas'r's shaving-water. She sent me to see why Lizy didn't come to dressher; and when I telled her she was off, she jest ris up, and ses she,'The Lord be praised;' and Mas'r, he seemed rael mad, and ses he, 'Wife,you talk like a fool.' But Lor! she'll bring him to! I knows well enoughhow that'll be,--it's allers best to stand Missis' side the fence, now Itell yer."

Black Sam, upon this, scratched his woolly pate, which, if it didnot contain very profound wisdom, still contained a great deal of aparticular species much in demand among politicians of all complexionsand countries, and vulgarly denominated "knowing which side the bread isbuttered;" so, stopping with grave consideration, he again gave a hitchto his pantaloons, which was his regularly organized method of assistinghis mental perplexities.

"Der an't no saying'--never--'bout no kind o' thing in _dis_ yer world,"he said, at last. Sam spoke like a philosopher, emphasizing _this_--asif he had had a large experience in different sorts of worlds, andtherefore had come to his conclusions advisedly.

"Now, sartin I'd a said that Missis would a scoured the varsal worldafter Lizy," added Sam, thoughtfully.

"So she would," said Andy; "but can't ye see through a ladder, ye blacknigger? Missis don't want dis yer Mas'r Haley to get Lizy's boy; dat'sde go!"

"High!" said Sam, with an indescribable intonation, known only to thosewho have heard it among the negroes.

"And I'll tell yer more 'n all," said Andy; "I specs you'd better bemaking tracks for dem hosses,--mighty sudden, too,---for I hearn Missis'quirin' arter yer,--so you've stood foolin' long enough."

Sam, upon this, began to bestir himself in real earnest, and after awhile appeared, bearing down gloriously towards the house, with Bill andJerry in a full canter, and adroitly throwing himself off before theyhad any idea of stopping, he brought them up alongside of the horse-postlike a tornado. Haley's horse, which was a skittish young colt, winced,and bounced, and pulled hard at his halter.

"Ho, ho!" said Sam, "skeery, ar ye?" and his black visage lighted upwith a curious, mischievous gleam. "I'll fix ye now!" said he.

There was a large beech-tree overshadowing the place, and the small,sharp, triangular beech-nuts lay scattered thickly on the ground.With one of these in his fingers, Sam approached the colt, strokedand patted, and seemed apparently busy in soothing his agitation. Onpretence of adjusting the saddle, he adroitly slipped under it the sharplittle nut, in such a manner that the least weight brought upon thesaddle would annoy the nervous sensibilities of the animal, withoutleaving any perceptible graze or wound.

"Dar!" he said, rolling his eyes with an approving grin; "me fix 'em!"

At this moment Mrs. Shelby appeared on the balcony, beckoning to him.Sam approached with as good a determination to pay court as did eversuitor after a vacant place at St. James' or Washington.

"Why have you been loitering so, Sam? I sent Andy to tell you to hurry."

"Lord bless you, Missis!" said Sam, "horses won't be cotched all in aminit; they'd done clared out way down to the south pasture, and theLord knows whar!"

"Sam, how often must I tell you not to say 'Lord bless you, and the Lordknows,' and such things? It's wicked."

"O, Lord bless my soul! I done forgot, Missis! I won't say nothing of desort no more."

"Why, Sam, you just _have_ said it again."

"Did I? O, Lord! I mean--I didn't go fur to say it."

"You must be _careful_, Sam."

"Just let me get my breath, Missis, and I'll start fair. I'll be berycareful."

"Well, Sam, you are to go with Mr. Haley, to show him the road, and helphim. Be careful of the horses, Sam; you know Jerry was a little lamelast week; _don't ride them too fast_."

Mrs. Shelby spoke the last words with a low voice, and strong emphasis.

"Let dis child alone for dat!" said Sam, rolling up his eyes with avolume of meaning. "Lord knows! High! Didn't say dat!" said he, suddenlycatching his breath, with a ludicrous flourish of apprehension, whichmade his mistress laugh, spite of herself. "Yes, Missis, I'll look outfor de hosses!"

"Now, Andy," said Sam, returning to his stand under the beech-trees,"you see I wouldn't be 't all surprised if dat ar gen'lman's critturshould gib a fling, by and by, when he comes to be a gettin' up. Youknow, Andy, critturs _will_ do such things;" and therewith Sam pokedAndy in the side, in a highly suggestive manner.

"High!" said Andy, with an air of instant appreciation.

"Yes, you see, Andy, Missis wants to make time,--dat ar's clar to dermost or'nary 'bserver. I jis make a little for her. Now, you see, getall dese yer hosses loose, caperin' permiscus round dis yer lot and downto de wood dar, and I spec Mas'r won't be off in a hurry."

Andy grinned.

"Yer see," said Sam, "yer see, Andy, if any such thing should happen asthat Mas'r Haley's horse _should_ begin to act contrary, and cut up, youand I jist lets go of our'n to help him, and _we'll help him_--oh yes!"And Sam and Andy laid their heads back on their shoulders, and brokeinto a low, immoderate laugh, snapping their fingers and flourishingtheir heels with exquisite delight.

At this instant, Haley appeared on the verandah. Somewhat mollified bycertain cups of very good coffee, he came out smiling and talking, intolerably restored humor. Sam and Andy, clawing for certain fragmentarypalm-leaves, which they were in the habit of considering as hats, flewto the horseposts, to be ready to "help Mas'r."

Sam's palm-leaf had been ingeniously disentangled from all pretensionsto braid, as respects its brim; and the slivers starting apart, andstanding upright, gave it a blazing air of freedom and defiance, quiteequal to that of any Fejee chief; while the whole brim of Andy's beingdeparted bodily, he rapped the crown on his head with a dexterous thump,and looked about well pleased, as if to say, "Who says I haven't got ahat?"

"Well, boys," said Haley, "look alive now; we must lose no time."

"Not a bit of him, Mas'r!" said Sam, putting Haley's rein in his hand,and holding his stirrup, while Andy was untying the other two horses.

The instant Haley touched the saddle, the mettlesome creature boundedfrom the earth with a sudden spring, that threw his master sprawling,some feet off, on the soft, dry turf. Sam, with frantic ejaculations,made a dive at the reins, but only succeeded in brushing the blazingpalm-leaf afore-named into the horse's eyes, which by no means tendedto allay the confusion of his nerves. So, with great vehemence, heoverturned Sam, and, giving two or three contemptuous snorts, flourishedhis heels vigorously in the air, and was soon prancing away towards thelower end of the lawn, followed by Bill and Jerry, whom Andy had notfailed to let loose, according to contract, speeding them off withvarious direful ejaculations. And now ensued a miscellaneous sceneof confusion. Sam and Andy ran and shouted,--dogs barked here andthere,--and Mike, Mose, Mandy, Fanny, and all the smaller specimenson the place, both male and female, raced, clapped hands, whooped, andshouted, with outrageous officiousness and untiring zeal.

Haley's horse, which was a white one, and very fleet and spirited,appeared to enter into the spirit of the scene with great gusto; andhaving for his coursing ground a lawn of nearly half a mile in extent,gently sloping down on every side into indefinite woodland, he appearedto take infinite delight in seeing how near he could allow his pursuersto approach him, and then, when within a hand's breadth, whisk off witha start and a snort, like a mischievous beast as he was and career fardown into some alley of the wood-lot. Nothing was further from Sam'smind than to have any one of the troop taken until such season asshould seem to him most befitting,--and the exertions that he made werecertainly most heroic. Like the sword of Coeur De Lion, which alwaysblazed in the front and thickest of the battle, Sam's palm-leaf was tobe seen everywhere when there was the least danger that a horse could becaught; there he would bear down full tilt, shouting, "Now for it! cotchhim! cotch him!" in a way that would set everything to indiscriminaterout in a moment.

Haley ran up and down, and cursed and swore and stamped miscellaneously.Mr. Shelby in vain tried to shout directions from the balcony, and Mrs.Shelby from her chamber window alternately laughed and wondered,--notwithout some inkling of what lay at the bottom of all this confusion.

At last, about twelve o'clock, Sam appeared triumphant, mounted onJerry, with Haley's horse by his side, reeking with sweat, but withflashing eyes and dilated nostrils, showing that the spirit of freedomhad not yet entirely subsided.

"He's cotched!" he exclaimed, triumphantly. "If 't hadn't been for me,they might a bust themselves, all on 'em; but I cotched him!"

"You!" growled Haley, in no amiable mood. "If it hadn't been for you,this never would have happened."

"Lord bless us, Mas'r," said Sam, in a tone of the deepest concern, "andme that has been racin' and chasin' till the sweat jest pours off me!"

"Well, well!" said Haley, "you've lost me near three hours, with yourcursed nonsense. Now let's be off, and have no more fooling."

"Why, Mas'r," said Sam, in a deprecating tone, "I believe you mean tokill us all clar, horses and all. Here we are all just ready to dropdown, and the critters all in a reek of sweat. Why, Mas'r won't think ofstartin' on now till arter dinner. Mas'r's hoss wants rubben down; seehow he splashed hisself; and Jerry limps too; don't think Missis wouldbe willin' to have us start dis yer way, no how. Lord bless you, Mas'r,we can ketch up, if we do stop. Lizy never was no great of a walker."

Mrs. Shelby, who, greatly to her amusement, had overheard thisconversation from the verandah, now resolved to do her part. She cameforward, and, courteously expressing her concern for Haley's accident,pressed him to stay to dinner, saying that the cook should bring it onthe table immediately.

Thus, all things considered, Haley, with rather an equivocal grace,proceeded to the parlor, while Sam, rolling his eyes after himwith unutterable meaning, proceeded gravely with the horses to thestable-yard.

"Did yer see him, Andy? _did_ yer see him?" said Sam, when he had gotfairly beyond the shelter of the barn, and fastened the horse to a post."O, Lor, if it warn't as good as a meetin', now, to see him a dancin'and kickin' and swarin' at us. Didn't I hear him? Swar away, ole fellow(says I to myself ); will yer have yer hoss now, or wait till you cotchhim? (says I). Lor, Andy, I think I can see him now." And Sam and Andyleaned up against the barn and laughed to their hearts' content.

"Yer oughter seen how mad he looked, when I brought the hoss up.Lord, he'd a killed me, if he durs' to; and there I was a standin' asinnercent and as humble."

"Lor, I seed you," said Andy; "an't you an old hoss, Sam?"

"Rather specks I am," said Sam; "did yer see Missis up stars at thewinder? I seed her laughin'."

"I'm sure, I was racin' so, I didn't see nothing," said Andy.

"Well, yer see," said Sam, proceeding gravely to wash down Haley's pony,"I 'se 'quired what yer may call a habit _o' bobservation_, Andy. It's avery 'portant habit, Andy; and I 'commend yer to be cultivatin' it,now yer young. Hist up that hind foot, Andy. Yer see, Andy, it's_bobservation_ makes all de difference in niggers. Didn't I see whichway the wind blew dis yer mornin'? Didn't I see what Missis wanted,though she never let on? Dat ar's bobservation, Andy. I 'spects it'swhat you may call a faculty. Faculties is different in differentpeoples, but cultivation of 'em goes a great way."

"I guess if I hadn't helped your bobservation dis mornin', yer wouldn'thave seen your way so smart," said Andy.

"Andy," said Sam, "you's a promisin' child, der an't no manner o' doubt.I thinks lots of yer, Andy; and I don't feel no ways ashamed to takeidees from you. We oughtenter overlook nobody, Andy, cause the smarteston us gets tripped up sometimes. And so, Andy, let's go up to the housenow. I'll be boun' Missis'll give us an uncommon good bite, dis yertime."