
Where Is the Foggy London?






在这封信里西川就像变了一个人,他说,他已经到英国University of Portsmouth (朴次茅斯大学)的Language and Linguistics Division (语言和语言学系)学习一段时间了。他还不惜笔墨给我描绘今天的英国,还发来他拍摄的一组英国的风景照片。我有点奇怪,因为此前,西川英介在日本一所大学的生物实验室工作,他的专业是生物化学。而且西川多年前还曾在美国留过学,我觉得他的英语已经很好了。为什么还要去语言学系学习呢?我很快就给他回了一封e-mail:

Hello, Mr. NIXIKAWA. Your descriptions let me know more about the British people and their country; the beautiful country of Shakespeare, especially the tranquil River Avon, the snow-covered highlands of Scotland, and much of my false imagination about them have been corrected, i.e., I always had an impression that London is a capital of fog as described in Dickens’ novels and other works of literature. But your photos let me have a fresh look at London’s clear sky. Where is foggy London? Where’s Oliver, the orphan described by Dickens? And how are the Londoners’ feeling when they enjoy the beautiful scenery by the River Thames? Please don’t wonder why I have so many linked questions. But the question I really want to ask is, “Why didn’t you study at the biochemistry department of the university? Did you give up your major? …”


西川也很快回信了,他说,海迪桑,我正想告诉你,在伦敦有很多东西是我在日本国内没有想到的,我并没有放弃自己的专业,而是为了更好地学习专业,才决定用宝贵的时间,专门进修英语。他又说,When learning a language you should at the same time learn to know about the language, that is to say, know where it originated, in which culture it was born, how it changed with the time’s progressing … I mean, you should not only know how it is today, you should also know its past. Just as you’re sailing along the river you should look for its source …


看了西川的信,我找出很早以前读过的一本A Background to English (by P. S. Tregidgo)。这本书简要地介绍了英国的历史、地理、政治、风俗,工农业生产,城市和乡村,还有教育、文艺、体育……我想,这是一本了解英国社会概况的好书。而且,由于是土生土长的英国人所写,它的最大特点是,详尽真实,没有主观臆测和意识形态的成分。只可惜,这本书是1962年出版,1971年重新修订的,与当今的英国社会恐怕有很大的距离了。可是,有些东西,比如风俗习惯,在英国这样一个相对保守的国家,是不容易改变的。比如,关于英国人的性格,作者写道:

To other Europeans, the best-known quality of the British, and in particular of the English, is “reserve”. A reserved person is one who does not talk very much to strangers, does not show much emotion, and seldom gets excited. It is difficult to get to know a reserved person: he nerve tells you anything about himself, and you may work with him for years without ever knowing where he lives, how many children he has, and what his interests are. English people tend to be like that…It is quite possible for two people to know each other casually for years without knowing each other’s name…


啊,真是不苟言笑的英国绅士!看来要适应英国的生活,特别是要适应那些古怪的英国绅士们,还真的要学点background。比如,有一个问题一定要先问清楚,就是那些British, English, Irish, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Ireland, UK, 等等,它们之间到底是什么关系呢?


由于第二次世界大战以后,日不落帝国的光辉日益暗淡,并且最终成为一个“小国”(英国前首相撒切尔夫人语),英国似乎不那么引人注目了,不过,英国在很多方面还是有它的特点,比如,英国没有成文的宪法,只有共同法(common law),它是由几个世纪以来法官的判决组合而成的,因为英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰都有各自独立的司法体系。英国女王是加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等国名义上的国家元首,以英国为首的英联邦(The Commonwealth)在1995年还有51个成员国,英国是不加入欧元区的欧共体成员国。我还看到一段很有意思的事,就是英国的法律规定与有些国家不一样,比如,十六岁的男孩儿和女孩儿就可以结婚。书里这样说:

No child can marry under the age of sixteen, whether with or without the parents’ consent; over the age of eighteen, the parents’ consent is unnecessary; between sixteen and eighteen, the parents’ consent is necessary, but if it is withheld the young couple can appeal for a court judgment, and the parents can be overruled by the court if circumstances justify it.


这就是说,他们在完成了五岁到十五岁的义务教育阶段的学习,就要进入成人和独立(grown-up and independent)阶段了。当然,和七十年代初的情况相比,英国的高等教育发展很快。我看过一本介绍英国的手册Britain 1995, An Official Handbook, 上面有这样的介绍:

About 65 per cent of pupils choose to continue in education after 16… And the proportion of young people entering higher education in universities and colleges has risen from one in eight in 1980 to more than one in four in 1994 and is expected to reach one in three by the year 2000.


2000年的时候,三个英国的年轻人当中就有一个接受高等教育,除此之外,英国的继续教育和成人教育(continuous education and adult education)也在快速发展。所以,十六岁就结婚,对英国今天的一些年轻人恐怕已经没有那么大的吸引力了,在学习中度过自己青春的人越来越多。


After reading your email, I revised my reading plan; one is on British, the other, on American. I’ve prepared a long list of books, including politics, geography, literature, science and technology, even environmental protection, etc. In one word, a wide reading program.

Since then, I immersed myself into reading, of course in the spare time after work. As the books were piled higher and higher beside my pillow, I received an email from another friend who was in America. She told me that there is no general background to English language, because all the people I’ve met agreed that the English language is a global language, but in fact there is American English, British English, Canadian English, Australian English, and even an English in Hong Kong and in Singapore. They all have their own backgrounds. How could you learn English only to know one of these different backgrounds?

I agree with her. Although I spent much time on the background of English, I think it benefits me a lot. I always believe that learning English, in essence, is to learn how to communicate with the English-speaking people. I must know more about them, their manners, and their attitudes toward others, and their way of life.



后来,西川又回日本了。他告诉我,他在一家国际知名的生物技术公司担任科研和新产品开发主管。他说,他的很多同事都来自美国和英国,都是讲英语的,但无论上司还是下级,他们相处得都很好,因为他了解他们的语言和种种背景。因此,他很快就取得了一些科研成果。在信中谈到这些时,西川感慨地说,You can have a good command of English only if you know well the background to English language. (只有熟悉了英语的背景,你才算真正学好了英语。)