

政治才能与语言修养息息相关。Earl Long说:Don't write anything you can phone, don't phone anything you can talk face to face, don't talk anything you can smile, don't smile anything you can wink and don't wink anything you can nod.(能够在电话里谈的事情千万不要写在白纸上﹔当面能谈的事情千万不要在电话里说﹔轻轻一笑能带过去的就千万别唠叨﹔眨眨眼睛示意一下既然行了,那就不要微笑﹔点头可以了事的则不必使眼色)。语言诚可贵,无言是上策。罗斯福曰:Never, never, you must never remind a man at work on a political job that he may be president. It almost always kills him politically. He loses his nerve; he can't do his work; he gives up the very traits that are making him a possibility.(万万不可提醒政界任事的人说他会当总统,一说则仕途几必尽毁。他会变得胆怯,办不了事﹔连一些可能使他当选的脾性特点都不见了)。