

In anticipation that some of us may consider forgoing the politically incorrect turkey (which reportedly still grows wild in parts of the American continent) for the more desirable goose, I have done some modest research on this latter bird.


Firstly, I have to tell you that there is no evidence of the existence, let alone the longevity, of the Goose that Lays the Golden Egg, except in fairy tales. My Larousse Gastronomique says that the goose is" A migrating bird originally prized as a game bird and later domesticated... Laying birds may be kept until they are five or six years old; as their meat is by then very tough and dry it is usually stewed or preserved..."


There are, apparently, two Basic Laws or Methods for cooking the Hong Kong goose. The Chinese method calls for the bird to be plucked, drawn and removed of all alien impurities. Following which it is quickly immersed in boiling water, painted with a dark sauce, hanged up to dry in the wind, and finally roasted to a brilliant red over an open fire. The British method is more obscure. It seems that the goose is stuffed with sage and onion, and then cooked, covered up in a tightly shut oven, until all the fat is rendered, and the flesh falls away from the bones.

至於用哪一种方法去泡制,鹅通常是做不了主的(“Usually, the goose has no choice as to which method is used”)。


You would be aware that according to Elizabeth Ayrton's Cookery of England, the goose is not necessarily a Christmas dish. It was a customary offering by the tenants to the landlord at Michaelmas (Which is, of course, in September) "For feare their lease flie loose". Of course, this, and other offerings made from time to time during the year, were no guarantee for anybody's rights, as history has shown.


You are also aware, of course, that the real British Christmas fare, which had become popular in Hong Kong through colonisation, is the roast sirloin. However, as knighthoods become politically dubious, you should be prepared to see it referred to in the bill of fare of the more cautious restaurants simply as "loin".

形势如此,聊颂圣诞尽量作乐(“Have the happiest Christmas possible in the circumstance!”)